White Power


"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

After Oklahoma City you have to wonder how any American could ignore this threat to our free way of life. Clearly the economic situation and right wing media contribute to this evil. I watched the piece to see if it was fair, it is, check it out before condemning the messengers.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sQ7JCgbYc4"]YouTube- People & Power - White Power USA[/ame]

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes * Video on TED.com

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Evil-Ordinary-Genocide-Killing/dp/0195189493/"]Amazon.com: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): Books[/ame]

This is interesting too; I am hoping this is turning around though. ?????

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Authoritarian-Specter-Robert-Altemeyer/dp/0674053052/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239196467&sr=1-2]Amazon.com: The Authoritarian Specter (9780674053052): Robert Altemeyer: Books[/ame]

"What we have to fight for is the necessary security for the existence and increase of our race and people, the subsistence of its children and the maintenance of our racial stock unmixed, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland; so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 8

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen
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We should be more worried about the Nation Of Islam. It's even more dangerous because nobody in the media will even admit it's a racist ideology.

Our prisons are an incubator for anti-white, anti-christain jihadis. And now they're letting them out due to fiscal difficulties.

Everybody get your wagons circled.

Midcan, I hope you don't mind, I corrected the problem that was causing duplication and used your post for a test. If you still want me to delete it, I will.
The UN vs. the US Constitution
Larry Pratt

The UN talks a great deal about human rights. A look at their actions helps translate what sounds good to the American ear into English we understand.

For example, I found during a recent excursion to New York City to address an anti-UN rally that getting into the UN compound from First Avenue requires leaving the U.S. Bill of Rights on the City sidewalk. My companion had a yellow sticker depicting a Jewish star of David with the message "No to Gun Control" written inside the star. He, and others with whom I spoke, were not allowed to enter until he removed the pro-gun sticker.

What most Americans do not realize is how much of the U.S. Constitution has already been supplanted by the UN Charter. I am indebted to Dr. Herb Titus, a preeminent constitutional lawyer, and the Liberty Committee (consisting of a number of conservative representatives) which commissioned his work, for the analysis that follows.

The UN Charter is not a treaty, in spite of bearing the name of treaty. Actually the UN Charter is a constitution.

The Charter violates the U.S. Constitution by delegating to the UN the power to declare war, a power specifically delegated to the U.S. Congress. However, the Constitution delegates the power to conduct war to the U.S. president. From Korea to the Gulf War, the U.S. has fought wars under the authority of the UN, not following a Congressional declaration of war.

Consider the implication of the term "police action." Countries fight wars among themselves. Police actions are conducted by a government within its own territory. The implication of a UN police action clearly is that the UN is the government of the world and all the countries are but subdivisions of the UN.

The Charter unconstitutionally delegates the power to levy taxes. The UN has arrogated unto itself the power to assess "dues" which are calculated just like a progressive income tax. If the U.S. does not pay its "dues" after two years it loses its vote in the General Assembly of the UN. The U.S. Constitution vests the power to levy taxes in the House of Representatives.

The UN Charter violates the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. A whole gamut of state powers -- health, welfare, education, crime, environment -- are nowhere to be found as powers delegated to the federal government. They are reserved to the states. The UN Charter claims the power to act in all of these areas through treaties which would override state laws.

For years, Congress has appropriated funds for various UN organizations which in effect transfers powers reserved to the states. Consider, since the Congress is prohibited from enacting laws regarding rape, could it get into this arena by relying on the UN Charter to do so?

The UN in this way could become a gigantic Interstate Commerce Clause and abused even more than has been the ICC of the U.S. Constitution. UN spokesmen are arguing that one's physical security (i.e., freedom from rape) is an international security issue. It is the same totalitarian logic that has stretched the Interstate Commerce Clause beyond what it was ever intended to do. Originally, this provision was intended to prevent the balkanization of the states. Now, it has been stretched to the point that the federal government can regulate anything that affects interstate commerce -- even to the point where it regulates inactivity because not doing anything has a negative impact on commerce.

All these operations of the UN are those of a government operating under a constitution. Yet the U.S. Constitution was based on "We, the People" and ratified by the people in conventions assembled. The UN Charter was approved only by government agents and never submitted to the people of the US for their legislatures or conventions to ratify.

That flaw is fatal and makes the UN Charter completely illegitimate.

Gun owners should be particularly concerned because one of the "human rights" in the minds of most of the UN bureaucrats and member countries is "freedom from guns." Strictly speaking, they envision a world without privately owned guns where governments have a monopoly. The UN web site leaves no doubt that this is the preference of the UN bureaucracy. As with speech, the UN has no regard for the right to keep and bear arms.

Our country is Under assault.

Subjugating the nation must start with subjugating the majority. Then the minorities feel the takeover is just "racial justice" and will assist the bankers in eliminating our freedoms. But they don't realize they're next.
It still makes by blood boil to see americans carry a flag that bears the symbol of a country that killed so many american soldiers in the name of Aryan supremacy.
After Oklahoma City you have to wonder how any American could ignore this threat to our free way of life. Clearly the economic situation and right wing media contribute to this evil. I watched the piece to see if it was fair, it is, check it out before condemning the messengers.
this is a crock of shit and assumes facts not in evidence. It attributes a racial aspect to an act of violence that has, at it's basis, a retaliation against a murderous federal government.
this is a crock of shit and assumes facts not in evidence. It attributes a racial aspect to an act of violence that has, at it's basis, a retaliation against a murderous federal government.

I disagree. Hatred isn't one sided, nor confined to a single element of society. Immigration is a key factor in the resurgence of the evil stupid, and that ties in closely to economic factors and government policy. You are missing the terrain in which this sort of hateful thinking grows and multiplies. Did you listen to it - or more likely did you hear it.
I disagree. Hatred isn't one sided, nor confined to a single element of society. Immigration is a key factor in the resurgence of the evil stupid, and that ties in closely to economic factors and government policy. You are missing the terrain in which this sort of hateful thinking grows and multiplies. Did you listen to it - or more likely did you hear it.

I didn't have to listen or hear it to know that it comes from a mouth of ignorance. It is nothing more than slanderous opinion meant to defame groups that don't agree with the political views of the speaker.
We should be more worried about the Nation Of Islam. It's even more dangerous because nobody in the media will even admit it's a racist ideology.

Our prisons are an incubator for anti-white, anti-christain jihadis. And now they're letting them out due to fiscal difficulties.

Everybody get your wagons circled.

HOw did I know you would be the one to post a White Supremist battle cry?
I agree with Soc that it is disgusting to see people carry that flag given everything that occurred in WWII.

That said... to all the 'White Power' idiots out there...

Yes, you are indeed complete morons... scientifically speaking of course.

Those NAZI idiots in Germany thought the Master race was white skin, blond hair and blue eyes. It is almost like a cosmic joke to watch you morons celebrate that idiotic line of thought.

Here are some things you should know:

1) WHITE: When you break down WHITE... it is the presence of all colors. It is the LEAST pure... it is the MUTT of colors.

2) Blue Eyes: are the weakest in terms of genetics. Both Brown and Green are dominant over Blue.

3) Blonde Hair: Sorry, but again, it is one of the weaker colors genetically. Black again is more dominant.

So essentially your beloved Nazi's worshiped the weak.

Don't believe me....

Take a white man and toss him outside on a sunny day with no shirt. Leave him out there with no sun block for a few hours and his skin will begin to change color. That is all it takes, that is how weak your skin color is... a few hours and it changes.

Now take a black man and keep him inside on a cloudy day. Does he start turning white in a few hours? Nope... because genetically, it would take generations for his families skin to be affected by a lack of sun exposure.

Finally... we are ALL decedents of Africans you morons.
HOw did I know you would be the one to post a White Supremist battle cry?

Im not a white supremacist. I just think whites should have their constiutional rights restored like inviduals of all other races.

Affirmative Action is unconsitutional and racially discriminatory against white indiviuals.

I will not rest until white rights are restored.

How is that racist?
It still makes by blood boil to see americans carry a flag that bears the symbol of a country that killed so many american soldiers in the name of Aryan supremacy.
It's not surprizing though. Right wing Americans were wearing the Swastika before WWII as well. This is the culture that the politics of division and fear generate. I had some clown in a rural bar talking that stuff to me while my brown skinned asian immigrant wife was sitting next to me. When I pointed that out to the moron he said "It's ok. She aint an AA or a Mexican. (Not the names he used).

The formula for political violence is a simple one. It always has been.

Ignorance + Fear = Hate.
this is a crock of shit and assumes facts not in evidence. It attributes a racial aspect to an act of violence that has, at it's basis, a retaliation against a murderous federal government.
Why don't you try telling that to the people who were in the Murrow Building. Many of them won't be able to argue with you. There to dead.
Im not a white supremacist. I just think whites should have their constiutional rights restored like inviduals of all other races.

Affirmative Action is unconsitutional and racially discriminatory against white indiviuals.

I will not rest until white rights are restored.

How is that racist?

out curiosity, and know beforehand i side more with you on this issue....what rights have been taken from whites that need to be restored
Take a white man and toss him outside on a sunny day with no shirt. Leave him out there with no sun block for a few hours and his skin will begin to change color. That is all it takes, that is how weak your skin color is... a few hours and it changes.

Now take a black man and keep him inside on a cloudy day. Does he start turning white in a few hours? Nope... because genetically, it would take generations for his families skin to be affected by a lack of sun exposure.

Finally... we are ALL decedents of Africans you morons.

this is really stupid

you assume that only white epidermis changes tone. false. you further assume if you throw a black skinned person out in the sun, they will not burn or change skin tone. false.

while you may not be able to see the changes in tone as immediately as a pink or white skinned person, you are wholly ignorant to claim a dark or black skin person does not burn or change tone in their epidermis.

the analogy of throwing someone out on a cloudy day is so unbelievably naive, i don't even know what to say you, as i believe you're a pretty intelligent person. again, pigment changes in all humans.

and it is only a theory we all came from the rift valley. there are also theories we all came from an area closer to the ME...