White Power


what about correcting discrimination?

maybe i'm just spitballing here, but I thought that if someone breaks the laws, then they go to trial, are found guilty, then punished. Isn't that how it works? Isn't that correcting discrimination, by punishing those that discriminate?
"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer


Bullshit....this clown could not possibly have determined the number of voters that were white, black or green and how they voted or who they voted for....its complete bullshit just to rial up the assholes like midcan into believing what they can't possibly prove....

Its typical of the kind of nonsense the left wingers will claim to show bias and racism where none exists.
maybe i'm just spitballing here, but I thought that if someone breaks the laws, then they go to trial, are found guilty, then punished. Isn't that how it works? Isn't that correcting discrimination, by punishing those that discriminate?

no you're not spitballing...you bring good points, and i enjoy this debate

trial....controlled by those who are in the majority.

bringing a trial.....should never have to happen. imagine the costs, imagine just trying to find a lawyer to take your case. why should anyone have to go to a lawyer and/or file a lawsuit to get a job where they won't hire 'your kind'......

i think what you're saying is, we don't need quota laws, because we have the courts. is that right?

correct me if i am wrong, i was under the impression you don't even like courts or lawyers.
trial....controlled by those who are in the majority.

bringing a trial.....should never have to happen. imagine the costs, imagine just trying to find a lawyer to take your case. why should anyone have to go to a lawyer and/or file a lawsuit to get a job where they won't hire 'your kind'......

i think what you're saying is, we don't need quota laws, because we have the courts. is that right?
in a sense, yes. but also, no. If a state jury is too biased to consider a conviction, then there is always the feds, in which case a much broader jury pool can be put together and have less bias.

correct me if i am wrong, i was under the impression you don't even like courts or lawyers.
I don't like populist courts or lawyers. Courts, judges, and lawyers who actually can stick to the plain text of the constitution when they render decisions or argue cases, I got no problem with at all.
dead or not, it doesn't make them right. of course, they are also entitled to their wrongfully based opinions.
Last I heard dead people don't have opinions. Who are you trying to kid? How dare you make a martyr out of Tim McVeigh. He was a thug, a common criminal and an unrepentant mass murderer of innocent men, women and children.
Im not a white supremacist. I just think whites should have their constiutional rights restored like inviduals of all other races.

Affirmative Action is unconsitutional and racially discriminatory against white indiviuals.

I will not rest until white rights are restored.

How is that racist?
It's racist because you've irrationally deluded your self that your rights, and the rights of white people, have been denied to you by people of color.
Last I heard dead people don't have opinions. Who are you trying to kid? How dare you make a martyr out of Tim McVeigh. He was a thug, a common criminal and an unrepentant mass murderer of innocent men, women and children.

and I agree with you on that. My disagreement with you is that the murrah bombing was an act of racism.
We should be more worried about the Nation Of Islam. It's even more dangerous because nobody in the media will even admit it's a racist ideology.

Our prisons are an incubator for anti-white, anti-christain jihadis. And now they're letting them out due to fiscal difficulties.

Everybody get your wagons circled.


The Nation of Islam with its 20,000 members? I'm shaking in my shoes.
ok, i agree....but let me play devil's advocate

if the employment should be equal, how do you make it equal when a group has historically not had that equal opportunity?

Affirmative Action is a biased policy. It always has been and always will be. The fact of the matter is that I believe that we needed it when it was passed. I have never believed however that it should be used in place of best qualified in the private sector. Instead the governemnt should have, and still could, use tax incentives with regards to diversifying an employers work force.

Fast-forward to today: Affirmative action has served its purpose Yurt, it is time to shit-can it.
The Nation of Islam with its 20,000 members? I'm shaking in my shoes.

Let's not forget all the Affirmative Action supporters who advocate codified and institutionalized discrimination against white males.. All of you are just as dangerous to white people as nazis were to jews.
The Nation of Islam with its 20,000 members? I'm shaking in my shoes.

Comparatively, the government has spent possibly billions in infiltrating, investigating, prosecuting, and RARELY convicting the Hells Angels, a motorcycle club with only around 3,000 members across the world.

So it's certainly a number of value.
I agree with Soc that it is disgusting to see people carry that flag given everything that occurred in WWII.

That said... to all the 'White Power' idiots out there...

Yes, you are indeed complete morons... scientifically speaking of course.

Those NAZI idiots in Germany thought the Master race was white skin, blond hair and blue eyes. It is almost like a cosmic joke to watch you morons celebrate that idiotic line of thought.

Here are some things you should know:

1) WHITE: When you break down WHITE... it is the presence of all colors. It is the LEAST pure... it is the MUTT of colors.

2) Blue Eyes: are the weakest in terms of genetics. Both Brown and Green are dominant over Blue.

3) Blonde Hair: Sorry, but again, it is one of the weaker colors genetically. Black again is more dominant.

So essentially your beloved Nazi's worshiped the weak.

Don't believe me....

Take a white man and toss him outside on a sunny day with no shirt. Leave him out there with no sun block for a few hours and his skin will begin to change color. That is all it takes, that is how weak your skin color is... a few hours and it changes.

Now take a black man and keep him inside on a cloudy day. Does he start turning white in a few hours? Nope... because genetically, it would take generations for his families skin to be affected by a lack of sun exposure.

Finally... we are ALL decedents of Africans you morons.

RIght. We all knows jews are god's chosen race, right? WHy is it ok if they say that?

Because blue eyes maybe a recessive trait doesn't not mean it's an inferior eye. It;s like blood type or the ability to role ones tongue, just different.

The blue eye is how we know an individual has not been mongrelized with demon infection.
It's racist because you've irrationally deluded your self that your rights, and the rights of white people, have been denied to you by people of color.

The rights of white people have been systemetically denied by universities, corporations, and government agencies, who are run by people of all backgrounds.
this is really stupid

you assume that only white epidermis changes tone. false. you further assume if you throw a black skinned person out in the sun, they will not burn or change skin tone. false.

while you may not be able to see the changes in tone as immediately as a pink or white skinned person, you are wholly ignorant to claim a dark or black skin person does not burn or change tone in their epidermis.

the analogy of throwing someone out on a cloudy day is so unbelievably naive, i don't even know what to say you, as i believe you're a pretty intelligent person. again, pigment changes in all humans.

and it is only a theory we all came from the rift valley. there are also theories we all came from an area closer to the ME...

You need to learn to comprehend what you read yurt. Nowhere did I say tossing a black man out in the sun wouldn't cause any effect on his skin. Nowhere. That said, the darker ones skin is to begin with, the harder it is for them to burn. That is the reason you tend to find darker pigmentations in places with more sun exposure year round.

So do try to read and comprehend. Your entire spaz attack above is predicated on an argument I did not make.

That said... as I stated, it gets harder to change the darker the pigmentation. Because the darker pigmentation is stronger. I am sorry if that upsets you.
RIght. We all knows jews are god's chosen race, right? WHy is it ok if they say that?

Because blue eyes maybe a recessive trait doesn't not mean it's an inferior eye. It;s like blood type or the ability to role ones tongue, just different.

The blue eye is how we know an individual has not been mongrelized with demon infection.

1) I never stated it was ok for any other race/religion to pretend they are superior due to their beliefs.

2) I did not say that it meant people had inferior eyes. The Nazis thought the color made them 'purer' and superior... when the fact of the matter is that blue is one of the weaker genetic traits. Again, that does not mean that people with blue eyes cannot see as well. It simply means that the Nazis were idiots in pretending that blue was the superior color.

3) your last sentence is simply ignorant.
1) I never stated it was ok for any other race/religion to pretend they are superior due to their beliefs.

2) I did not say that it meant people had inferior eyes. The Nazis thought the color made them 'purer' and superior... when the fact of the matter is that blue is one of the weaker genetic traits. Again, that does not mean that people with blue eyes cannot see as well. It simply means that the Nazis were idiots in pretending that blue was the superior color.

3) your last sentence is simply ignorant.

There you go again.

Recessive is not necessarily "weak". YOu said again blue is a "weaker" genetic trait.

What do you mean by that?
Im not a white supremacist. I just think whites should have their constiutional rights restored like inviduals of all other races.

Affirmative Action is unconsitutional and racially discriminatory against white indiviuals.

I will not rest until white rights are restored.

How is that racist?
And WHAT does RAHOWA stand for?