White Power

RIght. We all knows jews are god's chosen race, right? WHy is it ok if they say that?

Because blue eyes maybe a recessive trait doesn't not mean it's an inferior eye. It;s like blood type or the ability to role ones tongue, just different.

The blue eye is how we know an individual has not been mongrelized with demon infection.
Meet the Board Racist, not that most of us did not know it. So brown eyes means you are the offspring of a demon? Brown eyes is the majority eye color on this planet, brown eyes were the first eye color. If anyone was mongrelized (not that I think ANYONE was) it those of us with Blue eyes, which would include me. Finally you have shown your true colors. You are a white supremist, you speak their language and you utter their battle cries. You are the antithesis of everything that makes this country great. When you die, no one will miss you.
Meet the Board Racist, not that most of us did not know it. So brown eyes means you are the offspring of a demon? Brown eyes is the majority eye color on this planet, brown eyes were the first eye color. If anyone was mongrelized (not that I think ANYONE was) it those of us with Blue eyes, which would include me. Finally you have shown your true colors. You are a white supremist, you speak their language and you utter their battle cries. You are the antithesis of everything that makes this country great. When you die, no one will miss you.

Don't be such a squealie little girly girl.
I don't believe I said that it was. I disputed that it was political retaliation. It was a cowardly criminal act of a cold blooded murderer.

It's both. You're just insisting that your frame is "ultimate truth". Neocons/progressives do that.

One man's terrorist/murder is another's freedom fighter.
Why don't you try telling that to the people who were in the Murrow Building. Many of them won't be able to argue with you. There to dead.

I don't think he was saying it wasn't a horrible crime. He was arguing about whether the reason for the crime was racist or some other reason.
The blue eye is how we know an individual has not been mongrelized with demon infection.


You believe that blue eyes show that they have not been mongrelized with demon infection??

Demon infaction?? Are you serious?
"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer


Bullshit....this clown could not possibly have determined the number of voters that were white, black or green and how they voted or who they voted for....its complete bullshit just to rial up the assholes like midcan into believing what they can't possibly prove....

Its typical of the kind of nonsense the left wingers will claim to show bias and racism where none exists.

You are missing the point, you see Hitler from today, but many saw him as something other than what he was. Same with David Duke, Hitler didn't run on what he wanted to do, he ran on what the thought the Germans believed and wanted to hear. All politicians do that, but Duke was a bad apple and eventually shown to be one. Still he won a great many votes.

"In 1988 he ran in several Democratic Presidential campaigns, winning no primaries and gaining substantial votes only in the South, but the campaign was given widespread media coverage, which made Duke famous. In 1989 he switched parties and was elected to the Louisiana House as a Republican. In 1990 he ran for the US Senate, receiving 44% of the vote against the Democratic incumbent, J. Bennett Johnston. In his 1991 campaign for Louisiana Governor, he received 39% of the vote, losing to Edwin Edwards. In 1996, when Johnson retired from the Senate, Duke ran in a crowded field, garnering about 11.5% as Democrat Mary Landrieu was elected. In 1999 he ran for US Congress, getting 19% of the vote as Republican David Vitter defeated fellow Republican and former Governor David C. Treen."


"It appeared for a while that Duke might actually get elected governor. He made the runoff against Edwin Edwards, who, though he had not yet been convicted of anything, was widely regarded as hopelessly corrupt.

Edwards had to win if Louisiana were to avoid sinking into chaos and becoming a pariah. But, as the election approached, the polls gave Duke a genuine shot at winning....

Duke's own vanity did him in, too. He always fancied himself an intellectual with great powers of persuasion, and tended to assume that all white gentiles secretly agreed with his views."


"When David Duke was running for governor of Louisiana, he always had a country or bluegrass band on the platform with him, in all the photographs I saw. That band always had a guitar picker and a banjo player. I always had the fantasy of pulling David Duke aside and telling him "Well, Dave, the guitar was invented by Spanish-speakin Arabs, and, well, as for the banjo, now, you're probably gonna want to sit down and let me pour you a really stiff drink before I tell you..." Ken Burch
Sotomayor, an actual incontrovertible racist, was just appointed to the supreme court.

Where's the outrage.

Oh she was taken out of context? No she wasn't.
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Fuck you, you white trash piece of shit. Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your sister, fuck your whole racist cracker, peckerwood inbred family.

My family is all professional.

Keep your little neocon outrage under control. Stop advocating discrimination against white men in the form of AA.
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I stand corrected and you have my apologies. It was midcan who labeled it racism.

Nothing posted 'labeled' it racist. What the youtube piece did, and I wrote, was recognize that evil grows out of many sources and finds enemies in many places. It is a subtlety missing in the minds of the uneducated or the unthinking mind. It is why some some still believe Saddam Hussein was involved in 911, or to do a complete reversal, why some believe it was an inside job. Try to square those opposites. What do they have in common but reasons without reason. Complexity scares the narrow minded.

It always amazes me that most debate on complex subjects ends up ad hominem.
Nothing posted 'labeled' it racist. What the youtube piece did, and I wrote, was recognize that evil grows out of many sources and finds enemies in many places. It is a subtlety missing in the minds of the uneducated or the unthinking mind. It is why some some still believe Saddam Hussein was involved in 911, or to do a complete reversal, why some believe it was an inside job. Try to square those opposites. What do they have in common but reasons without reason. Complexity scares the narrow minded.

It always amazes me that most debate on complex subjects ends up ad hominem.

you're only arguing based on your perception of your own superiority. It's called elitism.

THose idiots marching around with swastikas are just that. But they do dare to utter actual legitimate points about white issues.

Somehow we have white privelige while being discriminated against in all of society's institutions and corporations. How is that privelige.
You think you're so complex and intelligent, but you believe stupidity and obvious untruth.

You're so full of your own notions of social justice, so pumped on your own righteousness that you can;t see that you're just as brainwashed as a Hitler youth, but your target is whites, instead of jews.
I don't think he was saying it wasn't a horrible crime. He was arguing about whether the reason for the crime was racist or some other reason.
I understand that. I was disputing his comment that it was political retaliation. It was a thugish act of a common criminal. We must be careful not to make a martyr out of common criminal like McVeigh.
My family is all professional.

Keep your little neocon outrage under control. Stop advocating discrimination against white men in the form of AA.
Your family is a bunch of professional sister fuckers! You mom and dad HAVE to be related for you to be so fucking stupid.