White Power

As your equally clueless as your buddy, I just hope one of you learns something fom this:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - White Power

So you admit that you're unable to refute what I've presented.
Now try and think, before you respond to any more posts.
Either that or have a 3 year old, who has a higher IQ then you, to explain it to you, in language that is probably over your intelligence level.
You're done bunky, now just go and continue to spout your left leaning libtard DNC talking points. :cof1:
It has nothing to do with domestic terrorist organizations like white supremacist skinhead groups or anti-government militias.

Thanks for proving my point, you intellectually impotent Stormfront watcher! Affirmative Action has NOTHING to do with the POS who start threads titled "white power". All I did was provide proof of the mindset behind such rhetoric. And in typical fashion, apologists like you try to make some sort of parallel or comparison. Affirmative Action had nothing to do with Enron, or the S&L or the Wall St./Bank shennanigans. So if you feel that you don't have any "white power", then talk to the "white men" of the afforementioned groups who do, and used it to screw you without giving it a second thought.

Like you set, mastermind......one has nothing to do with the other.
My links stand valid, and you're just pissing in the wind. Carry on. :cof1:

You didn't prove anything you moronic cocksuck.

and midcan5 the liberal is the moron who started the thread on white power.
Taichi, please summarize the contents of your links and place that summarization inside the context of the current discussion.

WHat do your links prove exactly? AA doesn't exist?
"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

Isn't it curious that an evolutionary characteristic can cause so much division and hate. But consider too we all come from the same source and if you take a minute and multiply our grandparents by two a few times we soon see we are all related. But still somehow we cannot live with that as in our minds we are special, they are not. Weird huh.

As a person who has lived a long time and hopes to live a long time into the future, arguments against AA would be great if the same argument were used against white man affirmative action. (Full disclosure, I am white with PR from my father but you wouldn't know it.) I still remember an EEO investigator asking me why there were so few Blacks in the largest corporation on earth. I was young and I think I shook my head. But really let's face it prejudice existed plain and simple, still does. I never even told people I was half Hispanic, I may not have been hired in those days.

So anyway when the anti AA people can explain how we had the dumbest and most useless president in history in W, and why this is not white man AA I'll listen to their argument. Till then grow up.

This is interesting and the video is long but worth a listen if you have an open mind. When affirmative action was white - still is imho.


Amazon.com: When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America (9780393328516): Ira Katznelson: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41TDWGFMZAL.@@AMEPARAM@@41TDWGFMZAL

"Assimilation, however, may be the push-pull in a society where linguistic, ethnic, and minority groups do not have the full benefits of the society, where prejudice and discrimination divide us. This may, then, be an appropriate time to review our literature and examine how it has evolved, and, in addition, to think of the next century."

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

Isn't it curious that an evolutionary characteristic can cause so much division and hate. But consider too we all come from the same source and if you take a minute and multiply our grandparents by two a few times we soon see we are all related. But still somehow we cannot live with that as in our minds we are special, they are not. Weird huh.

As a person who has lived a long time and hopes to live a long time into the future, arguments against AA would be great if the same argument were used against white man affirmative action. (Full disclosure, I am white with PR from my father but you wouldn't know it.) I still remember an EEO investigator asking me why there were so few Blacks in the largest corporation on earth. I was young and I think I shook my head. But really let's face it prejudice existed plain and simple, still does. I never even told people I was half Hispanic, I may not have been hired in those days.

So anyway when the anti AA people can explain how we had the dumbest and most useless president in history in W, and why this is not white man AA I'll listen to their argument. Till then grow up.

This is interesting and the video is long but worth a listen if you have an open mind. When affirmative action was white - still is imho.


Amazon.com: When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America (9780393328516): Ira Katznelson: Books

"Assimilation, however, may be the push-pull in a society where linguistic, ethnic, and minority groups do not have the full benefits of the society, where prejudice and discrimination divide us. This may, then, be an appropriate time to review our literature and examine how it has evolved, and, in addition, to think of the next century."


Maybe to get past racism we should take the racial checkboxes off all applications for school or work. Ill go along with your hippy dippy shit when that happens.
The elites perpetuate racism to hide the real divides, the powerful versus the powerless.

But they actually perpetuate the power differential with their elitism and automatic marginalization of those who don't agree, namely, the victims of their elitist system.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As your equally clueless as your buddy, I just hope one of you learns something fom this:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - White Power

So you admit that you're unable to refute what I've presented.
Now try and think, before you respond to any more posts.
Either that or have a 3 year old, who has a higher IQ then you, to explain it to you, in language that is probably over your intelligence level.
You're done bunky, now just go and continue to spout your left leaning libtard DNC talking points. :cof1:

1. You expressed an opinion as a maudlin follow-up to Bravo's error ridden diatribe....you made no "point" other than you agreed with him.
2. Essentially, you can't deny or counter my response to Bravo, so you just babble as usual, then you'll waste several posts claiming your nonsense has validity and that I'm not responding to it, etc., etc. Only fellow white supremacist apologists and willfully ignorant neocons will squawk in unison with you as usual. But NONE of you will honestly deal with what I told Bravo. Carry on.
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1. You expressed an opinion as a maudlin follow-up to Bravo's error ridden diatribe....you made no "point" other than you agreed with him.
2. Essentially, you can't deny or counter my response to Bravo, so you just babble as usual, then you'll waste several posts claiming your nonsense has validity and that I'm not responding to it, etc., etc. Only fellow white supremacist apologists and willfully ignorant neocons will squawk in unison with you as usual. But NONE of you will honestly deal with what I told Bravo. Carry on.

And as expected, you rerturn doing nothing more then spewing more of the DNC talking points.
Give it up bunkie and stop making yourself so laughable.
Myself and other thinking individuals realize that you're just a tool for the Liberal racist agenda.
I would invite you back to leave comments, when you've finally decided to grow up and act like an adult; but the chances of that happening any time soon, are next to nil.
You're finished; but I'll allow you to reply with your last attempts at making yourself appear cognitive.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
It has nothing to do with domestic terrorist organizations like white supremacist skinhead groups or anti-government militias.

Thanks for proving my point, you intellectually impotent Stormfront watcher! Affirmative Action has NOTHING to do with the POS who start threads titled "white power". All I did was provide proof of the mindset behind such rhetoric. And in typical fashion, apologists like you try to make some sort of parallel or comparison. Affirmative Action had nothing to do with Enron, or the S&L or the Wall St./Bank shennanigans. So if you feel that you don't have any "white power", then talk to the "white men" of the afforementioned groups who do, and used it to screw you without giving it a second thought.

Like you set, mastermind......one has nothing to do with the other.
My links stand valid, and you're just pissing in the wind. Carry on.

You didn't prove anything you moronic cocksuck.

and midcan5 the liberal is the moron who started the thread on white power.

Midcan5 turned the tables on mentally challenged sheet wearers like yourself. YOU and like minded were expecting the opposite.

And since neither you or Bravo or Dixie or Freedumb can dispute the FACTS Midcan5 and I presented...and since Bravo PROVES my point that your little wussy whine has NOTHING to do with the original topic at hand...you're just pissing in the wind. :cof1:
"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

Isn't it curious that an evolutionary characteristic can cause so much division and hate. But consider too we all come from the same source and if you take a minute and multiply our grandparents by two a few times we soon see we are all related. But still somehow we cannot live with that as in our minds we are special, they are not. Weird huh.

As a person who has lived a long time and hopes to live a long time into the future, arguments against AA would be great if the same argument were used against white man affirmative action. (Full disclosure, I am white with PR from my father but you wouldn't know it.) I still remember an EEO investigator asking me why there were so few Blacks in the largest corporation on earth. I was young and I think I shook my head. But really let's face it prejudice existed plain and simple, still does. I never even told people I was half Hispanic, I may not have been hired in those days.

So anyway when the anti AA people can explain how we had the dumbest and most useless president in history in W, and why this is not white man AA I'll listen to their argument. Till then grow up.

This is interesting and the video is long but worth a listen if you have an open mind. When affirmative action was white - still is imho.


Amazon.com: When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America (9780393328516): Ira Katznelson: Books

"Assimilation, however, may be the push-pull in a society where linguistic, ethnic, and minority groups do not have the full benefits of the society, where prejudice and discrimination divide us. This may, then, be an appropriate time to review our literature and examine how it has evolved, and, in addition, to think of the next century."


Here's the thing: AA has NOTHING to do with the nonsense spewed by white supremacists....hell, even intellectually impotent bullhorn's like Bravo admitted that. AA is the fall back argument these dupes use to justify their irrational hate and general frustration.

Thing is, these dupes have NO problem with "legacy" folk like the Shrub getting slots into Ivy league schools DESPITE THE FACT that they don't have the grades. They don't have problem with corporate nepotism in the general job market. And the seem unfazed that the folk behind/in charge of Enron, the S&L scandal, the recent Wall St./bank fiascos were NOT a result of AA or were black or hispanic.

Bottom line: our resident sheet wearers and racist apologist have no problem with getting screwed over by their own, but wail like stuck pigs if they perceive any type of preferential treatment for members of society deem beneath them.
And as expected, you rerturn doing nothing more then spewing more of the DNC talking points.
Give it up bunkie and stop making yourself so laughable.
Myself and other thinking individuals realize that you're just a tool for the Liberal racist agenda.
I would invite you back to leave comments, when you've finally decided to grow up and act like an adult; but the chances of that happening any time soon, are next to nil.
You're finished; but I'll allow you to reply with your last attempts at making yourself appear cognitive.

As the thread shows, I just merely demonstrated how Bravo was wrong. To date, neither he, you, Ass in hat, Dixie, or any other willfully ignorant neocon or white supremacist apologist can disprove what I told him. So you just lie...which is pretty pathetic given the chronology of the posts that catch your lies and pathetic attempts at denial of them.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - White Power

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - White Power

You're a joke, Tempie....just another frustrated little drudge to cowardly to admit that you're powerless against the people who are really screwing you over because that would mean giving up your long held prejudices and beliefs. :palm: I almost feel sorry for you. You may have the last predictable and useless word.
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As the thread shows, I just merely demonstrated how Bravo was wrong. To date, neither he, you, Ass in hat, Dixie, or any other willfully ignorant neocon or white supremacist apologist can disprove what I told him. So you just lie...which is pretty pathetic given the chronology of the posts that catch your lies and pathetic attempts at denial of them.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - White Power

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - White Power

You're a joke, Tempie....just another frustrated little drudge to cowardly to admit that you're powerless against the people who are really screwing you over because that would mean giving up your long held prejudices and beliefs. :palm: I almost feel sorry for you. You may have the last predictable and useless word.

And again you return, even after everyone has seen that you have nothing to offer; but the same old platitudes and lies.
If you weren't so sad, you would be laughable.

Keep repeating all of your Black Panther mantra's and continue being a slave to the DNC, who laughs at you daily.

Libtards like you; deserve to only be kept around, as comic relief.

Come back, when you have something that came from your own head and not that of your DNC masters.
Here's the thing: AA has NOTHING to do with the nonsense spewed by white supremacists....hell, even intellectually impotent bullhorn's like Bravo admitted that. AA is the fall back argument these dupes use to justify their irrational hate and general frustration.

Thing is, these dupes have NO problem with "legacy" folk like the Shrub getting slots into Ivy league schools DESPITE THE FACT that they don't have the grades. They don't have problem with corporate nepotism in the general job market. And the seem unfazed that the folk behind/in charge of Enron, the S&L scandal, the recent Wall St./bank fiascos were NOT a result of AA or were black or hispanic.

Bottom line: our resident sheet wearers and racist apologist have no problem with getting screwed over by their own, but wail like stuck pigs if they perceive any type of preferential treatment for members of society deem beneath them.

I do have a problem with legacy admissions. So you're just wrong again, asschunk.
I do have a problem with legacy admissions. So you're just wrong again, asschunk.

Of course you don't, you ignorant lout! That is my point! The Shrub didn't have the grades for Harvard or Yale....yet because his family had folks who did, were successful and donate big bucks, he gets in. QUALIFIED STUDENTS GET SHUT OUT.

Nothing from you. Until it's a black student who gets in on AA, THEN you wail like a stuck pig.

Can we say hypocrit, boys and girls?


But do please keep apologizing and justifying them.....the point of your hood only fits your head more so. :cof1:
Here's the thing: AA has NOTHING to do with the nonsense spewed by white supremacists....hell, even intellectually impotent bullhorn's like Bravo admitted that. AA is the fall back argument these dupes use to justify their irrational hate and general frustration.

Thing is, these dupes have NO problem with "legacy" folk like the Shrub getting slots into Ivy league schools DESPITE THE FACT that they don't have the grades. They don't have problem with corporate nepotism in the general job market. And the seem unfazed that the folk behind/in charge of Enron, the S&L scandal, the recent Wall St./bank fiascos were NOT a result of AA or were black or hispanic.

Bottom line: our resident sheet wearers and racist apologist have no problem with getting screwed over by their own, but wail like stuck pigs if they perceive any type of preferential treatment for members of society deem beneath them.

Hear Hear I say.....Outstanding...

A true rant from a real racist.....though unaware of that fact as you might be....

As if anyone actually claimed that Enron, or the S&L fiasco, or Bank problems were the result of AA....which of course didn't happen....it a shame your hate and imagination runs your mouth and inflames your soul....wastful.....

and after all is said and done....:gives:
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Of course you don't, you ignorant lout! That is my point! The Shrub didn't have the grades for Harvard or Yale....yet because his family had folks who did, were successful and donate big bucks, he gets in. QUALIFIED STUDENTS GET SHUT OUT.

Nothing from you. Until it's a black student who gets in on AA, THEN you wail like a stuck pig.

Can we say hypocrit, boys and girls?


But do please keep apologizing and justifying them.....the point of your hood only fits your head more so. :cof1:

I didn't vote for george bush either time, you fool.

My point is that the most dangerous racism is that which is not acknowledged, like the unconstitutional revenge-oriented policies of Affirmative Action, which violate the rights of white people.

That's not supremacism. It;s just wanting fair treatment.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Here's the thing: AA has NOTHING to do with the nonsense spewed by white supremacists....hell, even intellectually impotent bullhorn's like Bravo admitted that. AA is the fall back argument these dupes use to justify their irrational hate and general frustration.

Thing is, these dupes have NO problem with "legacy" folk like the Shrub getting slots into Ivy league schools DESPITE THE FACT that they don't have the grades. They don't have problem with corporate nepotism in the general job market. And the seem unfazed that the folk behind/in charge of Enron, the S&L scandal, the recent Wall St./bank fiascos were NOT a result of AA or were black or hispanic.

Bottom line: our resident sheet wearers and racist apologist have no problem with getting screwed over by their own, but wail like stuck pigs if they perceive any type of preferential treatment for members of society deem beneath them.

Hear Hear I say.....Outstanding...

A true rant from a real racist.....though unaware of that fact as you might be....

As if anyone actually claimed that Enron, or the S&L fiasco, or Bank problems were the result of AA....which of course didn't happen....it a shame your hate and imagination runs your mouth and inflames your soul....wastful.....

and after all is said and done....:gives:

Man, you get dumber with each post...I didn't think that was possible.
Don't you realize that everytime you lie about what I write, people just click back on the thread and see your folly? And if you're not lying, then you need a remedial course in English comprehension...because I never stated that Enron, S&L and the Wall St./Bank shennanigans were a result of AA.....YOU DID...which is absurd. :palm: The chronological posts bare witness to this.

What's burning your ass is the fact that YOU yourself admitted that AA has NOTHING to do with the assholes the opening video of this thread examines. So like I said, it's just a fall back smokescreen for sheet wearing dolts and their sympathizers to use when exposed for the disgustingly ignorant and vile racist POS they are. NOTHING in the video is about AA....got that bunky?

I made short work of the AA argument by having that dimwit Asshat admit that he would accept being ousted out of a college by white guy via legacy, but is against AA doing the same. He, like you, is a lying, racist hypocrit. You two dummies just keep regurgitating what came out in the video. Pathetic.

Now, go find an adult to explain each exchange and how my responses address each point...then come back when you think you understand. :cof1: