White Power

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Of course you don't, you ignorant lout! That is my point! The Shrub didn't have the grades for Harvard or Yale....yet because his family had folks who did, were successful and donate big bucks, he gets in. QUALIFIED STUDENTS GET SHUT OUT.

Nothing from you. Until it's a black student who gets in on AA, THEN you wail like a stuck pig.

Can we say hypocrit, boys and girls?


But do please keep apologizing and justifying them.....the point of your hood only fits your head more so.

I didn't vote for george bush either time, you fool.

My point is that the most dangerous racism is that which is not acknowledged, like the unconstitutional revenge-oriented policies of Affirmative Action, which violate the rights of white people.

That's not supremacism. It;s just wanting fair treatment.

No one gives a damn if you didn't vote for the Shrub (and you're lying about that, as you've defended everyone of his heinous policies)....that you openly admit you'd okay his getting into Yale on legacy while at the same time condemning AA is proof enough what a bigoted, hypocritical jackass and you truly are.

In other words, you dimwit, you DEFEND AA for rich, connected white folks, yet you condemn it for non-rich, non-white folk. That makes you a bigot and a hypocrit. Comprende?

You're EXACTLY like the cretins in the opening video on this thread.....talking the same racist BS and trying to justify it. Sorry chuckles, denying it until doomsday won't work. The chronological posts exposed yourself for what you truly are. So I'm done with you, because I with other Americans will not patronize people who align themselves with ideologies of which Americans fought and died against in WWII.
No one gives a damn if you didn't vote for the Shrub (and you're lying about that, as you've defended everyone of his heinous policies)....that you openly admit you'd okay his getting into Yale on legacy while at the same time condemning AA is proof enough what a bigoted, hypocritical jackass and you truly are.

In other words, you dimwit, you DEFEND AA for rich, connected white folks, yet you condemn it for non-rich, non-white folk. That makes you a bigot and a hypocrit. Comprende?

You're EXACTLY like the cretins in the opening video on this thread.....talking the same racist BS and trying to justify it. Sorry chuckles, denying it until doomsday won't work. The chronological posts exposed yourself for what you truly are. So I'm done with you, because I with other Americans will not patronize people who align themselves with ideologies of which Americans fought and died against in WWII.

Where did I defend bush getting into yale? Are you fucking queer?
Man, you get dumber with each post...I didn't think that was possible.
Don't you realize that everytime you lie about what I write, people just click back on the thread and see your folly? And if you're not lying, then you need a remedial course in English comprehension...because I never stated that Enron, S&L and the Wall St./Bank shennanigans were a result of AA.....YOU DID...which is absurd. :palm: The chronological posts bare witness to this.

I never mentioned Enron, S&L's, etc. until AFTER your post....that makes you an obviousm liar...thats lie #1... LIAR....

What's burning your ass is the fact that YOU yourself admitted that AA has NOTHING to do with the assholes the opening video of this thread examines. So like I said, it's just a fall back smokescreen for sheet wearing dolts and their sympathizers to use when exposed for the disgustingly ignorant and vile racist POS they are. NOTHING in the video is about AA....got that bunky?

I NEVER said AA had anything to do with your video, bunky...I commented on AA after it was mentioned in a post...Thats lie #2,LIAR
I made short work of the AA argument by having that dimwit Asshat admit that he would accept being ousted out of a college by white guy via legacy, but is against AA doing the same. He, like you, is a lying, racist hypocrit. You two dummies just keep regurgitating what came out in the video. Pathetic.

To make me responsible for Asshat's coments makes you the asshole hypocrite that can'teven keep track of who says what in the thread...and of course, again a LIAR...
Now, go find an adult to explain each exchange and how my responses address each point...then come back when you think you understand. :cof1:

Seems just about everyone now recognizes you as a ignorant, loudmouth clown....
your condescending attitude and arrogance might make you a big deal to you pals on the hoops court, here its just another reason to laugh at you....
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Seems just about everyone now recognizes you as a ignorant, loudmouth clown....
your condescending attitude and arrogance might make you a big deal to you pals on the hoops court, here its just another reason to laugh at you....

You're full of it, plain and simple.....the chronology of the posts prove me right...and no matter how much you and the other white supremacist/neo-nazi apologists repeat the lies and distortions and then confirm each others idiocy, you can't erase the actual posts. Posts #77, 80 and 100 expose you for the cowardly, bigoted lying little POS that you are. Like your brethern, you use the diversion into AA to spew the usual racist bilge.....the very rubbish your buddy Asshat tried to float, and I shot down in posts #64, 66, 68, 70, 74 and 75. Well, I proved him to be a little bigoted parrot, and now you're just pissed because BY YOUR OWN WORDS, you suffered the same fate. TFB. Now, repeat your bullshit as if your printed words don't exist....it's so entertaining to see clods like you squirm and fume.
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You're full of it, plain and simple.....the chronology of the posts prove me right...and no matter how much you and the other white supremacist/neo-nazi apologists repeat the lies and distortions and then confirm each others idiocy, you can't erase the actual posts. Posts #77, 80 and 100 expose you for the cowardly, bigoted lying little POS that you are. Like your brethern, you use the diversion into AA to spew the usual racist bilge.....the very rubbish your buddy Asshat tried to float, and I shot down in posts #64, 66, 68, 70, 74 and 75. Well, I proved him to be a little bigoted parrot, and now you're just pissed because BY YOUR OWN WORDS, you suffered the same fate. TFB. Now, repeat your bullshit as if your printed words don't exist....it's so entertaining to see clods like you squirm and fume.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
TCMoron says:
And if you're not lying, then you need a remedial course in English comprehension...because I never stated that Enron, S&L and the Wall St./Bank shennanigans were a result of AA.....YOU DID...which is absurd. The chronological posts bare witness to this.

I never mentioned Enron, S&L's, etc. until AFTER your post....that makes you an obvious liar...thats lie #1... LIAR....

TCMoron says:
NOTHING in the video is about AA....got that bunky?

I NEVER said AA had anything to do with your video, bunky...I commented on AA after it was mentioned in a post...Thats lie #2,LIAR
TCMoron says:
I made short work of the AA argument by having that dimwit Asshat admit that he would accept being ousted out of a college by white guy via legacy, but is against AA doing the same. He, like you, is a lying, racist hypocrit. You two dummies just keep regurgitating what came out in the video. Pathetic.

To make me responsible for Asshat's coments makes you the asshole hypocrite that can'teven keep track of who says what in the thread...and of course, again a LIAR...

Now, in answer to me... you refer to 6 or 7 posts in which you respond to AssHat...??? WTF?

WTF has that got to do with your lies about what I post...Enron?
Banks? A video that says nothing about AA, as if I claimed it did...

Do you have a clue what the hell you're even talking about???
Do you have any conception of which poster you're talking to???
Do you have a clue as to which particular poster is saying what and addressing that poster???

Of course, its obvious, you don't ....

Are you having electrical storms between your ears?
You sure don't know what the fuck you're talking about in any coherent manner...

You've just been schooled again and are most likely to ignorant to even realize it....

You're a waste of my time....Clarabell...
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
TCMoron says:
And if you're not lying, then you need a remedial course in English comprehension...because I never stated that Enron, S&L and the Wall St./Bank shennanigans were a result of AA.....YOU DID...which is absurd. The chronological posts bare witness to this.

TCMoron says:
NOTHING in the video is about AA....got that bunky?

TCMoron says:
I made short work of the AA argument by having that dimwit Asshat admit that he would accept being ousted out of a college by white guy via legacy, but is against AA doing the same. He, like you, is a lying, racist hypocrit. You two dummies just keep regurgitating what came out in the video. Pathetic.


Now, in answer to me... you refer to 6 or 7 posts in which you respond to AssHat...??? WTF?

WTF has that got to do with your lies about what I post...Enron?
Banks? A video that says nothing about AA, as if I claimed it did...

Do you have a clue what the hell you're even talking about???
Do you have any conception of which poster you're talking to???
Do you have a clue as to which particular poster is saying what and addressing that poster???

Of course, its obvious, you don't ....

Are you having electrical storms between your ears?
You sure don't know what the fuck you're talking about in any coherent manner...

You've just been schooled again and are most likely to ignorant to even realize it....

You're a waste of my time....Clarabell...

I just love it when this antiquated asshole just blows his top when nailed. "Clarabell"??!! Means nothing to me other than archival footage on some PBS documentary, genius. Save it for your reunion buddies.

You should have quit while you were ahead, you intellectually impotent, because all you've done is show us all what a lying, delusional and somewhat dense SOS you really are.

As the record shows, from posts #67 through #74 I deconstruct the racism of the Ass wearing a hat, who faced with the FACT that he couldn't disprove or discredit the opening video of this thread, went of on some rant about Affirmative Action. When I proved him to be nothing but a white supremacist wanna be on that point, YOU pick up the gauntlet in post #76, following his lead in racist diatribes against AA and black folk. On post #77, I just point out your folly using your own words, and on post #80 I just put the kibosh on you.

Bottom line: when you joined in, you just parroted the same bilge as the Ass wearing a hat...so I showed all who read this that like him, you're just another ignorant bigot unaware (or unwilling to recognize) of who his causing your frustration and anger. So far, NEITHER one of you clowns will flat out condemn the subjects of the video. Instead, you desperately look to excuse or somehow justify it with some BS "comparison". But as YOU stated, einstein, the AA has NOTHING to do with the video. That being said, you really don't have a God damned thing to say unless you're going to condemn the subject of the video...instead you join Ass hat in his David Duke schtick. So when I quickly disproved his AA nonsense, you should have had an 8th of a brain to just let it go. But you just couldn't help yourself.

I just called you both out on it, and you don't like it. TFB, you coward. Deal with truth of your own words and actions.

Now, run along and stamp your widdle feet, scream all you want, repeat your BS six ways to Sunday. It will do you no good...no one with a high school diploma is going to by your revisionist BS when they can just click back and read your folly for themselves. I'm done kicking your dopey ass on this.

"Bravo", indeed.:cof1:
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You're full of it, plain and simple.....the chronology of the posts prove me right...and no matter how much you and the other white supremacist/neo-nazi apologists repeat the lies and distortions and then confirm each others idiocy, you can't erase the actual posts. Posts #77, 80 and 100 expose you for the cowardly, bigoted lying little POS that you are. Like your brethern, you use the diversion into AA to spew the usual racist bilge.....the very rubbish your buddy Asshat tried to float, and I shot down in posts #64, 66, 68, 70, 74 and 75. Well, I proved him to be a little bigoted parrot, and now you're just pissed because BY YOUR OWN WORDS, you suffered the same fate. TFB. Now, repeat your bullshit as if your printed words don't exist....it's so entertaining to see clods like you squirm and fume.

You've never been right on this thread. In the past, in the future..

no revisionist chronology of the thread can change that.

You haven't "shot down" anything. You just reavealed your inability to be honest.
There are racists of all colors and stripes.

but it's only discrimination against white males which has been taken up anew by institutions in the modern era. THis unrecognized racial discrimination on a massive scale is more dangerous than anything a bunch of idiots with swastikas could pull off.
You're full of it, plain and simple.....the chronology of the posts prove me right...and no matter how much you and the other white supremacist/neo-nazi apologists repeat the lies and distortions and then confirm each others idiocy, you can't erase the actual posts. Posts #77, 80 and 100 expose you for the cowardly, bigoted lying little POS that you are. Like your brethern, you use the diversion into AA to spew the usual racist bilge.....the very rubbish your buddy Asshat tried to float, and I shot down in posts #64, 66, 68, 70, 74 and 75. Well, I proved him to be a little bigoted parrot, and now you're just pissed because BY YOUR OWN WORDS, you suffered the same fate. TFB. Now, repeat your bullshit as if your printed words don't exist....it's so entertaining to see clods like you squirm and fume.

You tell him! That's what I love about America. Black men being authorities on White Power!

Only in America.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're full of it, plain and simple.....the chronology of the posts prove me right...and no matter how much you and the other white supremacist/neo-nazi apologists repeat the lies and distortions and then confirm each others idiocy, you can't erase the actual posts. Posts #77, 80 and 100 expose you for the cowardly, bigoted lying little POS that you are. Like your brethern, you use the diversion into AA to spew the usual racist bilge.....the very rubbish your buddy Asshat tried to float, and I shot down in posts #64, 66, 68, 70, 74 and 75. Well, I proved him to be a little bigoted parrot, and now you're just pissed because BY YOUR OWN WORDS, you suffered the same fate. TFB. Now, repeat your bullshit as if your printed words don't exist....it's so entertaining to see clods like you squirm and fume.

You've never been right on this thread. In the past, in the future..

no revisionist chronology of the thread can change that.

You haven't "shot down" anything. You just reavealed your inability to be honest.

You're just blowing smoke, you bigoted buffoon. The recorded post are your undoing, and your denial in the face of them is useless.

You didn't condemn the little nazi SOS in the video, you tried to JUSTIFY THEM with some assinine comparison to Affirmative Action. As I pointed out in the previous post, you're just a hypocrit on that account. So you see, you're having the last word means NOTHING...because you've been exposed as just another David Duke wanna be...as pathetic as that is. Bray on, jackass...I'm done humiliating you.
You tell him! That's what I love about America. Black men being authorities on White Power!

Only in America.

Actually, we're authorities on white supremacists, bigots and racists who embrace the term of "white power". And sadly, it's not only in America.

Just clearing things up for ya. ;)
There are racists of all colors and stripes.

but it's only discrimination against white males which has been taken up anew by institutions in the modern era. THis unrecognized racial discrimination on a massive scale is more dangerous than anything a bunch of idiots with swastikas could pull off.

Typical white supremacist bullshit that can be found on any hate site. For more on POS like this asshole wearing a hat, check this out folks
