white supremacy shaped American Christianity

Seems could reasonably expect computer generated denials reminiscent of those WW II Nazi war criminals these Catholics selective memories are. Leave it to their super egos of a not so master race lynching enforcement for a stolen vote from Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops where the accused doesn't even vote & hasn't since first 2 absentee voting ballots were stolen at university; but that doesn't stop their Christiananality pedophilia business from lynching the accused for 9/11 & then for the assassination of JFK in the same breath; being those Islamophobia pedophiles regardless of the accused not even aware of the Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" cross is higher than the US flag national religion propaganda in being at the National Archives & SCOTUS the time of their megalomaniacal killing white nationalism wallowing.

Earth to Alien Colony 7... One of your crazies got loose again...
Earth to Alien Colony 7... One of your crazies got loose again...

There's that not so master race of Catholic Church drugs & death goose stepping 20th century Nazi economics concentration camp tactics claiming only following orders for space to be the place for the human race; fried & freeze dried all over outer space.
gfm7175: The article linked in the OP was full of examples of "racism going the other way". Any race of person can be a racist... White, Black, Pacific Islander, you name it... Is your definition of racism "white people putting down people of color", or is it something else? Can you provide the precise definition you are using? I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind your labeling of someone as a 'racist'...

Hello gfm7175,

Nice try at putting words in my mouth but I did not define racism.
Huh?? Asking you to define a term is "putting words in your mouth"?

All I had to go on before this response of yours was "I recognize the traditional version of racism where whites put down people of color."... I asked for clarification of particular terms within that assertion, and asked if that was your definition. Now, you have finally provided me with a definition that you are operating under, so I will take note of that.

Recall, this all began when I agreed with most of the nation
What some poll came up with is irrelevant. Racism is not determined by a poll, even according to Webster's definition. Racism is not determined by means of a popularity contest.

that President Trump is a racist,
It seems like you are taking a "guilty until proven innocent" approach, when it should really be the other way around. You know what, I think that PoliTalker is a racist. You are a fucking racist! Prove that you aren't...

It doesn't matter what Trump says; you will simply continue calling him a racist anyway. He has completely and utterly disavowed the KKK and "white supremacy" countless times, yet that is not enough for the liberal lot, and he is still called a "white supremacist" and a "racist". What specifically does he have to say/do in order for you to recognize that he is not a racist?

and that it was a racist thing for him to say the 4 Congresswomen of color should go back where they came. That's my view. You disagree.
Yup, I disagree. Telling 4 Congresswomen that they should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came" is not racist in the slightest, EVEN under Webster's definition of 'racism', which you claim that you are operating under, as Trump never mentioned anything about racial differences nor superiority due to those differences. YOU are the one who is adding in the "of color" part... YOU are the one who is making the tweet out to be about race, and constructing a racist model to then accuse the President of. YOU are the one who is being the racist, not Trump.

You also have a penchant for giving Trump the benefit of the doubt.
You have a penchant for NOT giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. You don't like him, so you hurl insults at him, with "you're a fucking racist!!" being one of those insults.

Your are in the minority on that.
Irrelevant, whether true or not.

There is no point in playing semantics. I don't have a personal definition of racism. This definition from Webster is what I operate on: "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."
Okay, so you are appealing to Webster. I don't think that Webster is 'wrong', but I do think that Webster's definition is incomplete, since he makes no mention of the fallacious reasoning that a racist makes use of, as the definition that I operate under is based on.

I think that happens in the movies more than in real life. Take Emma Gonzalez, for instance. Look at Gabby Giffords. Both of these women were victimized by senseless shootings. Have they advocated for or tried to exact revenge? No. Revenge is immature. They began movements to try to make sure that what happened to them does not happen to other people. Revenge might make for a good movie plot, but mature real life people understand that hurting others does not help them in any way. It just spreads more pain. It doesn't lessen it or make it go away.
It happens in real life too. It depends on each individual circumstance that the individual faces. Personally, I try my best to not seek revenge, but I am not perfect by any means.

I am sticking with the Webster definition.
You have already ignored Webster's definition within this very response of yours, as I noted above.

That's the new right definition.
No, that's the same definition from logic which has always existed.

We, the caring people of the world do not accept that.
Oh, so y'all are the "caring people" and we all aren't "caring people"? That is bigotry on your part. This is further evidence that it is YOU who is creating these racist and bigoted models that you accuse Trump of creating. It is YOU who is being the racist and the bigot, not Trump.

That's a failed attempt to hold the 4 Congresswomen of color to words that you wrote, but they never actually said. I am properly rejecting that.
Why are you so obsessed over the skin color of those four congresswomen? Can't they just be referred to as congresswomen?

I never claimed that I have a unique definition of racism. The one in the dictionary suits me just fine. I would suggest just sticking with that, but I know that doesn't suit the new right penchant for redefining racism.
There is no "new right penchant" for redefining racism. I define racism as the logical fallacy that it is and has always been. Webster's definition isn't wrong, but it is incomplete.

I understand the right is quite famous for rewriting history, so it is not surprising that it is attempting to redefine racism.
Nope, that's the Left which typically does that. The Right sometimes attempts to do so as well, but not as regularly as the Left.

Anything but admit the President is a racist.
You can't assume a person to be guilty until proven innocent. You have it ass backwards. If you are making the claim that he is guilty, then you must prove that he is guilty. Otherwise, it should be assumed that he is innocent.

btw, Trump is also a liar, a conman, a cheat, a misogynist, and a demagogue. He is very immature and has a short attention span. Trump is a sociopath. And he doesn't read books. He is not very good at vetting people or stories, either. Basically, he is a terrible President. And he is probably guilty of crimes. He probably would have been charged already if he were not President.
I get it; you hold a strong but completely unfounded hatred and vitriol towards the President, otherwise known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You are free to support him in any way you like. That is your right. I oppose him and I am going to level any criticism I think applies. He is a racist.
You have shown no racism of his, even under your own preferred Webster's definition of 'racism'. You ignore your own preferred definition and scream "you're a fucking racist!!" at him due to the high level of hatred and vitriol that you hold towards him.

Here is the tweet word for word... Highlight for me which parts of it are racist.

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly..........and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how........it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!