Who do you hate more?

Who's more unspeakably evil?

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You cheap, lying, no good, rotten, floor flushing, low life, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, over-stuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fatass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spineless, worm-headed sack of monkey shit!
Morning to you too Water! :cof1:
I vacilate (sp?) between him being dead or alive. I think that were he dead at our hands AQ would would make him a martyr.

I continue to wonder about that as well. Perhaps he died of natural causes. Personally, I believe he has been dead for a while. But that is just a gut reaction to the fact that we don't hear from him any more.
I continue to wonder about that as well. Perhaps he died of natural causes. Personally, I believe he has been dead for a while. But that is just a gut reaction to the fact that we don't hear from him any more.

I think so, too. At around the time that he went into hiding there was a huge problem with dialysis tubing supplies that had been washed in something toxic (I forget what, now). Remember that he requires/d routine kidney dialysis treatment to live. Whether it was the contaminated tubing (his videos ceased around then as I recall, and since then there have been only audio tapes and few of those) or possible lack of timely access to supplies and/or equipment, and possibly electricity, it's very likely that he succumbed to his kidney disease.
Yeah hard to make a Marytr out of him if he died of kidney disease vs at the hands of the evil imperialist Americans.
I vacillate between him being dead or alive. I think that were he dead at our hands AQ would would make him a martyr.

If they said he was dead people would say well then its over. People could martyr him and they couldnt make up tapes to use for political purposes to help the Admin. Have you ever noticed OBL pops up with a "new " tape when things get sticky for Bush and team and then always says something to make them look right?

Its hard to get dyalisis in the parts of Pachy he is said to hang in.
I think so, too. At around the time that he went into hiding there was a huge problem with dialysis tubing supplies that had been washed in something toxic (I forget what, now). Remember that he requires/d routine kidney dialysis treatment to live. Whether it was the contaminated tubing (his videos ceased around then as I recall, and since then there have been only audio tapes and few of those) or possible lack of timely access to supplies and/or equipment, and possibly electricity, it's very likely that he succumbed to his kidney disease.

Yeah, that is what I believe as well. The fact that his latest audio tapes no longer reference current events, kind of lends to that as well.