Who do you hate more?

Who's more unspeakably evil?

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It's really hard to top Hitler, though my in-laws hate Stalin more.

And what's with walnuts? Walnuts get a bad rap. I love walnuts.
It's really hard to top Hitler, though my in-laws hate Stalin more.

And what's with walnuts? Walnuts get a bad rap. I love walnuts.

Walnuts have landed me in the ER twice and the reason I carry an epipen. They definitely top my list.
I added a couple choices.

You incur Watermarks wrath doubly!


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast, Damo.

I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed, animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
what a question...

is hatred that leads to specific mass murder better than hatred that leads to random mass murder???
Hitler and OBL were conservatives. :clink:

Not even close. Hitler was a Socialist... remember National Socialism. That was the entire ideal of the Nazi Party.

OBL is a Islamic Fundamentalist. Remember the Taliban. There was nothing Conservative about them. The Taliban was a Totalitarian government, something more inline with Liberal ideology and intolerance.
Fascism contains elements of socialism and social conservatism in it, but no one on this website really seems to understand in-depth political theory so we'll just leave it at something easily digestible so the morons can follow.

The Nazis restructured the state economy, rearmed the armed forces (Wehrmacht), and established a totalitarian or fascist dictatorship.
I'm telling you right now. I think maybe 3 of you on here understand political theory well enough to have an intelligent debate about the nature of fascism.

The rest of you unquestionably do NOT, and will just use it as an attempt to paint modern Republicans or Democrats as "fascist".
Honestly, cherry picking the "socialist" out of "national socialist" and then wildly declaring "TQAHAHA YOU LEBERALS DONT YOU SEE THAT MEANS HE WAS A LIBERAL" isn't a terrifficly logical way to construct things.
Nazism combined several movements, and there was nothing it was opposed to more that liberalism, the free market, and moral relativism. They rejected the logical view of life that the liberals had introduced and replaced it with something else, based on anti-intellectualism and support of popular violence. They can be called a conservative party, but really, only in America and few other places has "conservatism" decided to embrace the free market, mostly because American conservatives are actually strongly influenced by liberalism.

What I'd call them are right-wing populists. I have no particular love of left-wing populists but right-wing ones are just the bottom of the barrel. They scrape at any lingering resentment towards immigrants and minorities and pull at it, breaking off the scab that had been healing, and just tearing society apart, all for popular support amongst the the biggest "group". One reason I think that modern society is heading downhill is that this kind of fearmongering has become more and more popular over the years. The Republican party is now largely composed of right-wing populists, who don't really even care much about the free market.
I think its hysterical that people are even having this argument on what is an obvious joke thread. Of course, it took a right wink kook to take it seriously in the first place. "Hitler and Al Qaeda are liberals". LMAO

And people argue with this kook, as if he were a person. Have fun!
Honestly, cherry picking the "socialist" out of "national socialist" and then wildly declaring "TQAHAHA YOU LEBERALS DONT YOU SEE THAT MEANS HE WAS A LIBERAL" isn't a terrifficly logical way to construct things.

It is not "cherry picking". National Socialism was Socialism. The government held control over everything. Healthcare, means of production, everything... It was done with extreme racial overtones, but that does not change the fact that it was Socialism.


Here are two definitions

Fascism - a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Fascism - A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

If you take a look at Conservatives and Liberals, the above definitions are much more inline with the policies that Liberals advance.

Universal Healthcare - They want to qain control of 1/7 of the economy. You have Hillary trying to control the oil companies with the threat of implementing tens of billions of dollars of new taxes if she is elected President. She will make them bow down to her will.

It is the Liberals that want to enact suppression of the opposition through censorship. Who is it that wants to shut down Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Dr. Laura (in fact, they did so with her TV show)? They do not believe in free speech if it goes against what they believe. Liberals preach tolerance, but they are the most intolerant of all.

It is the Liberal agenda that works against Free Market forces with tax increases on businesses. Have you ever seen the commercial where they ask "Does running your business get in the way of running your business?" What do you think that is all about? As has been stated on this website, it is the Conservatives/Republicans that side with business.

It is the Liberal agenda that wants to make everyone dependent on the Federal Government for as much as possible. Just take a look at all of the social programs. The Government gets bigger and bigger.

This is everything that Conservatives are against.