Who here is here after giving up on DebatePolitics?


ButterMilk Man
Extra Credit...what did it for you?

*Raises Hand*

A: Incredibly poor quality moderation, along with generally low quality.
Got yourself banned from DebatePolitics huh?

What did you do that did you in?

Last I knew I was not banned, though I have long been programmed for banning.

Why O Why does everything always have to be all about me!

I am Zen, we have so little Ego, this is hard for me.
Last I knew I was not banned, though I have long been programmed for banning.

Why O Why does everything always have to be all about me!

I am Zen, we have so little Ego, this is hard for me.

Having intuition is one thing, but have you ever considered that intuitions can be wrong?

For instance, Donald Trump says that he had a feeling that the virus would infect 10 people, at most, and just go away!

His intuition was "DEAD" wrong!
Having intuition is one thing, but have you ever considered that intuitions can be wrong?

For instance, Donald Trump says that he had a feeling that the virus would infect 10 people, at most, and just go away!

His intuition was "DEAD" wrong!

DP and U is the subject here.

Kindly attempt to track.

Thank You!
I was banned.

Heh, me too. I signed up 3 yrs or so ago but seldom posted. When I went back one day I couldn't recall my password and got locked out. So made up a new acct. with almost-the-same-name, and <poof!> that was it. It said something about spamming and that you could email the moderators. I didn't bother, wasn't worth it. Someone from here invited me to rejoin a month or so ago but I guess they go by your IP or something, so it wasn't happening.
Heh, me too. I signed up 3 yrs or so ago but seldom posted. When I went back one day I couldn't recall my password and got locked out. So made up a new acct. with almost-the-same-name, and <poof!> that was it. It said something about spamming and that you could email the moderators. I didn't bother, wasn't worth it. Someone from here invited me to rejoin a month or so ago but I guess they go by your IP or something, so it wasn't happening.

Yeah they do. Need to have VPN.
It's not worth it. I did like that the format is like this one but other than that it was pretty boring. And like most such places, top-heavy with RWers.

No, Trump supporters have taken years of abuse there, to include abuse via moderation....Moderation is all Lefty or Never Trumpers by design.
Different experience here. I've taken abuse from RWers, even the top moderator.

Interesting....I suggested that they needed some Pro-Trump mods in the age of Trump if they wanted be fair and balanced as they claim to be, and got told to shove off..

Does the membership base here have a lean that you have been able to discern?
I suppose telling the truth is too much abuse for the Trumptards!

It must hurt too much!


I've heard it all now!
Heh, me too. I signed up 3 yrs or so ago but seldom posted. When I went back one day I couldn't recall my password and got locked out. So made up a new acct. with almost-the-same-name, and <poof!> that was it. It said something about spamming and that you could email the moderators. I didn't bother, wasn't worth it. Someone from here invited me to rejoin a month or so ago but I guess they go by your IP or something, so it wasn't happening.

You have to work at getting banned there!