Who is this scumbag on Fox news talking about killing Obama


What you have said here was that if somebody made an equal joke then they be excoriated forever. I pointed out that many have and nobody is excoriating them for it.

You are pretending that implication is impossible in language, this is preposterous and sad especially for somebody whose job relies on language in front of juries.

Implication has power and pretending no suggestion exists is just sad.

We find even Governors making such jokes about Bush at Democratic events and you want me to only focus on Olbermann because you insist that no implication can be drawn from your remarks?

You are being dishonest with us, totally and unremarkably disingenuous.

I point out that by past experience, we know that people who make jokes like this about Bush are not treated as you said Olbermann would be. It is silly to suggest that a sudden care for the life of Bush is burgeoning among your cohorts or that they would be treated quite the same way as we have already seen that no such treatment is prevalent when equal jokes are made by those on the other side.
You hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. You can find NO WHERE in what I said that supports your claim.

Perhaps just the image of a hand holding a machete and the words HACK HACK HACK! around it. I think that would probably do it. But from now on when I write I will try to think "hmmm how could Damo stretch this is such a way that his wittle right wing feelers might get hurt so I can avoide that."
You hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. You can find NO WHERE in what I said that supports your claim.

Perhaps just the image of a hand holding a machete and the words HACK HACK HACK! around it. I think that would probably do it. But from now on when I write I will try to think "hmmm how could Damo stretch this is such a way that his wittle right wing feelers might get hurt so I can avoide that."

My point was...

Your suggestion that Olbermann would be treated horridly if he made these jokes is not supported by past people who have made those types of jokes. I gave examples even of those, even those elected to high office, who have made such jokes. About a person who has actually had attempts made.

Your point was...

"You can't draw that implication from this!"

Your argument is weak and you know it. I expect a bit better from those who make a living presenting arguments.

Saying "You can't draw that implication from this!" with more words doesn't make it any better of an argument. It just makes you appear desperate to protect yourself from appearing like the hack you appear to be.

My point was...

Your suggestion that Olbermann would be treated horridly if he made these jokes is not supported by past people who have made those types of jokes. I gave examples even of those, even those elected to high office, who have made such jokes. About a person who has actually had attempts made.

Your point was...

"You can't draw that implication from this!"

Your argument is weak and you know it. I expect a bit better from those who make a living presenting arguments.

Saying "You can't draw that implication from this!" with more words doesn't make it any better of an argument. It just makes you appear desperate to protect yourself from appearing like the hack you appear to be.
And not once did you show that those, even those elected to high office, who have made such jokes were given a complete pass by the right. I am sure that many on the right had a fit. Again you have projected on me something that I NEVER said or even implied. What I said is that Meme and hacks like Meme would shit down both legs and have a stroke if this was said about Bush but at the SAME time have NO PROBLEM with threats being made against the dem candidate. If you are not a Hack then the comment should not have bothered you, as it was directed only at Hacks.
You know I listen to Olberman all the time and I dont remember anyone even joking about assination fo Bush or anyone in the admin?
And not once did you show that those, even those elected to high office, who have made such jokes were given a complete pass by the right. I am sure that many on the right had a fit. Again you have projected on me something that I NEVER said or even implied. What I said is that Meme and hacks like Meme would shit down both legs and have a stroke if this was said about Bush but at the SAME time have NO PROBLEM with threats being made against the dem candidate. If you are not a Hack then the comment should not have bothered you, as it was directed only at Hacks.
No, I showed how they were given a complete pass by the left, and were clearly not excoriated to the level that you say Olbermann would be by the right.
I used Olberman as an example. If my statement is reread no where did I say that Olberman ACTUALLY DID say anything of the sort, though I guess it is possible that it COULD be read that way and I am just being totally disingenuous about what I really meant, so feel free Desh to read it however you desire, as others have already done.
You know I listen to Olberman all the time and I dont remember anyone even joking about assination fo Bush or anyone in the admin?

Keep up. He suggested that IF Olbermann made those kinds of jokes about Bush he'd be treated horribly by everybody. I pointed out that there are those who have made those jokes that haven't been treated horribly and his assertion is unsupported by how people who made those jokes were treated in the past.
No, I showed how they were given a complete pass by the left.
AND? My comment was toward the hacks on the right. Just because the left gave left wingers a pass for making comments about the assassination of the president means that it is ok when the Right does it as well? I give a shit what they did. I KNOW for a fact that tons of people on the right would be greatly pained if someone made a joke about killing Bush. If comments about Assassination are wrong on one side they are wrong on the other. My comments were aimed at the hack Meme based upon it's comment that this was all just false outrage. Pointing out that many on the right would be outraged if this was said about Bush. Sorry I failed to address the unequal treatment when people on the left said the same thing about Bush, but seeing as I only read about them on this thread I didn't know they had occurred. But carry one with your mischaracterization of my comments to your hearts delight.
AND? My comment was toward the hacks on the right. Just because the left gave left wingers a pass for making comments about the assassination of the president means that it is ok when the Right does it as well? I give a shit what they did. I KNOW for a fact that tons of people on the right would be greatly pained if someone made a joke about killing Bush. If comments about Assassination are wrong on one side they are wrong on the other. My comments were aimed at the hack Meme based upon it's comment that this was all just false outrage. Pointing out that many on the right would be outraged if this was said about Bush. Sorry I failed to address the unequal treatment when people on the left said the same thing about Bush, but seeing as I only read about them on this thread I didn't know they had occurred. But carry one with your mischaracterization of my comments to your hearts delight.
And that they clearly were not excoriated at the level you predict would happen for Olbermann.

Methinks you do protest too much. I did have this in that particular post too:

"and were clearly not excoriated to the level that you say Olbermann would be by the right."

The evidence shows that past "offenders" of this exact thing, even those who were elected to high office were not treated as you pretend that Olbermann would be. All because you want to justify your reaction to your object of worship being treated as others in that same position are.
and where exactly did these two statements take place. How wide was the coverage, and seeing how they were made by lefties, the lack of outrage PROBABLY comes from the fact that righties don't listen to lefties near as much as lefties listen to the righties, But until you posted the comments, I didn't know they existed and I pretty much stay up to date with things like this.
and where exactly did these two statements take place. How wide was the coverage, and seeing how they were made by lefties, the lack of outrage PROBABLY comes from the fact that righties don't listen to lefties near as much as lefties listen to the righties, But until you posted the comments, I didn't know they existed and I pretty much stay up to date with things like this.
You didn't know because the right didn't react the way you predict.

It is why I pointed them out to you. The reality is, though remarks are made by your own side with this same particular subject, they are NOT treated as you suggested they would be.

It was the fricking point I was making. Thanks for helping me make it.

Shoot. You get Ann Coulter getting national coverage for making fun of Edwards crudely at an R event with the same coverage as the Governor of KY was getting when he made his remarks (recently at a D Event), Ann gets hours and hours of TV, the good Gov? Nada. So little coverage that although I knew about it, you who keep abreast of such, never had.

The reality is, the past actions of those you pretend to predict do not support your assertion, it is in fact baseless when placed against the evidence.
You didn't know because the right didn't react the way you predict.

It is why I pointed them out to you. The reality is, though remarks are made by your own side with this same particular subject, they are NOT treated as you suggested they would be.
The right didn't react because MOST on the right never knew it occurred because if they had they would have, legitimately been angry. But rightwing anger and concern, and leftwing as well, is reserved ONLY for the believers. It is part and parcel of what is wrong in this country. New Orleans gets wiped out by a hurricane and because there is a large gay community, it is gods punishment. WTC gets hit by planes and it is god's punishment for everything the lesbians, the aclu and naral do. But this rash of Tornados in the Bible belt and god mysteriously is no where to be found and it has NOTHING to do with his wrath. And you damn sure aren't going to hear the left say that the tornados are gods punishment for the intollerence of everyone the right blames for the hurricanes. The spokesmen for their political ideologies don't care about pain or misery or death IF there is blame that can be heaped on the other side for the pain misery and death.
The right didn't react because MOST on the right never knew it occurred because if they had they would have, legitimately been angry. But rightwing anger and concern, and leftwing as well, is reserved ONLY for the believers. It is part and parcel of what is wrong in this country. New Orleans gets wiped out by a hurricane and because there is a large gay community, it is gods punishment. WTC gets hit by planes and it is god's punishment for everything the lesbians, the aclu and naral do. But this rash of Tornados in the Bible belt and god mysteriously is no where to be found and it has NOTHING to do with his wrath. And you damn sure aren't going to hear the left say that the tornados are gods punishment for the intollerence of everyone the right blames for the hurricanes. The spokesmen for their political ideologies don't care about pain or misery or death IF there is blame that can be heaped on the other side for the pain misery and death.
BS. The right knows they occurred for the same reason many on the left know to overreact all at the same time for the same thing.


Your assertions are not supported by the evidence of the past. Your argument is weak and baseless and you only argue it to support your own reaction and worship.

I respect your intelligence, in any subject that doesn't include Obama. I don't respect it then because your worship makes you blind. Even when presented with strong evidence of the opposite of your assertions you continue because you are desperate to justify your own reactions.

Keep up. He suggested that IF Olbermann made those kinds of jokes about Bush he'd be treated horribly by everybody. I pointed out that there are those who have made those jokes that haven't been treated horribly and his assertion is unsupported by how people who made those jokes were treated in the past.

Can you link me up or at least tell some names and an idea of what they said?
as for Soc pretending that Randi Rhodes with her national audience didn't attract that attention...

I just laugh.

Then when the governor of Kentucky started wishing for a "hunting accident"... Of course it was known too. It was, in fact, just as well covered as Ann's remarks on Edwards which were then plastered on every television from here to kingdom come.
And there was a right wing reaction:

Media Matters website: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44025

Here is a post on Free Republic with righties whining about it: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1392357/posts

While I didn't go through the entire google search it does actually appear that the right was upset about this. But since Rhodes is on Air America it is completely understandable why NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT. The right knew about it. And they were mad about it then, but now it is just false outrage that this woman said that shooting Obama and Osama would be good things. Good times yeah.
as for Soc pretending that Randi Rhodes with her national audience didn't attract that attention...

I just laugh.

Then when the governor of Kentucky started wishing for a "hunting accident"... Of course it was known too. It was, in fact, just as well covered as Ann's remarks on Edwards which were then plastered on every television from here to kingdom come.
And you pretending that the right has no reaction is even MORE laffable. Hack Hack hack.
And there was a right wing reaction:

Media Matters website: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44025

Here is a post on Free Republic with righties whining about it: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1392357/posts

While I didn't go through the entire google search it does actually appear that the right was upset about this. But since Rhodes is on Air America it is completely understandable why NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT. The right knew about it. And they were mad about it then, but now it is just false outrage that this woman said that shooting Obama and Osama would be good things. Good times yeah.
duh. Just not even close to the level you proposed there would be. Which was MY POINT.

Had there been NO reaction I wouldn't have known about them.

The evidence does not support your assertion as to what would happen. It doesn't even come close.