Who is this scumbag on Fox news talking about killing Obama

Its the 800lb gorilla in the room.

Everyone knows some nutball is planning to kill him right now.

Hillary was tired enough to say straight out what she had hinted at for months now. Now Fox is letting people joke about how "we" need Obama dead.

The right in this country just thinks its OK for someone to call out on national TV that a presidential contender should be killed because he might just win. Its just a joke right?

Do you see how the left reacted to their own doing it? Hillary was excoriated for just sugesting he may get killed.

I really wish the people on the right would take a good hard look at what they keep saying "oh thats nothing" about.

Its nothing that the gov lawyers are saying any American can be rounded up by the military and held indefinately without any legal recourse, its nothing that people on national news shows are calling for the Murder of a candidate.

When , exactly when will some of you start acting like Americans again?

She wasn't exactly calling for it, but I agree she shouldn't be joking about an assasination. You should save that kind of talk for when you're stategizing about a nomination.

Liz Trotta
Liz Trotta, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, is the New York Bureau Chief for The Washington Times. She made history as the first American woman in the United States to report combat news during the Vietnam War. After covering national and international news stories for a quarter of a century, she wrote Fighting for Air: In the Trenches with Television News, an autobiographical account of her pioneering television career.

She is now identified. Yes she did say hopefully we can get both(osama and Obama).

I can only assume she thinks the same people who "we" would have kill Osama would also kill Obama. She was joking about the government Murdering Obama.

Liz Trotta
Liz Trotta, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, is the New York Bureau Chief for The Washington Times. She made history as the first American woman in the United States to report combat news during the Vietnam War. After covering national and international news stories for a quarter of a century, she wrote Fighting for Air: In the Trenches with Television News, an autobiographical account of her pioneering television career.

She is now identified. Yes she did say hopefully we can get both(osama and Obama).

I can only assume she thinks the same people who "we" would have kill Osama would also kill Obama. She was joking about the government Murdering Obama.
I think she was playing on simple victory. I think that she was insensitive but was speaking more on hopefully we can defeat him in an election. But then I don't know her heart.

I don't think she was speaking on his murder any more than I think Hillary really meant that.
She equated Obama with Osama.

she said hopefully "WE" can get them both.

Who is the fucking We she had in her mind?
Who on national TV has joked about wishing "we" could kill the president?

I believe Bill Maher did regarding VP Cheney.

More people in the world would live if Vice President Dick Cheney died, political commentator Bill Maher said, raising few eyebrows despite suggesting the death of the U.S. vice president would be a good thing.

During a visit to Afghanistan late last month, a suicide bomber detonated himself outside Bagram Air Base where Cheney was visiting. Several Afghans and a U.S. soldier were killed, but Cheney was unhurt.

During the Friday night broadcast of his HBO show "Real Time With Bill Maher," Maher and his guests, including Democratic Rep. Barney Frank and former Republican Rep. Joe Scarborough, debated the removal of comments from the HuffingtonPost Web log praising the idea of Cheney being assassinated.

BDS Examples -

Liberals have gone so far as to make a movie on the assassination of President Bush, Death Of A President. Newmarket Films have just announced the planned release of this movie for January 20, 2009 in the US. Liberals everywhere will be jerking off to this one.

Cafe Press sold "Kill Bush" T-Shirts, until the backlash finally stopped them.

Columbia College in Chicago put on an "art" exhibit, showing a gun to the Presidents head.

So if Obama is to win the presidency, when can I expect to see a movie of his assassination, buy T-Shirts that say "Kill Obama" and see an art exhibit showing a gun to his head.
I believe Bill Maher did regarding VP Cheney.

More people in the world would live if Vice President Dick Cheney died, political commentator Bill Maher said, raising few eyebrows despite suggesting the death of the U.S. vice president would be a good thing.

During a visit to Afghanistan late last month, a suicide bomber detonated himself outside Bagram Air Base where Cheney was visiting. Several Afghans and a U.S. soldier were killed, but Cheney was unhurt.

During the Friday night broadcast of his HBO show "Real Time With Bill Maher," Maher and his guests, including Democratic Rep. Barney Frank and former Republican Rep. Joe Scarborough, debated the removal of comments from the HuffingtonPost Web log praising the idea of Cheney being assassinated.


Oh please, not with the Maher thing again.

I have NO problem stating for the record, that this world would be better off if George Bush had died in a drunk driving accident in 1986. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in a war we didn't need to fight. Everytime I hear some con cry about Bill Maher, I think of the hundreds of thousands of iraqi and american widows and widowers, orphans, and shattered families.

Yeah, if Bush were dead the world would be better off. That's a statement of fact. Not an assassination plot.
Oh please, not with the Maher thing again.

I have NO problem stating for the record, that this world would be better off if George Bush had died in a drunk driving accident in 1986. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in a war we didn't need to fight. Everytime I hear some con cry about Bill Maher, I think of the hundreds of thousands of iraqi and american widows and widowers, orphans, and shattered families.

Yeah, if Bush were dead the world would be better off. That's a statement of fact. Not an assassination plot.

Now here is the convoluted logic we're so accustomed to from left wing morons....Maher can opine about Cheney and cypress about Bush and be serious as all hell.....and thats OK....perfectly righteous....

But Liz Trotta, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, is the New York Bureau Chief for The Washington Times makes an obvious joke, even laughing herself at the comment and all hell breaks loose....

And the idea originated with Hillary Clinton in the first place....its fuckin' laughable...liberal hacks are fuckin' laughable.....desh and cypress being at the top of the "Roster of Assholes".
Now here is the convoluted logic we're so accustomed to from left wing morons....Maher can opine about Cheney and cypress about Bush and be serious as all hell.....and thats OK....perfectly righteous....

But Liz Trotta, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, is the New York Bureau Chief for The Washington Times makes an obvious joke, even laughing herself at the comment and all hell breaks loose....

And the idea originated with Hillary Clinton in the first place....its fuckin' laughable...liberal hacks are fuckin' laughable.....desh and cypress being at the top of the "Roster of Assholes".

I don't believe I complained once in this thread about Liz Trotta. So, don't fucking complain to me you bush loving hack.
I don't believe I complained once in this thread about Liz Trotta. So, don't fucking complain to me you bush loving hack.

And I didn't accuse you of complaining about her in my post did I ?, you fuckin anti-American moron, that seems to have a reading disability....:321::321:
And I didn't accuse you of complaining about her in my post did I ?, you fuckin anti-American moron, that seems to have a reading disability....:321::321:

You do enjoy taking it up the ass from your boyfriend Bush don't you? What has it been? Five years of your time on message boards defending your boyfriend, i.e., the worst president in history?
You do enjoy taking it up the ass from your boyfriend Bush don't you? What has it been? Five years of your time on message boards defending your boyfriend, i.e., the worst president in history?

Trying to be the 'stand-in' for maineman on the site?

Both of you were and are obsessed with kinky sex acts I see....

Obviously....you've got nothing more to say in the nature of adult debate....
Thats good..I hate to haste my time:321:
Trying to be the 'stand-in' for maineman on the site?

Both of you were and are obsessed with kinky sex acts I see....

Obviously....you've got nothing more to say in the nature of adult debate....
Thats good..I hate to haste my time:321:

You've been calling me an anti-american traitor for years. Don't fucking complain, when I mention how much you love your boyfriend bush.
Thank you for the court transcript. I did not know that had actually been said. I still have difficulty believing it.The lawyer who said "yes, your honor" to the question whether U.S. citizens can be treated as enemy combatants without first going through due process to remove their rights as a citizen should be disbarred. And the justice who glossed the possibility under the excuse "we don't see citizens being rounded up" should be debenched and beaten behind the woodshed. (I have a hickory stick just the right size....)I DO have a serious problem with anyone other than genuinely suspected foreign enemy agents being subject to military (as opposed to criminal) arrest within the United States. As I said to Dixie, just because presidents have done unconstitutional things in the past under wartime conditions does not make it the right thing to do, nor condone doing it today under wartime conditions.I just have trouble believing a federal lawyer - or a federal judge - would even briefly entertain the notion that presidential war powers extends to violating the Constitution. That's why I doubted the word of an NBC report. The idea is ridiculous. Presidential war powers, as clarified by SCOTUS during the Civil War, is the power of the President, as commander in chief of the armed forces, to send those forces where he feels is necessary to national security without need for declaration of war from congress. (It's why congress could not force the president to withdraw from Viet Nam) NO OTHER POWERS have been granted, neither by the Constitution, nor by interpretation/decision by the courts.To suspend the Constitution or any part of it, legally, would require a full blown declaration of martial law. And the president that does that will have a full blown revolution on his hands even if the measure were reasonably justified.

:usflag::usflag: :ribb:America Rules!!!:ribb: :usflag::usflag:

Yeah...but I'm telling the TRUTH....!!!

anti american traitor? resorting to ad hominem attacks is pretty standard when your own position is as weak as yours is.

newsflash: patriotic americans can disagree with this president and this war without being anti-american traitors.
I believe Bill Maher did regarding VP Cheney.

More people in the world would live if Vice President Dick Cheney died, political commentator Bill Maher said, raising few eyebrows despite suggesting the death of the U.S. vice president would be a good thing.

During a visit to Afghanistan late last month, a suicide bomber detonated himself outside Bagram Air Base where Cheney was visiting. Several Afghans and a U.S. soldier were killed, but Cheney was unhurt.

During the Friday night broadcast of his HBO show "Real Time With Bill Maher," Maher and his guests, including Democratic Rep. Barney Frank and former Republican Rep. Joe Scarborough, debated the removal of comments from the HuffingtonPost Web log praising the idea of Cheney being assassinated.

BDS Examples -

Liberals have gone so far as to make a movie on the assassination of President Bush, Death Of A President. Newmarket Films have just announced the planned release of this movie for January 20, 2009 in the US. Liberals everywhere will be jerking off to this one.

Cafe Press sold "Kill Bush" T-Shirts, until the backlash finally stopped them.

Columbia College in Chicago put on an "art" exhibit, showing a gun to the Presidents head.

So if Obama is to win the presidency, when can I expect to see a movie of his assassination, buy T-Shirts that say "Kill Obama" and see an art exhibit showing a gun to his head.

Saying that fewer people would die if a pweson who is responsible for people dying was dead is not the same as saying "Hopefully we can GET them both"

One a statement about a person causing death and the other is suggesting they "WE" can hopefully KILL a person.

Mahr did not call for Cheneys death, This woman said hopefully we can assinate Obama and Osama.

That stupid movie you are talking about was made in England and has nothing to do with people in this country.

Those other two examples have nothing to do with the media.

I really do wish Bush and Cheney both had died of natural causes 20 years ago. Then thousands of Americans would still be alive, we would not be in this mess we are in.

That has nothing to do with me talking about getting them assasinated.

Now if this woman had said she wished that "we" could get both Bush and Cheney assasinated then you would be blowig a gasket and the Secret Service would be all over her wouldnt they?

You people can never tell the differnce between protected speach and a threat to someones life.