Who really cares about the poor?

It does matter where they give though.
Do they give to groups that only benefit the needy ? Or directly to the needy? Or just pay for a mega million dollar church ? And get their name on the end of a pew ?
Not to say churches do not do good. but they have a lot more overhead than a soup kitchen or gods pantry.
No, 'cept when you're trying to convince someone that it's because of generosity or "caring about the poor." I'm explaining the statistics and how they're being used to mislead.

You're right, but I am not wholly convinced that most people give for altruistic reasons. Don't get me wrong, some do, but I believe most give in an effort to assuage a sense of guilt.
What is that?

What guilt? I'm not sure. Perhaps they feel guilty because they have more than those to whom they give. Because they have a home, a job, clothes, an SUV. Because they feel that they got a break and others didn't. There area myriad of reasons a person might feel guilt and choose to alleviate that guilt through charity.

Mind you, this is only my opinion and I could very well be wrong, I am certain that the majority of people would/will/do think I'm wrong. What can I say? I'm a cynic who can't remember the last time he felt guilty about anything.
What I think a lot of people are forgetting about in this thread is that Democrat=/= liberal.

Many low income families vote DEMOCRAT, but do not consider themselves liberal.
Most of the studies were done on how the areas voted in the last few elections. They also went off of registration and how they report themselves. But you go into a heavily R area, find a bunch of working poor who say they are conservative and you are likely to find who gives to charity.
Most of the studies were done on how the areas voted in the last few elections. They also went off of registration and how they report themselves. But you go into a heavily R area, find a bunch of working poor who say they are conservative and you are likely to find who gives to charity.

I'm living in an affluent area, but myself, well I'm working poor. I'm grateful that I own my own home, but I still give at least 10% to charity. I'm not so Catholic that I tithe, though I give at least $5 weekly. I also give to Salvation Army, more than $5 weekly, as they really perform on all sorts of levels. I give to my local Association of Retarded Citizens, keeping pace with what my parents did. I give to the 'missions' at my school, though I don't trust the administration as I'd like. I give to the local food pantry/soup kitchen, which is a consortium of churches/synagogues in this area, there are two mosques within 3 miles, they haven't chosen to participate. I give 'something' every year to the Red Cross, though I often find reason to disagree with them.
It does matter where they give though.
Do they give to groups that only benefit the needy ? Or directly to the needy? Or just pay for a mega million dollar church ? And get their name on the end of a pew ?
Not to say churches do not do good. but they have a lot more overhead than a soup kitchen or gods pantry.
Yes, it mattered. Mega-churches didn't count. According to what I gleaned it was specific charities and deductible organizations depending on which study they were using. Each gave similar results regardless.

You don't get to take your tithes off of your taxes.
Yes, it mattered. Mega-churches didn't count. According to what I gleaned it was specific charities and deductible organizations depending on which study they were using. Each gave similar results regardless.

You don't get to take your tithes off of your taxes.

The beauty of your board Damo is you have some athiest crackers who claim to be from near middle America (Kentucky which is South of the greatest state in the Union, Ohio). Go Eric Cartamn and CU!

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0C_MXvJC9s"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjNsjQriij0"]YouTube - cartman CU intros[/ame]

"And Boulder has a lot of Hippies!!!!!!"
rural people are less educated therefore are more likely to believe in fairy tales of religion.

The overwhelming majority of the world's population has a faith of some sort...I think it is funny how much the super-minority of atheists think they are the only intelligent or educated people on the planet.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of highly educated, intelligent people that are religious.

Of course, I guess you have to find someone to take out your bitterness on, since you sucked so bad at the economy.
gonztool its good you have a cartoon to make you feel good. I did a million by 48 on my economics I KNOW your way behind. Much of the world is uneducated. I bet you the highest percentage of aithiest is in scientist.

"Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227). "

"Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

-- Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.

-- Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.

-- In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent."

"-- People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition."

more at link...

How very telling. I look forward to the liberal responses.

That's because "liberals" are more likely to be middle-class and the middle-class donates the least out of any class to charity.

Me, personally, I'm a liberal who doesn't give a fuck about the poor, so no contradiction there.
What do you mean claim to be from KY ? I was born and raised here and currently live here. but it is not the only place I have lived. And buckeyeville is the greatest ???

If you refer to my IP location, well I can appear to be from NY, CA, TX, etc from that :D
And I do no spoofing either.
Heck I can even loop thru MA.
Really ? I know many who can go to jail then.

I know we used to be able to write them off. I can remember my parents doing it when I was a kid. We don't call the tithes though. I haven't ever written them off since I entered the work force. Was told that I couldn't. I really don't know for sure.