Of course they do!
The 1/6 commission has offered an open invitation to anyone willing to testify.
They have called that bluff.
The panel isn't going to subpoena anyone based off a Nazi lie on Twitter.

^Another reason you cannot argue with a lying sociopathic, uneducated, low IQ mental case. :laugh:
Already answered dimwitted wonder dunce. So why don't you go take your meds now and stop trolling your thread. ;)

So you allege there was a "corrupt election", but won't explicitly say how it was corrupted or to what end it was corrupted...then you pose a rhetorical question.

You did it here using innuendo:

According to Statista, there were 168.51 million registered voters in 2020. https://www.statista.com/statistics/273743/number-of-registered-voters-in-the-united-states/

Let's do some basic math:

Biden got 81,286,365 votes. A massive record. Far greater than the more popular Obama got. A US record in fact! https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/voter-turnout-in-presidential-elections
Trump got 74,225,845 votes. He beat his own best record in 2016.
Dr. Jo Jorgensen got 1,865,616 votes.
Howie Hawkins got 406,687 votes.
OTHER = 806,381 votes.

TOTAL = 158,590,894 votes cast. That means that 94% of registered voters cast votes in the presidential election. Gee, that only happens in dictatorships and third world shit holes dipshit.

I know, it was a miracle right dipshit?

And you did it here:

This is an OUTRAGE for BOTH sides. How is it that elections we have had in the past were counted by midnight now are taking days and days to count?

As Trump stated; VOTE-BY-MAIL is a disaster and ONLY a benefit to the Party of CHAOS (Jackass).

So by midnight, Trump had OVER a 500,000 vote lead. Yet it was not enough to call the state for Trump? Two days later that lead has been reduced to 135,000. So are ALL the votes these incompetent boobs in PA can't seem to count on election night for Biden? How is that even remotely possible???

Same with Georgia. Isn't it fascinating that on election night Trump had an 85,000 vote margin. Today, three days later it has shrunk to a mere 13,500 vote margin.

This is an OUTRAGE and a total embarrassment for America. The Party of CHAOS (jackass) planned it this way so that they could find a way to STEAL this election.

How is it that Democratic members of the State claimed that they were sure that by the end of the counting Biden would win when Trump had a 500,000 vote margin??

I think we all KNOW the honest answer to that question.

So if they're not rhetorical questions, then what is the answer you think we all know?
Her testimony is not refuted by anyone so far.

flail·ing | \ ˈflā-liŋ \
1: moving, swinging, or beating wildly like a flail —used especially of a person or a person's limbs
b: clumsy or ineffectual

grasping at straws
trying to find some way to succeed when nothing you choose is likely to work
^Another reason you cannot argue with a lying sociopathic, uneducated, low IQ mental case. :laugh:

You passive-aggressively alleged the election was stolen, using the works of other people to support your position, then when confronted, you run away and avoid.
So you allege there was a "corrupt election", but won't explicitly say how it was corrupted or to what end it was corrupted...then you pose a rhetorical question.
You did it here using innuendo:
And you did it here:
So if they're not rhetorical questions, then what is the answer you think we all know?

So you believe that there was a 94% voter participation rate in 2020. It was a miracle. :laugh:

You passive-aggressively alleged the election was stolen, using the works of other people to support your position, then when confronted, you run away and avoid.

^Believes that Biden's election was a miracle. 94% voter participation. A record unmatched in US history but easily matched in third world shit holes. :laugh:
The reason Truth Detector won't publicly admit that he was spreading the lie that the 2020 election was stolen is because he knows the next question from me will be why he sat here on JPP and shitposted all day on 1/6 instead of acting like a true patriot and saving the Republic from voter fraud.
1. It really doesn't. There just is no reason to make an affidavit that something didn't happen. It's silly to pretend that it would make a difference to you.
2. Nah, it just underlines the nature of the "witness". Her "testimony" was rife with absurd nonsense. The reason "the right" focused on this was because the left was using them in the news as examples, they are simply using the examples they saw in the news.
3. I don't believe she provided anything, she undermined her own credibility, gossiped, and then got a pat on the back, the points that were "outrageous" and used in the news as examples are the ones we are talking about here. Get Maddow to talk about something with more meat in it and maybe you'd have a point.
4. However it was brought to us with that description. She was their "blockbuster witness", and she was not very credible.

Still going w/ the "gossip" narrative, eh?

She was right there for the majority of what she spoke about. I still don't get why people go to such great lengths to discredit testimony like hers, and brave people like her who are willing to talk about what happened.
so she had credibility with you......understood.....

How much credibility do Trumpers have? They try to marginalize and discredit literally everyone who speaks out against Trump in some way - most of whom have been conservatives.

Per the cult, only Trump can be telling the truth. Everyone else has to be lying.

How credible is that?

Don't answer. The correct response is "not very."
Maybe he is lying, was he under oath?

We don't even know if he said it. It was hearsay according to volsrock's link. :|

UPDATE: A Secret Service official familiar with the matter told CNN that Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.

My bet: If he was willing to testify that it happened, this "panel" would have had him in there to "testify". And IMHO: Because they instead only have someone willing to tell stories about what she "heard" others say tells me that they do not have an actual witness who would say that it happened.

IF he was willing to testify? Why wouldn't he be, if he claims Hutchinson was lying?

Besides, Ornato never said first-person that he denies Hutchinson's claim. Some flunky did it on his behalf. So flunky's "familiarity with the matter" is based on what Ornato told him.
