Who's On Your Ignore List?


Diversity Makes Greatness
It's no secret that with few rules at JPP some people have large Ignore Lists.

I am one of them, and have outlined why in my PIP.

Wanna share Ignore Lists?

I'll post mine if you post yours.

Just go to Settings / Edit Ignore List and do a copy/paste.

I wonder which names are on the most lists?

Let's find out, shall we?

This could be helpful to new posters and for the substance of the board.

I am so glad to be a voice for civility.

That just improves the quality of the board so we spend less time on drivel and more time learning.

Here's my current Ignore List:

Boris The Animal
Buck Tucker
Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Cancel 2018. 3
Cancel 2018.2
Dark Soul
Death Watch 2020
Enlightened One
Getin the ring
Havana Moon
I Love America
Into the Night
Life is Golden
Lord Yurt
OG Yurt
Proud Boy
RB 60
Steven VanderMolen
Teflon Don
Text Drivers are Killers
The Ugly Truth
Truth Detector
None, what's the fun in that, how you going to find out the latest line the radio and FOX demogogues are selling if you can't read the Trumpkins' posts?
Hello archives,

None, what's the fun in that, how you going to find out the latest line the radio and FOX demogogues are selling if you can't read the Trumpkins' posts?

This reminds me of my reasoning for not using turn signals before I quit that bad habit and began using them as a course of good driving habits.

I reasoned that if I used turn signals that people would just speed up to cut me off from making lane changes. I was actually correct about that assumption, but I was incorrect in thinking that everybody would do that. Actually, taking this chance by putting myself out there resulted in a renewal of faith in the goodness of humanity. Turns out (pun intended) there are a lot of good people in this world and they drive too. Sure, I get people that speed up to cut me off, but what happens most often (by far, actually) is that they slow down and allow me in.

How does this relate to having a large Ignore List?

Some might assume that only Trump fans are rude. Turns out that is not true. And it kind of reinforces my faith in humanity to see that. If you look at my IgList you'll notice there are some liberals on there as well. And if you look at my Friends list you'll see conservatives on there.

Sorry if that shoots the heck out of the we/they theory.

I have always been a seeker of the truth. That can be pretty tricky with politics. A lot of liberals want to assume that all conservatives are hateful horrible people. I have learned that is not the case at all. And the flip of that is also true. Neither side can claim that everyone on their side is all good and everyone on the opposite side is all bad. Really, the we/they theory is bunk. There are a lot of very good Trump fans. They are good people. I know some of them personally. Even among the ones on my Ignore List, I am sure there are some good people, people you would want to have as neighbors. (I just don't like the way they talk to me dismissively) And liberals include plenty of bad people. People I would not trust with anything and would not want to have as neighbors.

The we/they theory is total BS. It is overly simplistic and it is dangerous. The sooner people get past that the better their understanding of how American politics works.

Forgiveness is power.
you cant know the reality of your opposition by ignoring your opposition

I figured out some foreign nation was faking on the internets

pretending to be American voters

the posts are here on this site to prove it

back before it was a known entity

All because I ignored NO POSTERS

and yet again I was proven correct

without knowing what you are fighting you cant win

I don't even neg rep ANYONE

I use my words for that
Hello archives,

This reminds me of my reasoning for not using turn signals before I quit that bad habit and began using them as a course of good driving habits.

I reasoned that if I used turn signals that people would just speed up to cut me off from making lane changes. I was actually correct about that assumption, but I was incorrect in thinking that everybody would do that. Actually, taking this chance by putting myself out there resulted in a renewal of faith in the goodness of humanity. Turns out (pun intended) there are a lot of good people in this world and they drive too. Sure, I get people that speed up to cut me off, but what happens most often (by far, actually) is that they slow down and allow me in.

How does this relate to having a large Ignore List?

Some might assume that only Trump fans are rude. Turns out that is not true. And it kind of reinforces my faith in humanity to see that. If you look at my IgList you'll notice there are some liberals on there as well. And if you look at my Friends list you'll see conservatives on there.

Sorry if that shoots the heck out of the we/they theory.

I have always been a seeker of the truth. That can be pretty tricky with politics. A lot of liberals want to assume that all conservatives are hateful horrible people. I have learned that is not the case at all. And the flip of that is also true. Neither side can claim that everyone on their side is all good and everyone on the opposite side is all bad. Really, the we/they theory is bunk. There are a lot of very good Trump fans. They are good people. I know some of them personally. Even among the ones on my Ignore List, I am sure there are some good people, people you would want to have as neighbors. (I just don't like the way they talk to me dismissively) And liberals include plenty of bad people. People I would not trust with anything and would not want to have as neighbors.

The we/they theory is total BS. It is overly simplistic and it is dangerous. The sooner people get past that the better their understanding of how American politics works.

Forgiveness is power.

That is all fine and well, although the directional logic escapes me, but banning posters you are missing out on others input especially the wacky contributors who provide the humor
Hello archives,

That is all fine and well, although the directional logic escapes me, but banning posters you are missing out on others input especially the wacky contributors who provide the humor

And you're not missing anything?

The truth is we are all missing things said by other posters. Nobody can keep up with and read every thread.

Our only difference is that I am filtering out the ugliness and you are not.

That's your prerogative. I have done it that way, and long ago wondered what it would be like to use the given filters. Having done it both ways, I decided I like using the filters.

I don't think this has resulted in any reduction of the amount I learn by visiting JPP. Actually I believe it has increased it, since I don't get involved with the food fights, and stick mostly to actually talking about subjects instead of non-productive flame wars.
Hello evince,

you cant know the reality of your opposition by ignoring your opposition

I don't even consider them the opposition necessarily. If we are all Americans, we are all on the same side. We simply gravitate to different approaches to achieve the same goal, a better America.

I figured out some foreign nation was faking on the internets

pretending to be American voters

the posts are here on this site to prove it

back before it was a known entity

All because I ignored NO POSTERS

and yet again I was proven correct

without knowing what you are fighting you cant win

I consider myself fairly well informed. And I think I have a more accurate assessment of Trump fans than the failed and overly simplistic we/they theory.

I don't even neg rep ANYONE

I use my words for that

On this we agree. Check my stats. I have never groaned a single post. The best way to shut down failed arguments is and always has been to point out why they are wrong and to then point out the truth. Everything else is just words in the wind.
Here's my current Ignore List:

Boris The Animal
Buck Tucker
Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Cancel 2018. 3
Cancel 2018.2
Dark Soul
Death Watch 2020
Enlightened One
Getin the ring
Havana Moon
I Love America
Into the Night
Life is Golden
Lord Yurt
OG Yurt
Proud Boy
RB 60
Steven VanderMolen
Teflon Don
Text Drivers are Killers
The Ugly Truth
Truth Detector

I probably have more on than off thanks to the countless troll socks. I like to just put up a wall and take on people at my leisure rather than read through piles of garbage.
I have had to put Dark Snitch on my Ignore List. (There should be a 'List of Forum Rats' posted somewhere. That would help a lot)
Hello Jade Dragon,

I probably have more on than off thanks to the countless troll socks. I like to just put up a wall and take on people at my leisure rather than read through piles of garbage.


I once fancied that I was spoiling myself by avoiding such grief.

Now I consider it essential to maintaining a positive psyche.
Hello Jack,

I have had to put Dark Snitch on my Ignore List. (There should be a 'List of Forum Rats' posted somewhere. That would help a lot)

I once mused that there should be such a list. I thought the good people should share lists and create a master list for good people.

Later I figured out that was naive. Ignore Lists are personal things. They will be different for everybody.

But if we can get enough people to post their lists I bet there are some names that come up over and over.

That would be a start for a general 'don't bother with them' list.
Hello evince,

I don't even consider them the opposition necessarily. If we are all Americans, we are all on the same side. We simply gravitate to different approaches to achieve the same goal, a better America.

but they are the enemy, its a GRU(the new GB) disinformation program and its already worked

ignoring the enemy means you lose

I consider myself fairly well informed. And I think I have a more accurate assessment of Trump fans than the failed and overly simplistic we/they theory.

the Russian influence has already worked

On this we agree. Check my stats. I have never groaned a single post. The best way to shut down failed arguments is and always has been to point out why they are wrong and to then point out the truth. Everything else is just words in the wind.

I never ban

I never ignore

I never neg rep

I spread the truth in an entertaining way

My love of the truth leads me
Hello Jack,

I once mused that there should be such a list. I thought the good people should share lists and create a master list for good people.

Later I figured out that was naive. Ignore Lists are personal things. They will be different for everybody.

But if we can get enough people to post their lists I bet there are some names that come up over and over.

That would be a start for a general 'don't bother with them' list.
i don't think many have "real" ignore lists that you'll see.... ( they might cut & paste, post the list here, and but then just unclick them all...lol)....
Plus if someone quotes one on your ignore list, you see it anyway...don't you?
I never ban

I never ignore

I never neg rep

I spread the truth in an entertaining way

My love of the truth leads me
So list some of your "truth"...the posters you claim are bots....People ask you all the time but you never do....
If you can't, then you must be lying....
It's no secret that with few rules at JPP some people have large Ignore Lists.

I am one of them, and have outlined why in my PIP.

Wanna share Ignore Lists?

I'll post mine if you post yours.

Just go to Settings / Edit Ignore List and do a copy/paste.

I wonder which names are on the most lists?

Let's find out, shall we?

This could be helpful to new posters and for the substance of the board.

I am so glad to be a voice for civility.

That just improves the quality of the board so we spend less time on drivel and more time learning.

I do not have anyone on ignore. I just skim right by the lower life forms, the mind-numbingly boring, the incoherent and mediocre to read the posters I choose to read.

I have a lot of trolls, one-hit wonders, known racists, bigots, and liars on my thread ban list. Only trolls and truly terrible human beings even get considered for my thread ban. The bottom line is I do not consider racism, bigotry, libel, gossip, mental illness, misogyny, and xenophobia to be protected forms of free speech. It is part and parcel of my contribution to improving the interwebs.