Who's On Your Ignore List?

I used to have USF on my List, but he has lost his voice (along with his mind).

I am waiting for USF to:
1. Admit he is a Snowflake.
2. Admit he wants JPP to have a 'Safe Place'.
3. Accept the Play-Doh Mason has offered.
4. Accept the Toy Dinosaur Jade has offered.
5. Accept the weed-laced Brownies Owl has offered.
6. Accept the Bible (with evils of sex highlighted in yellow) from Phantasmal.
7. Pledge to stop hanging around with Dark Snitch.
I probably have more on than off thanks to the countless troll socks. I like to just put up a wall and take on people at my leisure rather than read through piles of garbage.

Exactly. I have the most virulent racists, bigots, haters, and dumbfucks on ignore since they have no redeeming qualities to offer whatsoever.

I'm always amused at the anti-ignore-list few around here. Not speaking of evince of course, but rather of the couple of obsessed ones who follow certain ppl around devotedly reading all of their previous days' posts, and frequently remarking on them in a non sequitur way. Sometimes one of your posts will even be (badly) quoted in a unique word salad that only makes sense to your stalker. And of course "groans" must be lovingly placed upon all your posts as well. :laugh:
I used to have USF on my List, but he has lost his voice (along with his mind).

I am waiting for USF to:
1. Admit he is a Snowflake.
2. Admit he wants JPP to have a 'Safe Place'.
3. Accept the Play-Doh Mason has offered.
4. Accept the Toy Dinosaur Jade has offered.
5. Accept the weed-laced Brownies Owl has offered.
6. Accept the Bible (with evils of sex highlighted in yellow) from Phantasmal.
7. Pledge to stop hanging around with Dark Snitch.

I would never offer USF a weed-laced brownie. What a waste of good weed. I do have shrooms though....... muhahahahaha.
Hello Cypress,

I do not have anyone on ignore. I just skim right by the lower life forms, the mind-numbingly boring, the incoherent and mediocre to read the posters I choose to read.

I have a lot of trolls, one-hit wonders, known racists, bigots, and liars on my thread ban list. Only trolls and truly terrible human beings even get considered for my thread ban. The bottom line is I do not consider racism, bigotry, libel, gossip, mental illness, misogyny, and xenophobia to be protected forms of free speech. It is part and parcel of my contribution to improving the interwebs.

Alright. Thanks for that reply. Sounds like it is sort of a mental ignore list. See the name, move on, don't read. I suppose that is what I would be doing as well. That's the way I used to do it before I decided to spoil myself for a while and just block all the trolls out. After I did that for a few weeks I didn't want to go back.

I always used my IgList as my ThreadBan List. But I realized that the thread ban feature is useless without a rule prohibiting thread thievery. That's where somebody C/P's your whole thread, with the same title, perhaps a word or character changed, and posts it with no thread ban. Then you've got dual conversations going about the same thing, so it dilutes the conversation and wrecks the thread. So I stopped using the thread ban feature. No big, I'll hand that one to them. Where there are no rules people will abuse one another. So why not just drop the thread ban feature and be done with it if there is no rule to make it work as intended.

I would favor a change to the site where you simply do not see the messages that x banned poster is on your Ignore list so that post is hidden. Same thing over and over. I think it would be better to simply see nothing. I've taken part in chat sites where that is the case and it works fine. Then there is no scrolling to be done, so less time is wasted doing that. And if somebody is on my Ignore List I really don't want to be seeing their name all the time. I'd really prefer to simply not even remember they exist on the planet.

And the really best way I could imagine would be if users had an option to also avoid seeing any post which replies to an ignored poster. I don't even want to respond to anything they said, even if it is second hand.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Exactly. I have the most virulent racists, bigots, haters, and dumbfucks on ignore since they have no redeeming qualities to offer whatsoever.

I'm always amused at the anti-ignore-list few around here. Not speaking of evince of course, but rather of the couple of obsessed ones who follow certain ppl around devotedly reading all of their previous days' posts, and frequently remarking on them in a non sequitur way. Sometimes one of your posts will even be (badly) quoted in a unique word salad that only makes sense to your stalker. And of course "groans" must be lovingly placed upon all your posts as well. :laugh:

Groans from certain posters are like a badge of honor. Then you know you are really making your point. Pay no attention to them. If you wanted to run a study I bet you would learn that it is actually a small number of people who do nothing but sit around and groan others all the time. What negative energy.
Hello Cypress,

Alright. Thanks for that reply. Sounds like it is sort of a mental ignore list. See the name, move on, don't read. I suppose that is what I would be doing as well. That's the way I used to do it before I decided to spoil myself for a while and just block all the trolls out. After I did that for a few weeks I didn't want to go back.

I always used my IgList as my ThreadBan List. But I realized that the thread ban feature is useless without a rule prohibiting thread thievery. That's where somebody C/P's your whole thread, with the same title, perhaps a word or character changed, and posts it with no thread ban. Then you've got dual conversations going about the same thing, so it dilutes the conversation and wrecks the thread. So I stopped using the thread ban feature. No big, I'll hand that one to them. Where there are no rules people will abuse one another. So why not just drop the thread ban feature and be done with it if there is no rule to make it work as intended.

I would favor a change to the site where you simply do not see the messages that x banned poster is on your Ignore list so that post is hidden. Same thing over and over. I think it would be better to simply see nothing. I've taken part in chat sites where that is the case and it works fine. Then there is no scrolling to be done, so less time is wasted doing that. And if somebody is on my Ignore List I really don't want to be seeing their name all the time. I'd really prefer to simply not even remember they exist on the planet.

And the really best way I could imagine would be if users had an option to also avoid seeing any post which replies to an ignored poster. I don't even want to respond to anything they said, even if it is second hand.

You can take it as a compliment - the dotards, primates, and lower life forms who plagiarize your threads obviously find your writing, your contributions, your ideas for threads to be interesting, compelling, worth spending time on, worth discussing.

It is a testament to the quality of your contributions.

When you really think about it, is is extraordinary how many jpp posters are mediocre, subpar, boring, insipid, barely articulate, dull, and not even worth reading or paying attention to in the slightest.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Groans from certain posters are like a badge of honor. Then you know you are really making your point. Pay no attention to them. If you wanted to run a study I bet you would learn that it is actually a small number of people who do nothing but sit around and groan others all the time. What negative energy.

The two who do it the most are Havana and Pearl.
The two who do it the most are Havana and Pearl.

I really did not notice that, I almost never read either of them, and I don't even know who Pearl is.

So obviously, they have not made my list of posters actually who are insightful and interesting enough to read and pay attention to.

I have a top fifteen list of posters actually worth reading, and you, Politalker, and Jade are on it - and on it in spades!
Here's my current Ignore List:

Boris The Animal
Buck Tucker
Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Cancel 2018. 3
Cancel 2018.2
Dark Soul
Death Watch 2020
Enlightened One
Getin the ring
Havana Moon
I Love America
Into the Night
Life is Golden
Lord Yurt
OG Yurt
Proud Boy
RB 60
Steven VanderMolen
Teflon Don
Text Drivers are Killers
The Ugly Truth
Truth Detector

Nothing to be proud of; this is a testimony of your desire to remain a moron and stay ignorant. :rolleyes:
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I consider myself fairly well informed.

It's no secret that with few rules at JPP some people have large Ignore Lists.

I am one of them, and have outlined why in my PIP.

Wanna share Ignore Lists?

I'll post mine if you post yours.

Just go to Settings / Edit Ignore List and do a copy/paste.

I wonder which names are on the most lists?

Let's find out, shall we?

This could be helpful to new posters and for the substance of the board.

I am so glad to be a voice for civility.

That just improves the quality of the board so we spend less time on drivel and more time learning.


Maybe a better question is who people don't have on ignore. Who are the few exemplary posters here?