Why are atheists like cypress so invested in monotheism?

He's not Agnostic. Is a devout Atheist and always proselytizing about it.

I've not seen that. I've seen him say about a billion times he's an "agnostic" but it doesn't always feel like he fully understands that position since he doesn't apply it to other things he doesn't know about.
but why is an agnostic committed to monotheism?

His hypothesis about an intelligence that might exist behind all of the universe is not really a "monotheism" per se. It is usually discussed in a singular fashion but since his hypothesis is usually formulated to be unfalsifiable it really is just a vague placeholder.
His hypothesis about an intelligence that might exist behind all of the universe is not really a "monotheism" per se. It is usually discussed in a singular fashion but since his hypothesis is usually formulated to be unfalsifiable it really is just a vague placeholder.
Agnostics aren't overly obsessed with religion like Cypress is, so no.
Agnostics seem very open to polytheism. Look at all the agnostics who go to India to try to find spirituality.
it might seem that way, if you're ignorant.

but when you read what they actually write in the religion forums you would draw my conclusion.
You mostly talk about religion. So, saying you are agnostic is fairly meaningless.
That's not the question he asked.

He asked why I was "invested in monotheism".

I've spent more time reading the Taoist, Buddhist, and Hindi classics than I have the Hebrew bible or New Testament. Those eastern traditions are not monotheistic.

If you look at the last 50 threads started specifically about religion, I am the author of very few of those threads
That's not the question he asked.

He asked why I was "invested in monotheism".

I've spent more time reading the Taoist, Buddhist, and Hindi classics than I have the Hebrew bible or New Testament. Those eastern traditions are not monotheistic.

If you look at the last 50 threads started specifically about religion, I am the author of very few of those threads
Whatever. You talk about religion so calling yourself agnostic is meaningless.
Whatever. You talk about religion so calling yourself agnostic is meaningless.
Again, not the question that was asked.

You shouldn't get angry when other people start threads about religion, and I comment on them.

I am going to correct misinformation when I see it.
Whether that means when a holy roller dismisses evolutionary theory,
or when a militant atheist mistakenly claims that nothing was written or reported about Jesus until seven decades after he died.

There are things I can actually learn from religion. I learned as much from the Taoist and Buddhist classics as I did from my college physics and chemistry textbooks.

There's nothing I can learn from atheism, therefore what is there to talk about? Atheism is just the certainty that an eternal logos, a tanscendant rational agency, or deities do not exist. Atheism does not have any universally accepted philosophy, framework of morality, or canon of literature to talk about.
Again, not the question that was asked.

You shouldn't get angry when other people start threads about religion, and I comment on them.

I am going to correct misinformation when I see it. Whether that means when a holy roller dismisses evolutionary theory, or when a militant atheist mistakenly claims that nothing was written or reported about Jesus until seven decades after he died.

There are things I can actually learn from religion. I learned as much from the Taoist and Buddhist classics as I did from my college physics and chemistry textbooks.

There's nothing I can learn from atheism, therefore what is there to talk about? Atheism is just the certainty that an eternal logos, tanscendant rational agency, or deities don't exist. Atheism does not have any universally accepted philosophy, framework of morality, or canon of literature to talk about.
I believe his position is, technically, "agnostic".

It is best, however, to not speak ill of Christianity or the Old Testament around him as he gets really upset.
The problem is we all have different meanings for words. Cypress is far from being a skeptic which is what agnostics are. Cypress is in search of knowledge which is what gnostics do.

Gnostics and agnostics usually know more about religion than the self-righteous.