Why are people giving Ron Paul so much money?

I guess Cypress closes his eyes and covers his ears whenever Beefy and I tear the LP a new asshole.

Except that I know he doesn't, because he's responded to one of my criticisms of them.

So the obvious conclusion is, as always, that Cypress is a dishonest partisan more loyal to the Democratic Party than he is to liberalism or further yet: the good of the country.
I guess Cypress closes his eyes and covers his ears whenever Beefy and I tear the LP a new asshole.

Except that I know he doesn't, because he's responded to one of my criticisms of them.

So the obvious conclusion is, as always, that Cypress is a dishonest partisan more loyal to the Democratic Party than he is to liberalism or further yet: the good of the country.

If you'd get off your Dano junior gig, and learn to read, you would have realized I wasn't talking about every single libertarian

I've hardly ever heard criticism of libertarian policies or politicians.
Nope never heard of them. So, sorry I missed the joke. I do find it to absurd to talk much about though. Total mud slinging about a man that probably would never lie to us is a joke I would not understand. But yes, I did not see that ron poll thing, and I apologize---that you like bad jokes. :)

I do like bad jokes. that would seem to make me like Ron Paul, but it does not.
If you'd get off your Dano junior gig, and learn to read, you would have realized I wasn't talking about every single libertarian

I've hardly ever heard criticism of libertarian policies or politicians.

Riff me a list of libertarian posters who are blindly uncritical of the LP.

I'll wait....

We are MUCH harder on our own party than we are on yours, and Democrats are harder on themselves than Republicans.
We should put a list together because only two posters on here are 'hardly' critical of the LP, with maybe one that is die-hard.
Here's the question I have for Ron Paul supporters. His chances of winning the Republican nomination are slim to none. Considerinte most Paul supporters are of a libertarian bent, opposed to the Iraq war and are socially moderate to liberal......will you still vote for the Republican nominee if it's not Paul?

I plan to vote Democrat even if it's Hilliary. No slam on Hilliary, I don't buy into the criticism leveled against her by the right wing attack machine.....I just don't think we need any more political inbreeding in Washington, DC. I just pretty much see her as the inevitable Democratic nominee and our next US President.
Here's the question I have for Ron Paul supporters. His chances of winning the Republican nomination are slim to none. Considerinte most Paul supporters are of a libertarian bent, opposed to the Iraq war and are socially moderate to liberal......will you still vote for the Republican nominee if it's not Paul?

I plan to vote Democrat even if it's Hilliary. No slam on Hilliary, I don't buy into the criticism leveled against her by the right wing attack machine.....I just don't think we need any more political inbreeding in Washington, DC. I just pretty much see her as the inevitable Democratic nominee and our next US President.

You're thinking exactly how they want you to think, in terms of "inevitabilities". Free your mind.
You're thinking exactly how they want you to think, in terms of "inevitabilities". Free your mind.

I did that when I voted for Perot.....I won't make that mistake again. I'll vote for whomever the Democratic nominee is because the important thing is not which democrat wins, the important thing is to send a loud and clear message to the Republican party that they have gone way to far on the trip to political extremism. Republicans need to excise the cancer that they have or they will cease to have value as a political party and traditional Republican party values are very important to this nations body politic.

As it stands now the Republican party is quickly on it's way to becoming the party of white, socially reactionary, evengelical and fundamentalist christian, mostly southern and/or rural. As a theocratic party they cannot, nor should not, be able to build a ruling coalition.

Which brings me back to my point. How many of the socially liberal, independant, libertarian and fiscal conservatives are going to remain members of a party dominated by extreme religious views?

Has the Republican party doomed it self to being the minority party for the next generation?
Nope never heard of them. So, sorry I missed the joke. I do find it to absurd to talk much about though. Total mud slinging about a man that probably would never lie to us is a joke I would not understand. But yes, I did not see that ron poll thing, and I apologize---that you like bad jokes. :)

I politician that would never lie to us ? What a moron.
I did that when I voted for Perot.....I won't make that mistake again. I'll vote for whomever the Democratic nominee is because the important thing is not which democrat wins, the important thing is to send a loud and clear message to the Republican party that they have gone way to far on the trip to political extremism. Republicans need to excise the cancer that they have or they will cease to have value as a political party and traditional Republican party values are very important to this nations body politic.

As it stands now the Republican party is quickly on it's way to becoming the party of white, socially reactionary, evengelical and fundamentalist christian, mostly southern and/or rural. As a theocratic party they cannot, nor should not, be able to build a ruling coalition.

Which brings me back to my point. How many of the socially liberal, independant, libertarian and fiscal conservatives are going to remain members of a party dominated by extreme religious views?

Has the Republican party doomed it self to being the minority party for the next generation?

those aren't the right reasons to hate the republican party. You should hate it because it's controlled by globalists assholes who want to sell out america as fast as they can. And on this issue, most dems agree with them. You'r on the wrong axes of analysis, my friend.