Why Are So Many NFL Players, Black ?


Verified User
Has anyone noticed the overwhelming preponderance of Black players in the NFL ? Sometimes an entire team's offensive or defensive squad consists of Black players. And this is coming from a nation where Blacks are only 12% of the population, and about the same % (or less) in colleges (where NFL players are recruited from).

It seems a bit suspicious when you consider the US university affinity for Affirmative Action, and can't help but wonder if White and Hispanic players are being given the same opportunities as Blacks. I remember when I was in college, as a White/Hispanic student, I was discriminated against by Affirmative Action, when the only 8 assitantships granted, were given to the only 8 Blacks who applied, with 17 non-Blacks all denied.

It is also suspicious when you consider the fact that many of the game of pro football's greatest players of all time were White. In addition, most of the 2016 Olympic gold medal winners (70) were by white athletes. Most of the greatest professional boxers of all time were White. There's no lack of proven ability among Whites in athletics/sports. You'd never know it though, by looking at an NFL game. Looks very fishy.

Why Are So Many NFL Players, Black?

Why would anyone (still) be preoccupied with that?

That's like asking......Why are the majority o' Wall $treet thieves White?

Why would anyone (still) be preoccupied with that?

That's like asking......Why are the majority o' Wall $treet thieves White?

"Still" ? I'm new here. I never mentioned it before. But a lot of hypocrisy is going on when it comes to race. Blacks crabbing about being "oppressed" (ex Colin Kaepernick), while Whites are the victims of Affirmative Action.
Smells like a racist swine.

Show some evidence of that, race card fool. Actually, to call what I've said here "racist", is racist itself. YOU are smelling like racist swine. Indeed.

So how do you explain that YOUR comments aren't racist ? You support Affirmative Action ? (the # 1 malicious racism in America, victimizing, by fat, the greatest number of people - Whites - for 55 years)
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And, you're just (now) getting-around to asking why so many NFL players are Black.

No, I've asked it before, but I wasn't in this forum then. And you wash your hands by rubbing them with soap & water. And you cure hunger by eating food. And you start a car by putting your key in the ignition slot. Anything else you're having trouble with ? Good. Now blow away.
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No, I've asked it before, but I wasn't in this forum then. And you wash your hands by rubbing them with soap & water. And you cure hunger by eating food. And you start a car by putting your key in the ignition slot. Anything else you're having trouble with ? Good. Now blow away.

I cure bullshitters by calling them out.
I cure bullshitters by calling them out.

Not very well. LOL. And what do you do when you find out all your "call outs" have been WRONG & STUPID ? lol/ I could prove my Army history by sending the administrator copies of my discharge papers. I could demonstrate my knowledge of machine shop QC, just by talking about it. I could show my rock band ability by popping a video of me playing the guitar. Then what happens to your little call outs ?

That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you the answer. Your little call outs get flushed away, and show what jerk you were.
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