Why didn't Palin stay in office and...

This is the same type of posting Desh used to do. Let me rant on Christians. I don't even go to church and I know everyone doesn't do everything God tells them to do. For a guy who claims to have gone to church he ought to know that. Instead it turns into another 'my political opponents who are Christians are hypocrite' attempts. Weak sauce.
a better question?

why won't your party and Dear leader let us drill for oil here in the Us instead of giving money to Brazil to drill there's..

answer, they hate the United States and the people in it...

Alaskan for 17 years and you don't know it is all about the MONEY!

Prices have to be high for the oil companies to drill here when there is cheaper oil to be had elsewhere! It isn't about our security, when are you going to realize this?
And her selfproclaimed hypocritical belief in god.

Do you believe that god told Sarah to build the pipeline?
If so should not she make that a high priority in her life as a christian?
Or did she lie and use god for political purposes?

If I believed in god and he told me to do something. I kinda think I would do what the big guy says. Getting zotted is not fun.

god told her to build it and she didn't complete her mission, don't you get zapped for that, tutu calls it KARMA
Also, do you have any evidence that anybody at all except yourself ever claimed that God told her to build a natural gas pipeline?

(Although it may be a stroke of genius, we need to start converting cars to natural gas and stop sending our money to those who would attack us.)

God tells here everything she does...even that those dinosaurs made oil in 6,000 years!
I have no idea what stupid point citizen is trying to make in his post now but here's California liberal Willie Brown from a month back in his weekly column talking about Palin. Yes Willie loves Willie but the man knows his politics and for you political junkies go read some of Willie's archived columns. While there are definitely many local San Francisco based references he makes his overall insights are great.

Sarah Palin, political genius

The pundits are wrong. Conventional wisdom is wrong. Sarah Palin's decision to step down as Alaska governor was a brilliant move.

Palin has some of the best political instincts I have ever seen. She became a pop-culture superstar overnight when John McCain made her his veep pick, and she's still second only to President Obama among politicians the public is interested in. Even in liberal San Francisco, she'd be front-page news if she ever came to town.

But that kind of celebrity comes at a high price. What a lot of people don't know is that Palin entered Alaska politics as a reformer attacking the corruption of the state's Republican establishment. As such, she was the darling of the Democrats - until she hooked up with McCain.

After the election, with Palin back home but positioning herself for a 2012 presidential run, it was clear she would catch nothing but ridicule from Alaska's Democrats. It was not going to be pretty.

If Palin wants to play on the national field, she has to be free to move around. She has to be able to drop into Indiana, Ohio or Tennessee and help Republican candidates raise money. She has to be available for radio and TV.

She has to be like Gavin Newsom, free to roam around the country, safe in the knowledge that things will pretty much take care of themselves back home.

Instead, Palin faced the prospect of being constantly pinned down in a state that is a day and a half away from the rest of America. She would have been totally isolated in every sense of the word.

Now she can study up on issues where she is lacking and become a full-time political celebrity.

The pundits call her a quitter, but let's be honest - the pundits never liked her to begin with. Better to take one hit for stepping down and move on than to stay in Alaska and die a death by a thousand cuts.

Governor or not, Palin is still the biggest star in the Republican galaxy. After all, who else have they got?


She is a genius. THis was a master stroke, though neocon blowhards like michael "shit eater" medved tried to frame it as big error.

Now she is not shackled by the control of the republican party, a bunch of sold out statist fucktards.
She is a genius. THis was a master stroke, though neocon blowhards like michael "shit eater" medved tried to frame it as big error.

Now she is not shackled by the control of the republican party, a bunch of sold out statist fucktards.
I agree I think Willie is dead on. And, since she can move around, David Letterman's not going to be so brash knowing that her hubby might show up at his door one night and kick his skinny ass.
I agree I think Willie is dead on. And, since she can move around, David Letterman's not going to be so brash knowing that her hubby might show up at his door one night and kick his skinny ass.

do you take testosterone injections or something?
Or just steroids?
I agree I think Willie is dead on. And, since she can move around, David Letterman's not going to be so brash knowing that her hubby might show up at his door one night and kick his skinny ass.

David can then have him properly arrested for assault, the law is good!

You guys are a sucker for a pretty face!
this thread was to put down Sarah Palin and her belief in God..why don't you just admit that..

I will put down her backward Bronze Aged thinking, don't dumb down my grand daughter's thank you very much!
they are lowering the bar once more! and they say it is the school system! WTF?

sorry froggie I'm writing over you because I can see citizen's quote came up when you quoted him.

Citizen glad to see you can understand a few words that on the page, that mean's your not fully illiterate. Comprehension we still have to work on. Willie Brown, a big time liberal, did not call Sarah Palin a genius. He called her move to leave Alaska a politically genius move. Comprehend the difference? (Rhetorical question because I already know your respond is going to be no.)

And froggie I'm not sure what bar is being lowered. Willie Brown is the ultimate politician with a lifetime of experience which is what makes his column and insights so interesting. You (and everyone else) are obviously free to disagree his perspective.
The beautiful Yadkin valley... But Daniel boone and others left there and moved to Kentucky.
Therefore Ky must be better.
You guys are a sucker for a pretty face!

I know I sure as hell am!! I never supported Palin much, though. :)

I did vote for Susan Hutchison, the hottest candidate on my primary ballot:

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She is a genius. THis was a master stroke, though neocon blowhards like michael "shit eater" medved tried to frame it as big error.

Now she is not shackled by the control of the republican party, a bunch of sold out statist fucktards.

Umm Cawacko I know you will not see this but for the benefit of others this was the post I was responding to about being amazed that someone called Sarah Palin a genius.

Pwned and don't even know it. How can you be literate if you don't even read what you reply to in context.