Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

My degrees were in geology and Earth sciences, which lead to careers as a teacher, a geophysicist, and an engineering geologist.

The Scientific Method Needs Another Step: "How Can We Use This?"

What do you think of using neutrinos to measure all the resources of the Earth, all the way to the core? It would be a combination of a GPS and a Geiger counter.

What do you think of using nuclear energy to superheat the water deposit below the oil deposit, making it gush so nothing is left in the ground?
DutchUncle is a full on troll. Most of us have him on ignore.

Ironically enough occasionally I DO see a post of his that looks almost INTERESTING. But, yeah, he's got me in his Troll Bucket. Now all he ever does is just look for ways to insult.

I thought maybe if I lowered the heat on my side maybe he'd calm down a bit (and yes, after he started insulting me I paid it back, but I am part of the problem now). Clearly I was mistaken. He's on the "warpath" now.
Ironically enough occasionally I DO see a post of his that looks almost INTERESTING. But, yeah, he's got me in his Troll Bucket. Now all he ever does is just look for ways to insult.

I thought maybe if I lowered the heat on my side maybe he'd calm down a bit (and yes, after he started insulting me I paid it back, but I am part of the problem now). Clearly I was mistaken. He's on the "warpath" now.

The guy is mentally ill.
The Scientific Method Needs Another Step: "How Can We Use This?"

What do you think of using neutrinos to measure all the resources of the Earth, all the way to the core? It would be a combination of a GPS and a Geiger counter.

I doubt that would work. I doubt it would have the resolution to provide insight into where, say, oil was. HOnestly don't know. I know that some group in Japan, IIRC, has tried global imaging using neutrinos. It might be interesting to see how that works.

What would provide the "geiger counter" aspect? The neutrinos needed to image inside the earth come from the sun as I understand them.

What do you think of using nuclear energy to superheat the water deposit below the oil deposit, making it gush so nothing is left in the ground?

Probably not a great idea. Most wells that have a "natural pressure drive" are driven by the gas pressure in the reservoir sitting OVER the oil. Yes there is often brine below the oil but that sounds like a very expensive and messy means of recovery when pumps would work just as effectively.
QED. Anyone who doesn't want to engage with your "debate" is insulted. Sad, Perry.

FWIW, I really do think most of your issues are stress related. You should see a doctor about that.

Hey, thanks for FINALLY dropping the PhD part. That's improvement!

I wouldn't know what it was like for you to substantively disagree with any of my points since you never actually TALK about the points but rather continue to insult me non-stop.

But that's a lot easier than thinking.
You intentionally don't believe or disbelieve anything, you sit on the fence and name drop long dead thinkers.
Jump off the fence and get in the game.

Wierd. On this thread I've been accused of being both a fundamentalist Christian, and a flakey agnostic. OTOH, I tend to get called an atheist on any thread dealing with evolution or cosmology.
Zechariah 12:10

Jehovah Introduces Cocaine

That just says that God would someday make the Jews feel good, kindler and gentler. It wasn't referring to any person doing that. And it can't refer to Jesus's time(#Stupid Speak: "Jesus' time"), when the Jews were angry and violent because of the Roman occupation.
High Intelligence Is the Only Higher Power

Before Abraham, the Jews were a group of evolved Sumerian High IQs being exploited by the homo erectus bullies who ruled (and would destroy that civilization built by homo sapiens). A modern analogy is corporate patents, the most destructive Grand Larceny in Terminal America.

By using "I am," instead of "I was," Jesus showed that he didn't know anything about that. But Aeschylus did when he wrote his haunting Prometheus Bound.

Jesus used I AM,because God told Moses his name was I AM
Jehovah Introduces Cocaine

That just says that God would someday make the Jews feel good, kindler and gentler. It wasn't referring to any person doing that. And it can't refer to Jesus's time(#Stupid Speak: "Jesus' time"), when the Jews were angry and violent because of the Roman occupation.

My advice is ask the Jews when Zechariah 12:10 is fulfilled.
Why did Confucius, Plato, The Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad have followers and disciples who wanted to be taught, if a sophisticated ethical framework such as the one we inherited from the Axial Age just comes naturally to humans through our biology and is as easy as pie to understand and cultivate?

I really would like a credible explanation for why those prophets had followers if that's the case.

Lemmings for Liturgy

Because they all appealed to the self-appointed ruling class, which distorted the minds and character of the common people enough so they'd follow pacifist blowhards down the path to nowhere.
In this case I would actually argue that paleoanthropology and comparative animal behavior studies are FAR MORE valuable evidence.

No, I'm pretty sure neolithic man was just as uncomfortable with senseless murder of other people as we are today. They may not have had codification or explanation of why but I doubt their moral inclinations were dramatically different.

Even the ancient Israelites knew (were literally TOLD by God) that murder (the killing of an innocent) was wrong. But the books of the BIble that FOLLOW Exodus are drenched in blood. Blood at the hands of these people who were favored by God and who had direct connection to him. But who could blame them? God himself seems to have encouraged and supported the vicious genocides His followers undertook.

And that all remains in the BIBLE to this day and is NOT dealt with by the morality of most Christians. Ask a Christian how to explain 1 Sam 15:3 and see what kind of answer you get. It's usually a mass of special pleading to get the Israelites (and God) off the hook for a genocide. In fact the story goes on to say that since Saul FAILED to complete the genocide, God himself turned away from Saul.

Of course no Christian today would support a genocide, but then, neither did the Israelites per the Ten Commandments. But they still did it. (this is assuming the BIble is accurate correct in 1Sam and the other books of the Pentateuch regarding the God-ordained land grab.
my two cents.

Paleoanthropology and archeology tell us very little about ethics, other than the presence or absence of warfare and buriel ritual.

I am going to place my confidence in all the historians I have listened to about social evolution from the earliest bronze age to late Antiquity

Neolithic people would abandon babies to exposure and death by the elements or wild animals if they felt the baby would be a burden on the tribe's resources.
. exposure of unwanted children, especially baby girls, was common until late antiquity.

Child sacrifice was a practice of the Cannanites.

The sacrifice and exposure of children didn't really end until the common era, as a common and morally acceptable practice

But again, being able to restrain oneself from murdering and raping is the absolute lowest ethical bar to clear. It doesn't get any lower than that. Controlling any desire to rape is not a good definition of moral excellence. A sophisticated system of Platonic, Buddhist, or Confucian ethics involves far more than prohibitions against murder and rape.
Fair enough.

Earlier in the thread I posted a link from the very moderate and very mainstream Enclopedia Brittanica detailing how Christian ethics were a significant evolution from classical Roman ethics.


Run, Run, Run, Run, Runaway

Why did Roman civilization collapse soon after Christianity was adopted? Its unpatriotic and cowardly escapism was also practiced in the subsequent Dark Ages mass-murdering chaos and in the stagnancy of the Middle Ages.
America Needs Minutemen, Not Mini-Men

Guns without guts is the reason this government and private-sector tyranny keeps getting worse. The huffy-puffy blowhard gunowners don't understand the meaning of "the security of a free state."

How many Lefties do you plan on killing and when, Mr. Minuteman?