Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

What's this then?

Isaiah 7:14

"14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel*."

And this?

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm 22&version=KJV

And this?


Don't you know that God sacrificing his son was contingent on Abraham's faith to do the same for God?

If Abraham had failed that test, there would have been no Jesus. God had plans to do that, but he wanted to see if humanity was worth it.

Jesus IS in the Hebrew Bible. Your OP is FAIL!

Did this really need to be explained to you?

Yes, apparently it did. So the guy who decrees a bad thing about an entire GROUP (not all members of which you have met personally) is not, themselves, acting in a "hate filled" way. Did I get it right?

You appear to hate atheists.

Why do you think atheists are hate filled? And how is their hatred any worse than YOURS?

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
What's this then?

Isaiah 7:14

"14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel*."

There are those who think the Isaiahan prophecy of the virgin birth was a mistranslation of the word "almah" which can just mean a young unmarried girl.

There's also a string of thought that says the Old Testament version of the Messiah was VERY different from what Jesus turned out to be.
Yes, apparently it did. So the guy who decrees a bad thing about an entire GROUP (not all members of which you have met personally) is not, themselves, acting in a "hate filled" way. Did I get it right?

You appear to hate atheists.

Why do you think atheists are hate filled? And how is their hatred any worse than YOURS?

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Once again I couldnt give a shit about atheists I only care about their behavior. They are hate filmed. I don't know what to tell you about that but it's not my fault they are.

If what you thought about me mattered I might be bothered by you calling me a hypocrite but since God will judge me and not you, what you think of me isnt all that important. You get that right?
There are those who think the Isaiahan prophecy of the virgin birth was a mistranslation of the word "almah" which can just mean a young unmarried girl.

There's also a string of thought that says the Old Testament version of the Messiah was VERY different from what Jesus turned out to be.

Does it really matter? It is like arguing about whether Hamlet really saw a ghost.
There are those who think the Isaiahan prophecy of the virgin birth was a mistranslation of the word "almah" which can just mean a young unmarried girl.

There's also a string of thought that says the Old Testament version of the Messiah was VERY different from what Jesus turned out to be.

Yeah, well I'm going by what the Hebrew Bible says, not "strings of thought". :rolleyes: :palm:
If Abraham had failed that test, there would have been no Jesus. God had plans to do that, but he wanted to see if humanity was worth it.

Jesus IS in the Hebrew Bible. Your OP is FAIL!
You keep quoting the OT, not Jesus, Matt. This is one of many reasons why I believe you are not a Christian, but just a person who wears a Christian mask to spread hate and vent your anger.

People like you are described in the Bible, Matt: 2 Corinthians 11:14

Once again I couldnt give a shit about atheists I only care about their behavior. They are hate filmed. I don't know what to tell you about that but it's not my fault they are.

More hatred of atheists on display.

If what you thought about me mattered I might be bothered by you calling me a hypocrite but since God will judge me and not you, what you think of me isnt all that important. You get that right?

And remember: all those who say Lord, Lord....well, you know the rest of that verse I'm sure.

Do you think God wants you to hate a group of people most of whom you have no experience of? Is that your "witness"?
You keep quoting the OT, not Jesus, Matt. This is one of many reasons why I believe you are not a Christian, but just a person who wears a Christian mask to spread hate and vent your anger.

People like you are described in the Bible, Matt: 2 Corinthians 11:14

That's because the subject of the OP IS The Old Testament, you moronic halfwit!

I've had just about enough of your stupid for the day.

More hatred of atheists on display.

And remember: all those who say Lord, Lord....well, you know the rest of that verse I'm sure.

Do you think God wants you to hate a group of people most of whom you have no experience of? Is that your "witness"?

Yes hate filled people should be treated in kind.

I do know the verse and God will judge me not you. I am ready to answer for my behavior. Are you?

My witness is to speak truth to atheistic hate. And will continue to do so.

My favorite part of these discussions is the preaching I get from atheists. It's like a bank robber telling pickpockets how bad they are.
Yes hate filled people should be treated in kind.

Matthew 5:44

(Read the Bible.)

I do know the verse and God will judge me not you. I am ready to answer for my behavior. Are you?


My witness is to speak truth to atheistic hate. And will continue to do so.

By denying Jesus' requirements of you? Good approach.

My favorite part of these discussions is the preaching I get from atheists. It's like a bank robber telling pickpockets how bad they are.

Because there's good stuff in the Bible. Even if Christians can't find it with two hands and a flashlight.
Matthew 5:44

(Read the Bible.)


By denying Jesus' requirements of you? Good approach.

Because there's good stuff in the Bible. Even if Christians can't find it with two hands and a flashlight.

You haven't figured it out yet have you? This is why you're an atheist