Why do conservatives think moderates are liberal and liberals think

Moderates that say they lean left may not call themselves Liberal, however, if they lean left and vote left, what difference does it make how they identify? What they call themselves isn't important. How they act is.

Moderates don't always vote one way or the other. That's what makes them moderate.
I don't think that liberals think.

You should've just stopped your sentence at "I don't think". It would've been much more appropriate.

Because moderates are weak. It's whichever way the wind blows with these pussies, and it usually blows Left.

I would think that the people who always vote for one party are the weak ones. So much easier to vote for the person with a (D) or (R) after their name and not have to process the information about each candidate. Thinking is so much of a burden and liability for political fanatics.
I would think that the people who always vote for one party are the weak ones. So much easier to vote for the person with a (D) or (R) after their name and not have to process the information about each candidate. Thinking is so much of a burden and liability for political fanatics.

No, it proves they can't make up their mind which is a sign of weakness.

What makes you think the voting a certain way means the person didn't "process the information about each candidate"? Are you saying that because I vote that way I don't look at what each candidate says?
No, it proves they can't make up their mind which is a sign of weakness.

What makes you think the voting a certain way means the person didn't "process the information about each candidate"? Are you saying that because I vote that way I don't look at what each candidate says?

Are you saying that because someone votes for a candidate regardless of their political party, they can't make up their mind?
There's a difference between voting for a candidate and voting for a party.
Pay attention, stupid.
I would think that the people who always vote for one party are the weak ones. So much easier to vote for the person with a (D) or (R) after their name and not have to process the information about each candidate. Thinking is so much of a burden and liability for political fanatics.
Overthinking is the moderate's weakness. Instead of sticking with what he believes, the Moderate just follows the wind. And for the moderate, the wind usually blows Left.

"What is, 'is'"?
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No, it proves they can't make up their mind which is a sign of weakness.

What makes you think the voting a certain way means the person didn't "process the information about each candidate"? Are you saying that because I vote that way I don't look at what each candidate says?

You just accused of those who vote how they choose as not being able to make up their minds as if YOU know why they voted how they did...yet your next comment vindicates your own voting record under the same accusation.

Hypocrite much?
Are you saying that because someone votes for a candidate regardless of their political party, they can't make up their mind?
There's a difference between voting for a candidate and voting for a party.
Pay attention, stupid.

They can't make up their mind about WHAT they support.

Pay attention, boy.
You just accused of those who vote how they choose as not being able to make up their minds as if YOU know why they voted how they did...yet your next comment vindicates your own voting record under the same accusation.

Hypocrite much?

A moderate can't make up their mind on WHAT they believe. If they go one way this time and another way the next time, that's wishy washy. Look it up.

I didn't make a comment. I asked two questions.

Are you saying those of us that tend to vote the same side every time don't look at what the other side has to say?
I've never seen a "moderate" or "independent" who wasn't a flaming leftist.

Fascinating. Mr. Owl would definitely fit into anyone's category of "moderate" (well, except when it comes to steak, lol). He detests extremists and extremist candidates of any flavor and will not vote for them. Likewise he rejects extremist platforms as well.

As for me, I'm a moderate liberal who rejects far-left extremism as well as far-right extremism. I've voted for moderate (R) candidates in local and state elections. For instance, I think the death penalty is warranted in some cases, and I support gun ownership with proper safeguards. I see "welfare" as a hand up to help ppl when they're down and out and I support safeguards to prevent making it a permanent way of life -- which despite RWNJ narrative, it is not. I support a universal American health care plan like Medicare, and stronger incentives to prevent fraud. 'Cause you know wherever there is "free" money, there's going to be thieves. I would like to see community college and trade schools after high school become publicly-funded. I would like to see university/post-cc education also be supported through better-managed grants and student loan programs. I would like to see private colleges banned from accepting public funding like student loans and grants. I'm still unsure about voucher systems for public school education for kids... too much chance of abuse, too little academic credentialing, and we cannot be funding religious education unless we want to spend zillions funding *all* religious education... like those schools the RWNJs claim that Obama attended. Madras? lol

Our country has gotten so polarized though that "moderate" and "independent" are seen by both sides as somehow suspect and lacking in principles and convictions. Just look at the idiots posting here about that.