Why do conservatives think moderates are liberal and liberals think

Fascinating. Mr. Owl would definitely fit into anyone's category of "moderate" (well, except when it comes to steak, lol). He detests extremists and extremist candidates of any flavor and will not vote for them. Likewise he rejects extremist platforms as well.

As for me, I'm a moderate liberal who rejects far-left extremism as well as far-right extremism. I've voted for moderate (R) candidates in local and state elections. For instance, I think the death penalty is warranted in some cases, and I support gun ownership with proper safeguards. I see "welfare" as a hand up to help ppl when they're down and out and I support safeguards to prevent making it a permanent way of life -- which despite RWNJ narrative, it is not. I support a universal American health care plan like Medicare, and stronger incentives to prevent fraud. 'Cause you know wherever there is "free" money, there's going to be thieves. I would like to see community college and trade schools after high school become publicly-funded. I would like to see university/post-cc education also be supported through better-managed grants and student loan programs. I would like to see private colleges banned from accepting public funding like student loans and grants. I'm still unsure about voucher systems for public school education for kids... too much chance of abuse, too little academic credentialing, and we cannot be funding religious education unless we want to spend zillions funding *all* religious education... like those schools the RWNJs claim that Obama attended. Madras? lol

Our country has gotten so polarized though that "moderate" and "independent" are seen by both sides as somehow suspect and lacking in principles and convictions. Just look at the idiots posting here about that.
Fascinating. Mr. Owl would definitely fit into anyone's category of "moderate" (well, except when it comes to steak, lol). He detests extremists and extremist candidates of any flavor and will not vote for them. Likewise he rejects extremist platforms as well.

As for me, I'm a moderate liberal who rejects far-left extremism as well as far-right extremism. I've voted for moderate (R) candidates in local and state elections. For instance, I think the death penalty is warranted in some cases, and I support gun ownership with proper safeguards. I see "welfare" as a hand up to help ppl when they're down and out and I support safeguards to prevent making it a permanent way of life -- which despite RWNJ narrative, it is not. I support a universal American health care plan like Medicare, and stronger incentives to prevent fraud. 'Cause you know wherever there is "free" money, there's going to be thieves. I would like to see community college and trade schools after high school become publicly-funded. I would like to see university/post-cc education also be supported through better-managed grants and student loan programs. I would like to see private colleges banned from accepting public funding like student loans and grants. I'm still unsure about voucher systems for public school education for kids... too much chance of abuse, too little academic credentialing, and we cannot be funding religious education unless we want to spend zillions funding *all* religious education... like those schools the RWNJs claim that Obama attended. Madras? lol

Our country has gotten so polarized though that "moderate" and "independent" are seen by both sides as somehow suspect and lacking in principles and convictions. Just look at the idiots posting here about that.

Owl Woman, you are an oasis of sanity in this forum of insanity.
Only here could someone say "moderates are flaming liberals" and not see the irony in his words.

If I had to label myself, I'd say I'm a libertarian. I believe the government works best when it stays out of our lives. All governments are inherently corrupt, wasteful and inefficient. Even democracies. The thing that makes America great is our capitalist, free market system. Not the government. I love our country but I hate our government. It's bloated and taxes too much. I've worked for government contractors, worked in the Pentagon, even worked at a highly classified agency at a highly classified facility. I saw the waste and fraud up close. Had a front row seat. The government is not the answer. The government can not solve your problems. JFK's words are my creed- "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country". And he was a Democrat. I'm against government welfare, Medicare, Medicaid. People need to take care of themselves, like they did for thousands of years before big government. Medicare and SS are the biggest drains on the debt. I would privatize SS, allow people to invest their SS money in conservative mutual funds of their choice, like they do their retirement funds. They would end up with four times more than the current SS yields. And Medicare, what a disaster. Keep the corrupt, inefficient government out of our healthcare. It's a big reason we're $20 trillion in debt. If the debt continues, it will be a drag on the economy. America's Free Market Capitalism is what makes America great. Government should stay out of its way and let it thrive.
Abortion? Gun control? Low Priority for me. There are bigger issues like Term Limits, lower taxes, smaller government.

So where do I fit in? Conservative, liberal or moderate?
They can't make up their mind about WHAT they support.

Pay attention, boy.

What they support? It's not about one issue, you stupid hillbilly. It's about many issues. You can be pro gun and Pro choice. You can be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Moderates support some of what liberals support and some of what conservatives support. Comprende, Gomer? Politics isn't just red states, blue states, left, right. Americans don't need to be pigeonholed into your two categories. You've chosen to have the right think for you and tell you what to believe. That's your choice albeit a poor one.

If you can't comprehend that or it's to confusing to understand, too bad. You never will.
I've never seen a "moderate" or "independent" who wasn't a flaming leftist.

That's because the rights definition of a leftist is pretty absurd, especially if the one making comparisons is really far right. I've seen people on the far right, call fellow conservatives leftists on occasion.
What they support? It's not about one issue, you stupid hillbilly. It's about many issues. You can be pro gun and Pro choice. You can be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Moderates support some of what liberals support and some of what conservatives support. Comprende, Gomer? Politics isn't just red states, blue states, left, right. Americans don't need to be pigeonholed into your two categories. You've chosen to have the right think for you and tell you what to believe. That's your choice albeit a poor one.

If you can't comprehend that or it's to confusing to understand, too bad. You never will.

Like I said. Wishy Washy. That type of person can't be counted on because you never know which side they'll pick. I prefer people I can count on.
America is a very backward country politically with an extraordinary degree of gerrymandering. What a tiny right-wing minority of the human race think of one another is not of enormous relevance, surely?
Owl Woman, you are an oasis of sanity in this forum of insanity.
Only here could someone say "moderates are flaming liberals" and not see the irony in his words.

If I had to label myself, I'd say I'm a libertarian. I believe the government works best when it stays out of our lives. All governments are inherently corrupt, wasteful and inefficient. Even democracies. The thing that makes America great is our capitalist, free market system. Not the government. I love our country but I hate our government. It's bloated and taxes too much. I've worked for government contractors, worked in the Pentagon, even worked at a highly classified agency at a highly classified facility. I saw the waste and fraud up close. Had a front row seat. The government is not the answer. The government can not solve your problems. JFK's words are my creed- "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country". And he was a Democrat. I'm against government welfare, Medicare, Medicaid. People need to take care of themselves, like they did for thousands of years before big government. Medicare and SS are the biggest drains on the debt. I would privatize SS, allow people to invest their SS money in conservative mutual funds of their choice, like they do their retirement funds. They would end up with four times more than the current SS yields. And Medicare, what a disaster. Keep the corrupt, inefficient government out of our healthcare. It's a big reason we're $20 trillion in debt. If the debt continues, it will be a drag on the economy. America's Free Market Capitalism is what makes America great. Government should stay out of its way and let it thrive.
Abortion? Gun control? Low Priority for me. There are bigger issues like Term Limits, lower taxes, smaller government.

So where do I fit in? Conservative, liberal or moderate?

What about disabled people, or children, can you expect them to take care of themselves? Granted it is kind of messed the amount of kids some have. I believe every person deserves the essentials in life. Since people can't just go pluck food out of nature like they used to. You have to hunt in season, and you can only pluck fruit, and stuff if you find it in more wild locations. So many miles of orchards, and not a bite to grab. Since we can't do like nature intended so easy anymore, I have no problem with certain government supplementation for essentials.
Like I said. Wishy Washy. That type of person can't be counted on because you never know which side they'll pick. I prefer people I can count on.

Okay, this is the last time I'm going to try to explain it to you. It's not about sides. It's about individual issues. If you think that's wishy washy, then you don't know the meaning of the phrase.
It's no surprise you always vote for what the right wing tells you to. You obviously can't think for yourself so others have to do it for you.


What about disabled people, or children, can you expect them to take care of themselves? Granted it is kind of messed the amount of kids some have. I believe every person deserves the essentials in life. Since people can't just go pluck food out of nature like they used to. You have to hunt in season, and you can only pluck fruit, and stuff if you find it in more wild locations. So many miles of orchards, and not a bite to grab. Since we can't do like nature intended so easy anymore, I have no problem with certain government supplementation for essentials.

Parents are responsible for their children, disabled or otherwise. Not the government. You really want the largest, most inefficient, most wasteful entity in the world to take care of children? Why would they be better custodians than the children's parents? It's the parents responsibility to take care of their children. Nobody else. And if they don't, they should be arrested for neglect, not given a stipend or monetary reward. Did you ever hear the story about the woman in Texas who would beat her kids if they brought home good report cards. She wanted them to bring home failing grades so they would be classified as 'learning disabled' so she could get more money from the government.
Sure, every person deserves the essentials of life but it's not up to the government to PROVIDE it to them. It's up to the government to make sure they have the OPPORTUNITY to provide it for themselves.
Do you agree with JFK's mantra: "Ask not what the country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?
Parents are responsible for their children, disabled or otherwise. Not the government. You really want the largest, most inefficient, most wasteful entity in the world to take care of children? Why would they be better custodians than the children's parents? It's the parents responsibility to take care of their children. Nobody else. And if they don't, they should be arrested for neglect, not given a stipend or monetary reward. Did you ever hear the story about the woman in Texas who would beat her kids if they brought home good report cards. She wanted them to bring home failing grades so they would be classified as 'learning disabled' so she could get more money from the government.
Sure, every person deserves the essentials of life but it's not up to the government to PROVIDE it to them. It's up to the government to make sure they have the OPPORTUNITY to provide it for themselves.
Do you agree with JFK's mantra: "Ask not what the country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?

I'd probably wish to kill myself if I became such a burden. You honestly think any parent has the capability to take care of the disabled alone. Don't make me laugh. My Dad died when I was 18, my Mom is retired, and my pittance helps keep us afloat. If we had to pay for my doctors stuff I've gone through recently, and all my meds without assistance, It would be enough to bankrupt my Mom, a few times over. Who is supposed to help? The community? Strangers?

My Dad paid into Social security for a large portion of his life, and when he died I got what he paid for. It was not much though, but Mom had a not so pleasant God send, in the form of a Car Accident. The other person had a seizure, and blindside my Mom. She got a good chunk of settlement money that got us a safety net. She still worked her ass off as an assisted living attendant into her mid to late sixties, doing strenuous work. No one should have to go without, and the graces of people in charity barely makes a dent in the worst of it. If it helps people in need I know many people that would gladly pay more in taxes to do so. As I've told the haters before, when I do the math it's a fraction of a cent. I like them stew on what they are saying is more important. If the government isn't responsible for living in some ways, it should back the fuck off, and stop taxing you just for living somewhere, having a vehicle to get around, etc.
One thing Conservatives and Liberals have in common,they have no patience for moderates.

At least moderates respect the office of the president. Democrats have know clue what loyalty is. The last time they were this disloyal to the office of the president was when they were hippies in the 70s. It was more understandable back then because they were stoned and confused.
At least moderates respect the office of the president. Democrats have know clue what loyalty is. The last time they were this disloyal to the office of the president was when they were hippies in the 70s. It was more understandable back then because they were stoned and confused.

Assumption filled revised history.
Okay, this is the last time I'm going to try to explain it to you. It's not about sides. It's about individual issues. If you think that's wishy washy, then you don't know the meaning of the phrase.
It's no surprise you always vote for what the right wing tells you to. You obviously can't think for yourself so others have to do it for you.



You just proved my point. You think someone voting the same way each time means they didn't take into account all sides.

If you vote one way one time and another way the next, it's wishy washy. As for the definition, it means lacking in character. Someone you can't count on because you don't know which way the wind is blowing for them on an issue is someone that lacks character. Unlike the fence riders, people can count on me because they know where I stand. If you're one of those that may go this way OR that way, you can't be counted on for anything but knowing you can't be counted on.
It's called not blindly following party line.

It's called not being able to be counted on when you're needed.

I don't tow the party line. I vote based on my convictions. You confuse that with your incorrect statement. I wouldn't expect a wishy washy person to understand what it meant to have convictions since you live by flying by the seat of your pants.
It's called not being able to be counted on when you're needed.

I don't tow the party line. I vote based on my convictions. You confuse that with your incorrect statement. I wouldn't expect a wishy washy person to understand what it meant to have convictions since you live by flying by the seat of your pants.

I vote based on my convictions too. However, my convictions are not always neatly put into a partisan box. It's not wishy washy to agree with one party on some things and another party on others.
I vote based on my convictions too. However, my convictions are not always neatly put into a partisan box. It's not wishy washy to agree with one party on some things and another party on others.

I thought you said you supported the issues not the party? Guess that was a lie to and just another example of what make you wishy washy.

Mine are in a partisan box. They would be if I didn't look at where each side stood but that isn't the case.
I thought you said you supported the issues not the party? Guess that was a lie to and just another example of what make you wishy washy.

I do support the issues rather than the party. That's my whole point. Sometimes I happen to line up with Republicans, sometimes I happen to line up with Democrats, sometimes I happen to line up with Libertarians. Sometimes I disagree with all of them. My stance on the issues, although largely unchanging, are completely independent of any party platform.

Mine are in a partisan box.

Yea, believe me I know. :rolleyes:

Keep waving the flag and pretend you have convictions, rather than just team spirit.
I do support the issues rather than the party. That's my whole point. Sometimes I happen to line up with Republicans, sometimes I happen to line up with Democrats, sometimes I happen to line up with Libertarians. Sometimes I disagree with all of them. My stance on the issues, although largely unchanging, are completely independent of any party platform.

Yea, believe me I know. :rolleyes:

Keep waving the flag and pretend you have convictions, rather than just team spirit.

In other words, you don't have any fundamental beliefs just go with the wind.

Keep pretending you're anything but wishy washy. What you do is like mixing oil and water.