Why do conservatives think moderates are liberal and liberals think

At least moderates respect the office of the president. Democrats have know clue what loyalty is. The last time they were this disloyal to the office of the president was when they were hippies in the 70s. It was more understandable back then because they were stoned and confused.

Anyone who pretends 'loyalty' to this subnormal idiot id just a pervert. let's face it.
I vote based on my convictions too. However, my convictions are not always neatly put into a partisan box. It's not wishy washy to agree with one party on some things and another party on others.

Exactly. There is no one size fits all party. Only sheeple march in lock step with a single party.
Exactly. There is no one size fits all party. Only sheeple march in lock step with a single party.

CFM is just trying to justify his blind allegiance to his party by calling others wishy washy. It's obvious by his comment "It's called not being able to be counted on when you're needed". He wants to be "needed". The right has convinced him that they "need" him to "save America". He doesn't vote on the issues. he votes on the big letter in parentheses after a candidate's name.
Hopefully, one day he'll realize how irrational this thought process is.
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You just proved my point. You think someone voting the same way each time means they didn't take into account all sides.

If you vote one way one time and another way the next, it's wishy washy. As for the definition, it means lacking in character. Someone you can't count on because you don't know which way the wind is blowing for them on an issue is someone that lacks character. Unlike the fence riders, people can count on me because they know where I stand. If you're one of those that may go this way OR that way, you can't be counted on for anything but knowing you can't be counted on.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of "wishy washy" as it applies to this argument. You really think that someone who doesn't always vote for the same party is wishy washy? That's just stupid.

Let me ask you this. Would you vote for a liberal republican over a conservative democrat? Let's see if you have the b@!!$ to answer that. I'm betting you don't.
CFM is just trying to justify his blind allegiance to his party by calling others wishy washy. It's obvious by his comment "It's called not being able to be counted on when you're needed". He wants to be "needed". The right has convinced him that they "need" him to "save America". He doesn't vote on the issues he votes on the big letter in parentheses after a candidate's name.
Hopefully, one day he'll realize how irrational this thought process is.

Keep mixing that oil and water watching it separate. I'll make salad dressing using things that go together.

If you can figure that out, you're one step closer to not being a fucking idiot.
You obviously don't understand the meaning of "wishy washy" as it applies to this argument. You really think that someone who doesn't always vote for the same party is wishy washy? That's just stupid.

Let me ask you this. Would you vote for a liberal republican over a conservative democrat? Let's see if you have the b@!!$ to answer that. I'm betting you don't.

I wouldn't vote for a Liberal regardless of what he called himself in name. I also wouldn't vote for a Democrat that called himself conservative as I've seen too many that are confused about what being a true Conservative actually is.

I don't base the wishy washy on party. That's your lying leftwing dumbass that did that. Call yourself a moderate. It gives you an excuse to be the type person only your own kind likes.
You obviously don't understand the meaning of "wishy washy" as it applies to this argument. You really think that someone who doesn't always vote for the same party is wishy washy? That's just stupid.
Let me ask you this. Would you vote for a liberal republican over a conservative democrat? Let's see if you have the b@!!$ to answer that. I'm betting you don't.

I'm not CFM (thank Krom), but I'll answer anyways. I voted for the (L) candidate in 1996 due to my disgust over horndog Clinton and his WH horndogging. I've voted for (R) candidates over (D) ones in local elections where I felt that the (R) candidate's take on issues that mattered to me jibed with my own take. Guess that makes me wishy-washy.

I'm not CFM (thank Krom), but I'll answer anyways. I voted for the (L) candidate in 1996 due to my disgust over horndog Clinton and his WH horndogging. I've voted for (R) candidates over (D) ones in local elections where I felt that the (R) candidate's take on issues that mattered to me jibed with my own take. Guess that makes me wishy-washy.


I've probably voted Republican a lot more than democrat although I think both parties are corrupt beyond belief.
I follow JFK's mantra "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country". Too many people are dependent and reliant on the government and that's not a good thing. The US government is the biggest, most inefficient, corrupt entity in the history of the world. Any government that amasses a $20 trillion debt is a failure. And I blame both parties. But both parties try their hardest to blame the opposing party by permeating the media with falsehoods that stupid people can't differentiate from the truth (CFM is a great example).

The state where I live is considered a liberal state but we elected a republican governor and I absolutely love the job he's doing for our state.
I think it's laughable that, even though I've voted Republican probably 70% of the time, some Right Wing Extremists would call me a liberal (or wishy washy lol) because I don't vote Republican 100% of the time. You just can't reason with these people. They're just like cult followers and you can't logically debate them. They're severely close-minded and their brain is slammed shut, pad-locked and they've thrown away the key.


Would you vote for a liberal republican over a conservative democrat? Let's see if you have the b@!!$ to answer that. I'm betting you don't.

which issues.......fiscal conservative?......social conservative?.........legitimate conservative?.........lying liberal pretending to be conservative........conservative compared to Billy Graham........conservative compared to Karl Marx.......need specifics.......