Why do liberals hate Sarah Palin?


God Bless America
I think the answer is obvious: she has stolen the spotlight from their self-proclaimed messiah, the lord Obama. You fuckers just can't handle the fact that not everyone is going to be obsessed with your celebrity candidate. :)
I think the answer is obvious: she has stolen the spotlight from their self-proclaimed messiah, the lord Obama. You fuckers just can't handle the fact that not everyone is going to be obsessed with your celebrity candidate. :)

Because she's insane and makes dishonest claims in her campaign speeches. Specifically, these are the three claims that really irritate me:
-She lied about opposing the bridge to nowhere.
-She distorted the truth about selling the governor's plane on eBay (McCain actually lied about this story as well).
-She lied about firing the chef.

That's my top three, but she's completely unqualified to run a small town, much less the United States of America. Lets start with the above three though.
Could it be......

She tried to ban books at the library.
She wants to ban abortions even for rape victims.
She is pro-gun.

But I do love that her pregnant daughter has caused Bill O'Reilly a lotta grief. He blamed the parents when whatsherface Speares got pregnant, but when the news broke about Palin's daughter he called it a "family matter" and thought it wasn't any of our business. He has caught a lotta flack for that little reversal.
Could it be......

She tried to ban books at the library.
She wants to ban abortions even for rape victims.
She is pro-gun.

But I do love that her pregnant daughter has caused Bill O'Reilly a lotta grief. He blamed the parents when whatsherface Speares got pregnant, but when the news broke about Palin's daughter he called it a "family matter" and thought it wasn't any of our business. He has caught a lotta flack for that little reversal.

Actually Solitary she did not try to ban books at the library.

""She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's first term.""

You're anti-gun? So like a fascist.

Alright asshat, lets try this reading comprehension again.

Was this thread titled "Why does Solitary hate Palin"? No, it isn't.

So the question was why do LIBERALS hate Palin. And since many liberals ARE anti-gun, it is a very valid reason.

No, I am VERY pro-gun. I have posted about it many, many times. Perhaps more time focusing on reading skills would be a plus for you?
You'll have to scrath the 2nd one too.....and the 3rd one will get get her elected.

I must have missed the story about the second not being the case. Work has kept me very busy.

Yes, the 3rd will get her elected. But not by liberals. There are some pro-gun liberals out there. But lots of liberals are anti-gun, so that would be a reason that they hate her.
Alright asshat, lets try this reading comprehension again.

Was this thread titled "Why does Solitary hate Palin"? No, it isn't.

So the question was why do LIBERALS hate Palin. And since many liberals ARE anti-gun, it is a very valid reason.

No, I am VERY pro-gun. I have posted about it many, many times. Perhaps more time focusing on reading skills would be a plus for you?

Ok. Sorry on this one. yOu're right for once. I apologize like the stand up guy I am.
Ok. Sorry on this one. yOu're right for once. I apologize like the stand up guy I am.

Well done. I admire someone who can do that.

The "for once" dig was an attempt to save face, but its ok. At least you didn't mention fascism or anything anal. Thats even more impressive.
Because she's insane and makes dishonest claims in her campaign speeches. Specifically, these are the three claims that really irritate me:
-She lied about opposing the bridge to nowhere.
-She distorted the truth about selling the governor's plane on eBay (McCain actually lied about this story as well).
-She lied about firing the chef.

That's my top three, but she's completely unqualified to run a small town, much less the United States of America. Lets start with the above three though.

Yes, she flipped on the bridge... she was for it while campaigning and killed it when in office (most likely due to backlash against it)

She did not distort the truth. She stated that once in office she put it up for sale on ebay. Which she did. Yes, people read into that statement that it had actually been sold on ebay. But that doesn't mean she distorted the truth. She did put it on ebay and the plane was eventually sold. The fact that it was sold off ebay is an idiotic reason not to vote for someone.

I have to read up on the firing of the chef... because I know how important this is to an election.

If these are your "reasons" for not liking her... then you should hate Obama (not to mention every other politician). He too has flipped on positions. He too has distorted the truth while campaigning.

Bottom line... the left hates her because....

1) She energized the evangelical base... which they were counting on to not happen

2) She could be a threat to the blue collar vote

3) She is the only true outsider of the four and represents the "change" Obama was campaigning on

4) She is every bit as qualified (if not more so) as Obama and THAT really pisses off the left... especially since people continue to compare her to the Dem VP.
As a liberal I have no idea why anyone would hate Sarah Palin, except maybe her brother in law. Polar bears could hate her but polar bears unlike humans don't get their knowledge from republican ideology machines. And nature could hate her as she wants to spoil her beauty. And future children may hate her should she destroy something that may never return - but I don't hate her I just think she is a conniving fool.

I was reading about the hadron collider this morning on BBC and thought at one time America would be leading the science world in physics, but we spend all our money on killing people. Today with the religious right's influence, among whom Palin is an example, our nation is making itself a third world nation. Sad how dumb America has become with the ascendancy of republican rule and the incursion of religion where it does not belong.

Someday a child will ask why did you allow them to destroy the earth. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears and the natural beauty of our nation.
I think the answer is obvious: she has stolen the spotlight from their self-proclaimed messiah, the lord Obama. You fuckers just can't handle the fact that not everyone is going to be obsessed with your celebrity candidate. :)

Thats not it. They don't really care about Obama either, as long as he remains a empty vessel for the progressive/communist movement in this country. If Obama ever gets a opinon of his own, that is not in line with progressives--they will throw him under the bus also.

They hate Palin--because, unlike a lot of dupe liberials here, the leaders of the progressive movement know that Palin is the voice of the people, and the people will vote for her in droves-------because they know (the progressives) that they have squelched our voices.

I am not worried about Palin having a break down or anything like that one bit. All progressives would have broken down (hillery cried on stage) by now. Progressives don't realize that a person like Palin gets motavatged by this. It just shows her that she has more work to do. Palin will stop the progress of the progressive/communist movement in this country--that is whay they hate her. And--that I why I support her 110%.

I hate anybody who tries to change a free soiciety (OK--I know that is not totally reality--because of this progressive movement progress to today) into a socialist/communist society.

It may be good for them that we got Palin---because I am ready to fight with war for my freedom.