Why do liberals hate Sarah Palin?

"And nature could hate her as she wants to spoil her beauty."

You mean she wants one of the most environmentally regulated countries to drill its own oil rather than rely on others to drill it for us?? As long as we are using oil and nat gas, we should be drilling it ourselves. Unless of course you believe that the Russians, Iranians, Chinese and Venezuelans are going to drill and produce them cleaner than we can.

"And future children may hate her should she destroy something that may never return - but I don't hate her I just think she is a conniving fool."

Please enlighten us as to what she will "destroy". Hack.

"I was reading about the hadron collider this morning on BBC and thought at one time America would be leading the science world in physics, but we spend all our money on killing people. Today with the religious right's influence, among whom Palin is an example, our nation is making itself a third world nation. Sad how dumb America has become with the ascendancy of republican rule and the incursion of religion where it does not belong."

This is quite comical coming from someone who in the same post just whined about us drilling for more oil and nat gas. Because THAT would keep around $700 billion in the US each year that currently goes to foreign countries. Not to mention the jobs it would create for Americans. Side note... the US is still one of the leaders in technological advancements.

Someday a child will ask why did you allow them to destroy the earth. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears and the natural beauty of our nation.

your last paragraph is truly humorous... in a 'its so ignorant its funny' kind of way.
Alright asshat, lets try this reading comprehension again.

Was this thread titled "Why does Solitary hate Palin"? No, it isn't.

So the question was why do LIBERALS hate Palin. And since many liberals ARE anti-gun, it is a very valid reason.

No, I am VERY pro-gun. I have posted about it many, many times. Perhaps more time focusing on reading skills would be a plus for you?
Let me channel AHZ... "Fisted!... Rectum!"
As a liberal I have no idea why anyone would hate Sarah Palin, except maybe her brother in law. Polar bears could hate her but polar bears unlike humans don't get their knowledge from republican ideology machines. And nature could hate her as she wants to spoil her beauty. And future children may hate her should she destroy something that may never return - but I don't hate her I just think she is a conniving fool.

I was reading about the hadron collider this morning on BBC and thought at one time America would be leading the science world in physics, but we spend all our money on killing people. Today with the religious right's influence, among whom Palin is an example, our nation is making itself a third world nation. Sad how dumb America has become with the ascendancy of republican rule and the incursion of religion where it does not belong.

Someday a child will ask why did you allow them to destroy the earth. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears and the natural beauty of our nation.

It is truely leftnuts like midcan that will cause Obama to lose.
DO you have your off-grid hideaway all set up? I only have a full pez dispenser.

Running for freedom (or from commies) is not gaining freedom. Even if you find the land of oppertunity--the commies are always coming. Time to turn around and fight IMO--but may be Palin will do it for us--it is her job.
Actually Solitary she did not try to ban books at the library.

""She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's first term.""


How come that leaves out the part about the librarian being fired, and Palin backing down and rehiring her after a community outcry?
How come that leaves out the part about the librarian being fired, and Palin backing down and rehiring her after a community outcry?

Relevance? It appears that the librarian was under fire from Palin not because of some books she wouldn't remove but for other reasons. But believe me, in a small community an outcry from the people can seemingly move mountains.....or make a mayor change her mind.
Children will be asking--why did you let the commies dupe you in letting them make me a slave. My life has no menaing because of it. Like liberials lives today.

What? That is even more ridiculous than your usual posts.

At least someone is making sure we don't screw up the environment any more than we have. Because, believe it or not, there are some pretty ugly long term consequences involved.

Would it be better to have our children ask why her schools don't teach her to read anything but the bible?

Would it be better to have our children ask why they can't play oustide without their gas masks?

And as far as meaning in life, if you expect your life to have meaning because of who is in the whitehouse, you need to rethink what gives your life meaning.
Relevance? It appears that the librarian was under fire from Palin not because of some books she wouldn't remove but for other reasons. But believe me, in a small community an outcry from the people can seemingly move mountains.....or make a mayor change her mind.

But it appears that way why? I believe the librarian has refused to comment? So in face, no one really knows why she was fired I think. But in this small town, some have said it was because Palin tried to ban books. So I’d want to find out more, before I was willing to take Republican acolyte Cawacko’s word for this, or fact check, they’ve been wrong, I’ve seen them be wrong. That's all I am saying. :)
What? That is even more ridiculous than your usual posts.

At least someone is making sure we don't screw up the environment any more than we have. Because, believe it or not, there are some pretty ugly long term consequences involved.

Would it be better to have our children ask why her schools don't teach her to read anything but the bible?

Would it be better to have our children ask why they can't play oustide without their gas masks?

And as far as meaning in life, if you expect your life to have meaning because of who is in the whitehouse, you need to rethink what gives your life meaning.

But solitary, the whole envirowacko movement is based on a proven lie, the lie of manmade global warming. This environmental hysteria is an excuse to insist on centralized control of all energy resources. It's a justification of more totalitarianism. But you get high on that shit, so you're in heaven, aren't you?
I've heard about that. It's the glasses, put on some faux glasses and you'll cease being jealous.

I don’t think it will be enough! I don’t even think plastic surgery will do it! I can never hope to match her unparalleled beauty, I don’t think any woman can.
As a liberal I have no idea why anyone would hate Sarah Palin, except maybe her brother in law. Polar bears could hate her but polar bears unlike humans don't get their knowledge from republican ideology machines. And nature could hate her as she wants to spoil her beauty. And future children may hate her should she destroy something that may never return - but I don't hate her I just think she is a conniving fool.

I was reading about the hadron collider this morning on BBC and thought at one time America would be leading the science world in physics, but we spend all our money on killing people. Today with the religious right's influence, among whom Palin is an example, our nation is making itself a third world nation. Sad how dumb America has become with the ascendancy of republican rule and the incursion of religion where it does not belong.

Someday a child will ask why did you allow them to destroy the earth. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears and the natural beauty of our nation.

For a second--I though you were one of the rare good and wise liberials.

I can see that is not true--like most of the statements above.

The polar baear population is growing. There are 5 times more polar bears than in 1950, and it is still growing. Palin knows for a FACT the EPA only put them on a "threatned list" to drive up our energy costs (the result of not drilling more oil here). Believe me--if we went the Gorr way--we would be sitting ducks for the rest of the world to bomb.

By the way--Palin is a consertative on a republican ticket. She tears into republicans just as hard as any other corruption, and has the record to proove it. McCain can protect this country. The only thing Obama has shot was staples into a telephone poll. He has done nothing but campain---like a empty vessel and absolutly no action for what he preaches at the moment.

I thought you were smart for a second--but I see your a hippy.