Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?


The Force is With Me
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”
talk about confusion..

lets get this straight. we say what is racist. You do what you think is righteous. we tell you it was racist.
ipso facto you are a racist... got it! *somebody write this down so we all get the memo*
It quite likely is a perception thing with you two. You guys cry racism pretty much all the time when most times none exists. So people who aren't actually racist as you two and many liberals claim of course are going to deny it.
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

Trump not only is a racist,who's goal is return America to a white dominated society!
But like all bullies he is a coward!
talk about confusion..

lets get this straight. we say what is racist. You do what you think is righteous. we tell you it was racist.
ipso facto you are a racist... got it! *somebody write this down so we all get the memo*

I couldn't care less about what you write down.

The question is why are racists so cowardly and run from what they are?
You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

"Some of my best friends are black!"

Here is a drop dead giveaway of a racist:

When rightwingers are asked why blacks overwhelmingly reject the Republican Party, and vote Democratic, the response is always something along the lines that black are "voting for free stuff".

Yeah, blacks are like children who can be bribed with candy, and who can't think for themselves and come to reasoned judgements.

Is someone can't see the racism in that, then they are part of what is wrong with America.
It quite likely is a perception thing with you two. You guys cry racism pretty much all the time when most times none exists. So people who aren't actually racist as you two and many liberals claim of course are going to deny it.

name an incident in America that you agree was racist ?
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

I think the answer is much simpler and more disturbing than mere cowardice, as it relates to openly admitting their racism.

I think it simply boils down to the fact that they don't want to give the left ammunition to use against them in the fight for the hearts and minds of the voting public.

They know that most people are against overt racism, even social moderates who, for the time being, vote Republican but could be swayed if they saw something overly objectionable out of the GOP or if the GOP began to cross whichever line each person establishes in their own mind as to what constitutes unacceptable behavior.

But as long as Republicans keep the thin veil of civility draped over their true faces, these folks can still convince themselves that they are supporting basically decent human beings, even if that small voice in the backs of their minds is whispering otherwise.

If it weren't for that, I believe they would be more than happy to wear their views proudly, as a badge of honor, just like the people who post on Stormfront do.
One of the workshops from today's Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration:
"I'm Not Racist"...Students and registered participants were encouraged to bring an open mind and be mature enough to observe the truth of others as everyone and have respectful courageous conversations (seems to not be possible around here...about Human dignity being ensured for all.

Take the time to watch this 6 minute video...
I can post the link later-at the moment I can't.
Joyner lucas: "I'm not racist!"
"Some of my best friends are black!"

Here is a drop dead giveaway of a racist:

When rightwingers are asked why blacks overwhelmingly reject the Republican Party, and vote Democratic, the response is always something along the lines that black are "voting for free stuff".

Yeah, blacks are like children who can be bribed with candy, and who can't think for themselves and come to reasoned judgements.

Is someone can't see the racism in that, then they are part of what is wrong with America.

its direct proof of racism

they refuse to fac that people of color are PART of the structure of the Democratic party

they help write the platform

they hold many offices

yet the republicans insist they are FOOLED

they cant comprehend that the Democratic party is a team that allows Americans of color to hold equal status

in which they excell and lead

The first black America president?

and they call that blacks being fooled

fucking racists
talk about confusion..

lets get this straight. we say what is racist. You do what you think is righteous. we tell you it was racist.
ipso facto you are a racist... got it! *somebody write this down so we all get the memo*

You have a bevy of Trump-supporting, avowed rightwing racists on this board staring you in the face, day in day out. Calling black posters niggers, denigrating and insulting Africans or anyone with dark skin, always posting threads intended to put people of color in the worst light possible.

And I am not talking about one or two posters. I am talking about a plethora of racist, rightwing Trump supporters who post vile, degenerate racist horseshit here...day in and day out, week after week, month after month.

If you cannot see Trump's base is filled with vile racists you are either blind, or willfully dishonest.

Are you going to pretend you don't see the relentless and widespread rightwing racism on this forum?
One of the workshops from today's Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration:
"I'm Not Racist"...Students and registered participants were encouraged to bring an open mind and be mature enough to observe the truth of others as everyone and have respectful courageous conversations (seems to not be possible around here...about Human dignity being ensured for all.

Take the time to watch this 6 minute video...
I can post the link later-at the moment I can't.
Joyner lucas: "I'm not racist!"

name an incident in America that you agree was racist ?
"Some of my best friends are black!"

Here is a drop dead giveaway of a racist:

When rightwingers are asked why blacks overwhelmingly reject the Republican Party, and vote Democratic, the response is always something along the lines that black are "voting for free stuff".

Yeah, blacks are like children who can be bribed with candy, and who can't think for themselves and come to reasoned judgements.

Is someone can't see the racism in that, then they are part of what is wrong with America.

One day, you bastards will actually have a proper debate. This is the shit we left behind a decade ago when Blair was opening the floodgates to Eastern European immigrants. They used the race card to shut down debate, well that didn't work as we voted for Brexit and control over our own borders.
I couldn't care less about what you write down.

The question is why are racists so cowardly and run from what they are?

Racism is based on FEAR and stupidity
anatta is full of FEAR as evidenced by his constant war mongering and stupidity based on the BULLSHIT he posts every day.

Irrational fear and stupidity is not ever pretty.