Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

You have a bevy of Trump-supporting, avowed rightwing racists on this board staring you in the face, day in day out. Calling black posters niggers, denigrating and insulting Africans or anyone with dark skin, always posting threads intended to put people of color in the worst light possible.

And I am not talking about one or two posters. I am talking about a plethora of racist, rightwing Trump supporters who post vile, degenerate racist horseshit here...day in and day out, week after week, month after month.

If you cannot see Trump's base is filled with vile racists you are either blind, or willfully dishonest.

Are you going to pretend you don't see the relentless and widespread rightwing racism on this forum?
I don't think of 2 and I ignore them or call them out. You got fringe fruitcakes on the left who say anything Trump related support has to come from -must come from -no doubt about it -a "racist perspective". Lock in that thought

I suggest you look at the Basket of Deplorables remarks for how much screed that pov is.
It's hackneyed garbage that only delusional minds can come up with when they can't debate the issues.

I've seen very little fact based criticism of Trumps policies, so when that draws a blank..back to the race card it is
I have absolutely no fear of being called a racist by people I do not have any respect for, including you. I have said many times on here that over half the homicides in the US are committed by blacks. Indeed, it is true to say that around 7% of the population, ie black males, commit nearly half of all homicides. The fact that nobody is willing to face up to that shocking statistic is strong evidence that your society is truly unwilling to move on. That is why race hustlers like BAC and TTQ are given the opportunity to spout unmitigated bollocks, when they should be told to shut the fuck up.
Those two are embarrassing. As is evince. I wonder what they would have say in a workshop such as the one I mentioned?
I have absolutely no fear of being called a racist by people I do not have any respect for, including you. I have said many times on here that over half the homicides in the US are committed by blacks. Indeed, it is true to say that around 7% of the population, ie black males, commit nearly half of all homicides. The fact that nobody is willing to face up to that shocking statistic is strong evidence that your society is truly unwilling to move on. That is why race hustlers like BAC and TTQ are given the opportunity to spout unmitigated bollocks, when they should be told to shut the fuck up.

echo chamber ?


you have one station


you claim every other news station is lying becuase they are not complicit with your lies

and here you are saying that black Americans should not begin a discussion on racism

fuck you all to hell you evil shit hole of a racist bastage
nope. Multi-source or get spun.
But if I bring up Sara Carter or John Solomon's investigative reporting you guys can't hande it and deflet to "it was on Hannity"

Truely the Dems have no ideas. All they care about is impeachment/midterms power-
and are content to let a corrupt FBI run it's course. Because the truth is inconvenient to the Russian narrative
Those two are embarrassing. As is evince. I wonder what they would have say in a workshop such as the one I mentioned?

name a recent incident in the USA that you agree was racist

can you do it?

or is nothing racist
nope. Multi-source or get spun.
But if I bring up Sara Carter or John Solomon's investigative reporting you guys can't hande it and deflet to "it was on Hannity"

Truely the Dems have no ideas. All they care about is impeachment/midterms power-
and are content to let a corrupt FBI run it's course. Because the truth is inconvenient to the Russian narrative

link me up to your claimed facts

Channel 4 is a left of centre TV channel in the UK, so you can't try to dismiss as if it is Breitbart or Fox.

The analysis

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau. And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

name a recent incident in the USA that you agree was racist

can you do it?

or is nothing racist
Can you follow directions? You wouldn't do very well in an educational workshop setting on this subject, would you?
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

Then you have assholes like Bigbitch, whose standard response for EVERYTHING is "racist". A great retreat when he has nothing, which is always.
Here you go ignorant bitch.


Please return the favor and link one comment I've made on this forum that is racist. Can't do it can you, simple minded whore?

In January 2017, a mentally disabled white man in Chicago, Illinois, was filmed being physically and verbally abused by four black individuals. The incident was livestreamed on Facebook, making the incident a live streaming crime.
Chicago torture incident
West Side, Chicago
January 3, 2017
Attack type
Non-fatal injuries
One white youth
Jordan Hill
Tesfaye Cooper
Brittany Covington
Tanisha Covington
Racial hatred
The victim met with an acquaintance from high school at a McDonald's on New Year's Eve, and on January 3 was found by a police officer to appear injured while walking with a suspect on a sidewalk. The four suspects were arrested after the incident was livestreamed by one of the women on Facebook, and charged with hate crimes and other offenses.

and black people are NEVER the victim huh

it was a hate crime against a challenged person idiot

if he were fully fucntioning it would have never happend huh