Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”
do you just wake up in the morning on acid, or is this an act? you can't help yourself.

you have to be the most racist person I know, bar none, yet you constantly use that word, toward others, from behind a keyboard, and THEY are the cowards?
that's rich

why don't you just go away, are there not Black Panther forums, or Black Lives matter forums where you can spread this stuff, and feel all warm and fuzzy?

because here you just look like an idiot.
More common than you accept.

Is there any racism to be found in a major political party being virtually all white in 2018?


he refuses to post one he agrees was racism against a perspn of color

they wont

then we can parse it for why he agrees its racist

then his whole racist world crumbles

so he wont
do you just wake up in the morning on acid, or is this an act? you can't help yourself.

you have to be the most racist person I know, bar none, yet you constantly use that word, toward others, from behind a keyboard, and THEY are the cowards?
that's rich

why don't you just go away, are there not Black Panther forums, or Black Lives matter forums where you can spread this stuff, and feel all warm and fuzzy?

because here you just look like an idiot.

fuck off racist whale sperm garggler
he refuses to post one he agrees was racism against a perspn of color

they wont

then we can parse it for why he agrees its racist

then his whole racist world crumbles

so he wont

You can add 'what racism' to the list of how to tell you're talking to a racist.
Hmmm....that comment would have gone over well in the workshop this morning.
It's good, though, that two of the biggest racists I've ever encountered are parked right here, and not out somewhere in public sharing or mentoring others.
That's always a relief, to see them here...
You can add 'what racism' to the list of how to tell you're talking to a racist.

you have to be the most racist person I know, bar none, yet you constantly use that word, toward others, from behind a keyboard, and THEY are the cowards?
that's rich

why don't you just go away, are there not Black Panther forums, or Black Lives matter forums where you can spread this stuff, and feel all warm and fuzzy?

because here you just look like an idiot.
you can groan

but can you cite an incident you AGREE was racism against a person of ccolor in this country recently?

nope you cant huh


because it will destroy your race card bullshit denial of all racist incidents

NAME one or wear your racist badge proudly
you have to be the most racist person I know, bar none, yet you constantly use that word, toward others, from behind a keyboard, and THEY are the cowards?
that's rich

why don't you just go away, are there not Black Panther forums, or Black Lives matter forums where you can spread this stuff, and feel all warm and fuzzy?

because here you just look like an idiot.

fuck off you racist scum

the world hates you racists
it would not have happened if he were fully functioning huh

now have you EVER been aware of racism against a person of color being verified to your acceptance

Or no?

Notice you keep dodging my posts and questions after I answered your question.

Is it because you lied?
you can groan

but can you cite an incident you AGREE was racism against a person of ccolor in this country recently?

nope you cant huh


because it will destroy your race card bullshit denial of all racist incidents

NAME one or wear your racist badge proudly

post 89

see the word recent asshole