Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

I couldn't care less about what you write down.
The question is why are racists so cowardly and run from what they are?

Believe it or not, many of them feel shame.... made especially more so because of society's condemnation of racism. This is why the Trumpanzees are fighting so hard to get rid of "political correctness." To them shaming racist and/or bigoted behavior, discrimination, and the like are the equivalent of removing their freedom of speech. Only the government can do that. Society, otoh, can and will shame you for speaking and/or behaving in a deplorable fashion.

A corollary is abortion. Most women who have had one whether for therapeutic medical reasons or personal reasons are loathe to tell anyone outside of family. Why? Because of the universal condemnation by the forced-birth crowd.

Shame is a powerful societal weapon.
"Some of my best friends are black!"

Here is a drop dead giveaway of a racist:
When rightwingers are asked why blacks overwhelmingly reject the Republican Party, and vote Democratic, the response is always something along the lines that black are "voting for free stuff".
Yeah, blacks are like children who can be bribed with candy, and who can't think for themselves and come to reasoned judgements.

Is someone can't see the racism in that, then they are part of what is wrong with America.

One of the workshops from today's Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration:
"I'm Not Racist"...Students and registered participants were encouraged to bring an open mind and be mature enough to observe the truth of others as everyone and have respectful courageous conversations (seems to not be possible around here...about Human dignity being ensured for all.

Take the time to watch this 6 minute video...
I can post the link later-at the moment I can't.
Joyner lucas: "I'm not racist!"

Right. From one of this forum's most outspoken racists. lol
They really should, I guess they are afraid of his revenge, he might call them a name, lol.

I think they fear his base. It's the corner the Republican Party has painted itself into.

That racist base that has carried the Republican Party for the last 60 plus years is now strangling them.

Trump's clan is racist .. overtly racist .. but that amounts to most of the Republican Party.

They see no way of the trap they have set for themselves.
I think they fear his base. It's the corner the Republican Party has painted itself into.

That racist base that has carried the Republican Party for the last 60 plus years is now strangling them.

Trump's clan is racist .. overtly racist .. but that amounts to most of the Republican Party.

They see no way of the trap they have set for themselves.

I think democrats should harp on racism early and often lol.

Then we’ll see how the next election goes.
The video is no longer available. "Facebook said it pulled the original video from a suspect's Facebook profile."

"We do not allow people to celebrate or glorify crimes on Facebook and have removed the original video for this reason."

Here is a link to the description from CNN, since Wikipedia must be too right wing to be trusted:

but you still cant think of a recent one that involved white on color racism huh
Believe it or not, many of them feel shame.... made especially more so because of society's condemnation of racism. This is why the Trumpanzees are fighting so hard to get rid of "political correctness." To them shaming racist and/or bigoted behavior, discrimination, and the like are the equivalent of removing their freedom of speech. Only the government can do that. Society, otoh, can and will shame you for speaking and/or behaving in a deplorable fashion.

A corollary is abortion. Most women who have had one whether for therapeutic medical reasons or personal reasons are loathe to tell anyone outside of family. Why? Because of the universal condemnation by the forced-birth crowd.

Shame is a powerful societal weapon.

I agree with you .. with the caveat that the shame they feel is only because of appearances. There is no shame or discomfort in their hearts about not only denigrating all that isn't white, but also in denigrating any white people who don't agree with them.

All of this is a testament to how successful the Left has been in vilifying racism and racists. They are so rejected in today's society that even racists run like rabbits from them.
name a recent incident in the USA that you agree was racist
Can you do it?
or is nothing racist

I'm sure she learned all about it in the fictional "workshop." lol

Some of the racists here are quite proud of their hate. Personally I find them somehow less repulsive than the ones like Toxic Top, Shit Shaper, Titmouse, and others who deny that they are racist, deny that racists are still legion, deny the experiences of those who have been the target of racism, and who proclaim that we now live in a post-racial society and those who deny that are the real racists.
I think they fear his base. It's the corner the Republican Party has painted itself into.

That racist base that has carried the Republican Party for the last 60 plus years is now strangling them.

Trump's clan is racist .. overtly racist .. but that amounts to most of the Republican Party.

They see no way of the trap they have set for themselves.

many of them are old codgers who fox plasters with EVERY crime commited they can find country wide to convinces their old tottering minds of reverse racsim loomimg large in the country

I personally know some old dupes of this propaganda push

they used to be better people

now they are full blown racists who trust nothing but fox news

even at the level that it has destroyed much of their family ties

Fox news ruins families

I have seen it happen

one friends mother and father are no longer married due mainly to fox news
Hmmm....that comment would have gone over well in the workshop this morning.
It's good, though, that two of the biggest racists I've ever encountered are parked right here, and not out somewhere in public sharing or mentoring others.
That's always a relief, to see them here...

You and Shit Shaper? You and Buttyurt? You and.... ?
Like you knew how the last one would go lol?

Yes, the one where your guy got 3 million less voters .. and, And, AND .. that was before the nation knew just how dangerous, foolish, racist, and inept your guy truly is.

NOW they know .. which results in approval ratings in the 30's even in a good economy.

You're looking forward to the midterms?

No you're not. :0)