Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

You can call me a racist and I promise I won’t go anywhere lol.
You can call me a racist and I promise I won’t go anywhere lol.

you are a racist

you never see anything that happens currently to an American of color as racism

you refuse to name one


because it will distroy the grounds for you using your RACE CARD meme
She asked for a link and then ran away, it's what she always does when confronted with facts!!
I would love to see those two in a discussion where there were actual people...here, they just hide behind the keyboard and a bunch of nonsense and vulgarities...
How do they not see that their comments are the most racist posts here?
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”
One of my favorite moments, still, is when Rev. Faith Timmons Green put him in His place! I still chuckle.

Evince LIE

You didn't start off with recent you dirty RACIST liar

and the last time I asked it ( becasue you fucks were refusing to answer)I asked for a recent example

that is what I meant in the first place

you now pretend you coud not remember SLAVERY to answer my original question dumb fuck?

some one posted a black on white crime too

so I clairified my question that way too

now has there been NO incident of white on black racism in the last ten years?

why cant you get an example of one we all lived through and that you agree was that type of racism?

because you know it will destroy the race card idiocy you spout