Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Yes, the one where your guy got 3 million less voters .. and, And, AND .. that was before the nation knew just how dangerous, foolish, racist, and inept your guy truly is.

NOW they know .. which results in approval ratings in the 30's even in a good economy.

You're looking forward to the midterms?

No you're not. :0)

I learned not to make predictions awhile back lol.

We’ll see.
In other words, it's just bullshit.

How is it that you're so blind to all the racism and racists that surround you? How is that?

Every single racist motherfucker on this board who uses the N word is a Trump supporter. Every single one of them. Yet here you are talking about how unfair it is to call a racist a racist.

How am I to think of you?

We were once friends, I hesitate to call you a racist. But you gleefully swim with them, ignore their glaringly obvious racism, often speak the language of racism yourself, and attack those who dare call out the obvious racism that you seem blind to.

Take an honest moment and tell me what I'm supposed to think.
oh now you want an honest conversation after telling me i'm a racist for supporting Trump.
Or you use terms like "white nationalism" when it's just nationalism,unless you think China is playing
"Oriental" nationalism. ( yes i get that word is racist)

You don't understand MAGA, have no desire to "get it"- or do anything but back warmongers like Hillary.
Hilary Clinton -the Butcher of Libya- destroyer of nations -and then you want to talk about racism??

What "Racist language" do I speak?
Nevermind - I already know. Anything that praises Trump just has to be a racist thought.

You aren't interested in honest debate, you just want to short-circuit debate to hollering "racist"
to fill in for the facts the Dems have no economic ideas..none.

I don't even waste my time talking foreign policy with you, and that is a damn shame because if anyone here
was capable of understand US meddling in the Uk's Euromaiden was essentially leaving Putin no option
but to annex Crimea, you would be him.

Instead you choose to wallow in "Russian collusion" because it's fits your Democratic Party's narrative.

nevermind the fact we amp up NATO with more war spending which decidedly just ratchets up
more tensions and makes all of Europe/US/Russia less safe. the very definition of insanity.

You can't even get yourself to take on Clapper or Brennan's lies.Remember Brennan from Obama's "kill list?'

Your mind is on a vacation from critical thought.. sad. you were once a insightful guy.
oh now you want an honest conversation after telling me i'm a racist for supporting Trump.
Or you use terms like "white nationalism" when it's just nationalism,unless you think China is playing "Oriental" nationalism.
You don't understand MAGA, have no desire to "get it"- or do anything but back warmongers like Hillary.
Hilary Clinton -the Butcher of Libya, and then you want to talk about racism??

What "Racist language" do I speak? Nevermind - I already know. Anyhting that praises Trump just has to be a racist thought.

Really BAC -go screw yourself. You aren't interested in honest debate, you just want to short-circuit denate to hollering "racist" to fill in for the facts the Dems have no economic ideas..none

I don't even waste my time talking foreign policy with you, nd that is a damn shame because if anyone here
was capable of understand US meddling in the Uk's Euromaiden essentially left Putin no option
but to annex Crimea, you would be him.

Instead you choose to wallow in "Russian collusion" because it's fits your Democratic Party's narrative.

nevermind the fact we amp up NATO with more war spending which decidedly just ratchets up more tensions and makes all of Europe/US/Russia less safe.

You can't even get yourself to take on Clapper or Brennan's lies.Remember Brennan from Obama's "kill list?'

Your mind is on a vacation from critical thought.. sad. you were once a insightful guy.

bite a dead mules cock racist
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

No doubt about the truth here. Some here are not so cowardly at least as far as protecting the reputations of their anonymous screen names. LOL like CFM
I wonder how they act in pleasant personal company.
oh now you want an honest conversation after telling me i'm a racist for supporting Trump.
Or you use terms like "white nationalism" when it's just nationalism,unless you think China is playing "Oriental" nationalism.
You don't understand MAGA, have no desire to "get it"- or do anything but back warmongers like Hillary.
Hilary Clinton -the Butcher of Libya, and then you want to talk about racism??

What "Racist language" do I speak? Nevermind - I already know. Anyhting that praises Trump just has to be a racist thought.

Really BAC -go screw yourself. You aren't interested in honest debate, you just want to short-circuit denate to hollering "racist" to fill in for the facts the Dems have no economic ideas..none

I don't even waste my time talking foreign policy with you, nd that is a damn shame because if anyone here
was capable of understand US meddling in the Uk's Euromaiden essentially left Putin no option
but to annex Crimea,
you would be him.

Instead you choose to wallow in "Russian collusion" because it's fits your Democratic Party's narrative.

nevermind the fact we amp up NATO with more war spending which decidedly just ratchets up more tensions and makes all of Europe/US/Russia less safe.

You can't even get yourself to take on Clapper or Brennan's lies.Remember Brennan from Obama's "kill list?'

Your mind is on a vacation from critical thought.. sad. you were once a insightful guy.

putins balls must be sore from all your sucking of them by now
I agree with you .. with the caveat that the shame they feel is only because of appearances. There is no shame or discomfort in their hearts about not only denigrating all that isn't white, but also in denigrating any white people who don't agree with them.
All of this is a testament to how successful the Left has been in vilifying racism and racists. They are so rejected in today's society that even racists run like rabbits from them.

Good point. That explains the RW's desperation to paint all liberals and/or (D)-voters as unAmerican commie enemies of the U.S. And their embracing of an unapologetic bigot like Trump. He is the face of their shame.
In other words, it's just bullshit.

How is it that you're so blind to all the racism and racists that surround you? How is that?

Every single racist motherfucker on this board who uses the N word is a Trump supporter. Every single one of them. Yet here you are talking about how unfair it is to call a racist a racist.

How am I to think of you?

We were once friends, I hesitate to call you a racist. But you gleefully swim with them, ignore their glaringly obvious racism, often speak the language of racism yourself, and attack those who dare call out the obvious racism that you seem blind to.

Take an honest moment and tell me what I'm supposed to think.

And you wonder why I don't automatically just trust them, white people that is.

HE is a perfect example of why I don't.

Not saying all white people are like him, but you better be sure where your loyalty lies when it comes to them. ........just saying.

It's always about their actions, never about what they say.
oh now you want an honest conversation after telling me i'm a racist for supporting Trump.
Or you use terms like "white nationalism" when it's just nationalism,unless you think China is playing
"Oriental" nationalism. ( yes i get that word is racist)

You don't understand MAGA, have no desire to "get it"- or do anything but back warmongers like Hillary.
Hilary Clinton -the Butcher of Libya- destroyer of nations -and then you want to talk about racism??

What "Racist language" do I speak?
Nevermind - I already know. Anything that praises Trump just has to be a racist thought.

You aren't interested in honest debate, you just want to short-circuit debate to hollering "racist"
to fill in for the facts the Dems have no economic ideas..none.

I don't even waste my time talking foreign policy with you, and that is a damn shame because if anyone here
was capable of understand US meddling in the Uk's Euromaiden was essentially leaving Putin no option
but to annex Crimea, you would be him.

Instead you choose to wallow in "Russian collusion" because it's fits your Democratic Party's narrative.

nevermind the fact we amp up NATO with more war spending which decidedly just ratchets up more tensions and makes all of Europe/US/Russia less safe.

You can't even get yourself to take on Clapper or Brennan's lies.Remember Brennan from Obama's "kill list?'

Your mind is on a vacation from critical thought.. sad. you were once a insightful guy.

Just what I thought, thanks.
And you wonder why I don't automatically just trust them, white people that is.

HE is a perfect example of why I don't.

Not saying all white people are like him, but you better be sure where your loyalty lies when it comes to them. ........just saying.

It's always about their actions, never about what they say.

I understand why you feel that way

just NEVER forget their numbers get smaller and smaller in this world

And that both me and you are working to increase that effect

I hate that sooo many white people bought into this EVIL.

most of them are old pieces of shit about to cash their ticket in

the kids hate them and their racism

the kids (like always) will save us