Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

noise is not 'white people.' He's one racist and seriously confused individual. That is how I judge him, that is how I judge everybody. It is how I want you, I, and my children to be judged.

If you don't mean all white people, then don't infer all white people.

When I talk about race to the kids I mentor, I call racists pink people. I tell them not confuse the pink people with the white people. Pink people are racist, and only exist to give white people a bad name.

When they ask how are they to know the person is pink .. I tell them that they reveal themselves.

Noise revealed himself.
ROFL.. "revealed" nonsense..you can't debate my points,you ask for an honest conversation-
when I criticize your blind partisanship to the point you supported Hillary the destroyer of nations
you deflect back to I'm a racist..never addressing anything.

Like I said. You are pathetic and now stoop to using the "racist" response when you have nothing else.

Congrats on becoming a full fledged Democrat-
check your critical thought at the door with the rest of the partisans.
If you followed the debate on Libya .. I'M THE ONE WHO STARTED IT. Nobody on the board, including noise/anatta, was talking about what was happening in Libya until I did.

In my opinion, the attack and destruction of Libya was a crime against humanity .. no different than the invasion of Iraq. I am antiwar, consistent on opposition against the war in Libya and Iraq. The difference being that American lives weren't lost in Libya as they were in Iraq .. because Obama, not Hillary Clinton, used Al Queda terrorists as our foot soldiers.

While noisey went off on Hilary Clinton, I put the blame exactly where it belonged, on the POTUS, Obama. Noisey was only interested in the partisan gotcha' .. there was nothing non-partisan nor independent about it. It didn't take long for me to see that his participation in the discussion was just part of his Hillary fantasies .. which are still evident to this day.

I argued against the opinions of people on my own side of the fence, people I admire, but I stood for the undoubtedly correct position. I posted irrefutable facts about what was going on. I did not vote for Obama, voting 3rd party instead. But I am decidedly on the Left. My course was decided by truth, not emotion.

It wasn't until Trump came along when I became a democrat again. The futility of voting 3rd party was just too obvious to ignore. The Democratic Party isn't the perfect vehicle for progressives, but the fight to make it more perfect exists within the party, not standing on the outside of it.

Hope that helps.
OMFG. Now you're in denial as well as dumbing yourself down to accomodate supporting Hillary. You've succumbed to your own delusions. Even Bernie went after Clinton on Libya.

Gates: "Hillary was the 51st % persuasive voice on the NSC that persuaded Obama to bomb Libya."

Her own State Dept:
In the email the Clinton team lists all the actions that Hillary took credit for as the architect of the US involvement in Libya.

The “internal brag sheet” compiled and sent by Jake Sullivan (printed out by Cheryl Mills) was circulated to Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Victoria Nuland with a special request for those ‘in the know’ to add on to the list of Hillary’s Libya “accomplishments.”
the “toria” typo refers to Under Secretary of State and chief neocon Victoria Nuland.

this is basically off the top of my head, with a few consultations of my notes. but it shows S’ Clinton leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s libya policy from start to finish. let me know what you think. toria [sic], who else might be able to add to this?
The New York Times:

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi
left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.
If you followed the debate on Libya .. I'M THE ONE WHO STARTED IT. Nobody on the board, including noise/anatta, was talking about what was happening in Libya until I did.

In my opinion, the attack and destruction of Libya was a crime against humanity .. no different than the invasion of Iraq. I am antiwar, consistent on opposition against the war in Libya and Iraq. The difference being that American lives weren't lost in Libya as they were in Iraq .. because Obama, not Hillary Clinton, used Al Queda terrorists as our foot soldiers.

While noisey went off on Hilary Clinton, I put the blame exactly where it belonged, on the POTUS, Obama. Noisey was only interested in the partisan gotcha' .. there was nothing non-partisan nor independent about it. It didn't take long for me to see that his participation in the discussion was just part of his Hillary fantasies .. which are still evident to this day.

I argued against the opinions of people on my own side of the fence, people I admire, but I stood for the undoubtedly correct position. I posted irrefutable facts about what was going on. I did not vote for Obama, voting 3rd party instead. But I am decidedly on the Left. My course was decided by truth, not emotion.

It wasn't until Trump came along when I became a democrat again. The futility of voting 3rd party was just too obvious to ignore. The Democratic Party isn't the perfect vehicle for progressives, but the fight to make it more perfect exists within the party, not standing on the outside of it.

Hope that helps.

Obama bombed civilians in Misrata. Remember that? Obama gave the order to assassinate Qaddafi.
Clinton demanded Qaddaffi was a military target.. Libyan lives - Africans- mean nothing to you.
You are completely full of partisan shit, and a liar too boot. , you are a disgusting liar/warmonger
noise is not 'white people.' He's one racist and seriously confused individual. That is how I judge him, that is how I judge everybody. It is how I want you, I, and my children to be judged.

If you don't mean all white people, then don't infer all white people.

When I talk about race to the kids I mentor, I call racists pink people. I tell them not confuse the pink people with the white people. Pink people are racist, and only exist to give white people a bad name.

When they ask how are they to know the person is pink .. I tell them that they reveal themselves.

Noise revealed himself.
I like pink people, but I’ll use puce, pink holds symbolic meaning for me
From: Mills, Cheryl D [mailto:MiIIsCD@state.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 12:37 PM

To: H
Subject: FW: tick tock on libya

Here is Draft

From: Jake Sullivan [mailtc
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 7:40 PM

To: Mills, Cheryl D; Nuland, Victoria
Subject: tick tock on libya

this is basically off the top of my head, with a few consultations of my notes. but it shows S’ leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s libya policy from start to finish. let me know what you think. toria, who else might be able to add to this?

Secretary Clinton’s leadership on Libya

HRC has been a critical voice on Libya in administration deliberations, at NATO, and in contact group meetings — as well as the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya. She was instrumental in securing the authorization, building the coalition, and tightening the noose around Qadhafi and his regime.

February 25 — HRC announces the suspension of operations of the Libyan embassy in Washington.

February 26 — HRC directs efforts to evacuate all U.S. embassy personnel from Tripoli and orders the closing of the embassy.

February 26 — HRC made a series of calls to her counterparts to help secure passage of UNSC 1970, which imposes sanctions on Gaddafi and his family and refers Qadhafi and his cronies to the ICC

February 28 — HRC travels to Geneva, Switzerland for consultations with European partners on Libya. She gives a major address in which she says: “Colonel Qadhafi and those around him must be held accountable for these acts, which violate international legal obligations and common decency. Through their actions, they have lost the legitimacy to govern. And the people of Libya have made themselves clear: It is time for Qadhafi to go — now, without further violence or delay.” She also works to secure the suspension of Libya from membership in the Human Rights Council.

Early March — HRC appoints Special Envoy Chris Stevens to be the U.S. representative to Benghazi

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05788648 Date: 10/30/2015

March 14 — HRC travels to Paris for the G8 foreign minister’s meeting. She meets with TNC representative Jibril and consults with her colleagues on further UN Security Council action. She notes that a no-fly zone will not be adequate.

March 14-16 — HRC participates in a series of high-level video- and teleconferences with She is a leading voice for strong UNSC action and a NATO civilian protection mission.

March 17 — HRC secures Russian abstention and Portuguese and African support for UNSC 1973, ensuring that it passes. 1973 authorizes a no-fly zone over Libya and “all necessary measures” – code for military action – to protect civilians against Gaddafi’s army.

March 24 — HRC engages with allies and secures the transition of command and control of the civilian protection mission to NATO. She announces the transition in a statement.

March 18-30— HRC engages with UAE, Qatar, and Jordan to seek their participation in coalition operations. Over the course of several days, all three devote aircraft to the mission.

March 19 — HRC travels to Paris to meet with European and Arab leaders to prepare for military action to protect civilians. That night, the first U.S. air strikes halt the advance of Gaddafi’s forces on Benghazi and target Libya’s air defenses:

March 29 — HRC travels to London for a conference on Libya, where she is a driving force behind the creation of a Contact Group comprising 20-plus countries to coordinate efforts to protect civilians and plan for a post- Qadhafi Libya. She is instrumental in setting up a rotating chair system to ensure regional buy-in.

April 14 — HRC travels to Berlin for NATO meetings. She is the driving force behind NATO adopting a communiqué that calls for Qadhafi’s departure as a political objective, and lays out three clear military objectives: end of attacks and threat of attacks on civilians; the removal of Qadhafi forces from cities they forcibly entered; and the unfettered provision of humanitarian access.

May 5 — HRC travels to Rome for a Contact Group meeting. The Contact Group establishes a coordination system and a temporary financial mechanism to funnel money to the TNC.

June 8 — HRC travels to Abu Dhabi for another Contact Group meeting and holds a series of intense discussions with rebel leaders.

June 12 — HRC travels to Addis for consultations and a speech before the African Union, pressing the case for a democratic transition in Libya.

July 15 — HRC travels to Istanbul and announces that the U.S. recognizes the TNC as the legitimate government of Libya. She also secures recognition from the other members of the Contact Group.

Late June — HRC meets with House Democrats and Senate Republicans to persuade them not to de-fund the Libya operation.

July 16 — HRC sends Feltman, Cretz, and Chollet to Tunis to meet with Qadhafi envoys “to deliver a clear and firm message that the only way to move forward, is for Qadhafi to step down”.

Early August — HRC works to construct a $1.5 billion assets package to be approved by the Security Council and sent to the TNC. That package is working through its last hurdles.

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05788648 Date: 10/30/2015

Early August — After military chief Abdel Fattah Younes is killed, S sends a personal message to TNC head Jalil to press for a responsible investigation and a careful and inclusive approach to creating a new executive council.

Early August — HRC secures written pledges from the TNC to an inclusive, pluralistic democratic transition. She continues to consult with European and Arab colleagues on the evolving situation.
noise is not 'white people.' He's one racist and seriously confused individual. That is how I judge him, that is how I judge everybody. It is how I want you, I, and my children to be judged.

If you don't mean all white people, then don't infer all white people.

When I talk about race to the kids I mentor, I call racists pink people. I tell them not confuse the pink people with the white people. Pink people are racist, and only exist to give white people a bad name.

When they ask how are they to know the person is pink .. I tell them that they reveal themselves.

Noise revealed himself.
Well there's your problem. Stop judging people, it's not your job
you have to be the most racist person I know, bar none, yet you constantly use that word, toward others, from behind a keyboard, and THEY are the cowards?
that's rich

why don't you just go away, are there not Black Panther forums, or Black Lives matter forums where you can spread this stuff, and feel all warm and fuzzy?

because here you just look like an idiot.

Irony abounds
and the last time I asked it ( becasue you fucks were refusing to answer)I asked for a recent example

that is what I meant in the first place

you now pretend you coud not remember SLAVERY to answer my original question dumb fuck?

some one posted a black on white crime too

so I clairified my question that way too

now has there been NO incident of white on black racism in the last ten years?

why cant you get an example of one we all lived through and that you agree was that type of racism?

because you know it will destroy the race card idiocy you spout

You did not say recent to me your dirty liar.

Shall I repost for you?
You can call me a racist and I promise I won’t go anywhere lol.

lol, I was thinking the same. I'm called a racist from time to time on these boards for the most inane shit, e.g., 'healthy diet is good' type stuff. No reason to run, so be it if that's what makes me racist.
If you followed the debate on Libya .. I'M THE ONE WHO STARTED IT. Nobody on the board, including noise/anatta, was talking about what was happening in Libya until I did.

In my opinion, the attack and destruction of Libya was a crime against humanity .. no different than the invasion of Iraq. I am antiwar, consistent on opposition against the war in Libya and Iraq. The difference being that American lives weren't lost in Libya as they were in Iraq .. because Obama, not Hillary Clinton, used Al Queda terrorists as our foot soldiers.

While noisey went off on Hilary Clinton, I put the blame exactly where it belonged, on the POTUS, Obama. Noisey was only interested in the partisan gotcha' .. there was nothing non-partisan nor independent about it. It didn't take long for me to see that his participation in the discussion was just part of his Hillary fantasies .. which are still evident to this day.

I argued against the opinions of people on my own side of the fence, people I admire, but I stood for the undoubtedly correct position. I posted irrefutable facts about what was going on. I did not vote for Obama, voting 3rd party instead. But I am decidedly on the Left. My course was decided by truth, not emotion.

It wasn't until Trump came along when I became a democrat again. The futility of voting 3rd party was just too obvious to ignore. The Democratic Party isn't the perfect vehicle for progressives, but the fight to make it more perfect exists within the party, not standing on the outside of it.

Hope that helps.

This is all true, I watched it happen.
This is all true, I watched it happen.
It's true BAC was the first to recognize Libya.
it's also true he's in complete denial that Hillary was chief advocate and international architect for destroying Libya.
My sources make that crystal clear beyond any doubts.
"Some of my best friends are black!"

Here is a drop dead giveaway of a racist:

When rightwingers are asked why blacks overwhelmingly reject the Republican Party, and vote Democratic, the response is always something along the lines that black are "voting for free stuff".

Yeah, blacks are like children who can be bribed with candy, and who can't think for themselves and come to reasoned judgements.

Is someone can't see the racism in that, then they are part of what is wrong with America.

That "voting for free stuff" really galls me. :mad:
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

maybe they don't agree with your arbitrary definitions and refuse to let other people to define their character? Why would that be cowardly?
talk about confusion..

lets get this straight. we say what is racist. You do what you think is righteous. we tell you it was racist.
ipso facto you are a racist... got it! *somebody write this down so we all get the memo*

When everything is racist, nothing is racist

BAC PANTHER forgets how outnumbered he is. If it weren’t for Christian white folk, he would still be enslaved

If it weren’t for white folk, he would still be at the back of the bus

Everything he has is because of the benevolence of white folk. You would think he would be more grateful