Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

From: Mills, Cheryl D [mailto:MiIIsCD@state.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 12:37 PM
blah blah Hillary blah blah Hillary blah blah Obama blah blah Hillary

Graham: ‘My memory hasn’t evolved’ on meeting where Trump referred to ‘shithole countries’

WASHINGTON — Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told a South Carolina newspaper on Monday that his "memory hasn’t evolved" about the White House meeting in which President Donald Trump reportedly referred to African nations as "shithole countries."

In an interview with The Post and Courier, Graham seemed to challenge the accounts of fellow Republican Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Georgia, who attended the bipartisan meeting last Thursday with Graham and have given shifting defenses of the president’s comments. After initially staying quiet, the two Trump-allied lawmakers issued a joint statement the day after the meeting saying they did not “recall” what the president had said. But in separate TV interviews Sunday, they outright denied that Trump had made the comments.

“I know what was said and I know what I said,” Graham said Monday

Racist, liar, and COWARD.
who gives a fuck warmonger? I am putting your hypocrisy/stupidity on display.
Keep it up.

Go right ahead you clownish bitch.

See if you can convince anyone but your racist teammates .. none of whom do I give one fuck about.

Be my guest.
I think they fear his base. It's the corner the Republican Party has painted itself into.

That racist base that has carried the Republican Party for the last 60 plus years is now strangling them.

Trump's clan is racist .. overtly racist .. but that amounts to most of the Republican Party.

They see no way of the trap they have set for themselves.

Yeah....remember how they fought against the Civil Rights Amendment....no wait, that was the Democrats....

You're such a pathetic fool.....you pay for the rope the Dems hang your asses from....
Trump supported both the Invasion of Iraq, And the Intervention in Libya.
you stupid moron.
Did Trump have access to intelligence on Libya? Did Trump take the lead role in advocating for war and organized international coalitions?

Did Trump meet with the NTC ( even BAC will agree they were al-Qaeda) in France and promise to bomb Libya
in return for a democracy?

Or was Trump like a lot of people on the outside who were fed Admistration bullshit that Libyans were
"being slaughtered?"

We have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on; it has to be stopped. We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.” -Trump
Go right ahead you clownish bitch.

See if you can convince anyone but your racist teammates .. none of whom do I give one fuck about.

Be my guest.
when you continue to lie, you will be called out on your warmongering -whether you give a fuck or not.
That's your shit show.
Yeah....remember how they fought against the Civil Rights Amendment....no wait, that was the Democrats....

You're such a pathetic fool.....you pay for the rope the Dems hang your asses from....

Another dimwit joins the fray.

How many elected republican African-American politicians are there?

See ya' later dimwit.
I don't think of 2 and I ignore them or call them out. You got fringe fruitcakes on the left who say anything Trump related support has to come from -must come from -no doubt about it -a "racist perspective". Lock in that thought

I suggest you look at the Basket of Deplorables remarks for how much screed that pov is.
It's hackneyed garbage that only delusional minds can come up with when they can't debate the issues.

I've seen very little fact based criticism of Trumps policies, so when that draws a blank..back to the race card it is

Exactly. And it was the racist liberals who wanted to deny free speech to the white people in Charlottesville.
Hmm. Let me think about that. I can't think of a behavior that I've tied to another race so I can't get to the second part.
Maybe I have. Help me here.

Think of stereotypes then. Not necessary your own, but in general.

"Asians are inscrutable."
"Asians are super intelligent."
"Native Americans are drunks."
"Native Americans are/were noble and peaceful."
"Hispanics carry diseases."
"Hispanics don't mind doing hard work out in the hot sun; they're immune to it."
"Southerners are stupid and live in trailers."
"Northerners are cold emotionally and look down on everyone else."
"Liberals are elitists."
"Conservatives hate the poor."
"Christians are moral and trustworthy."
"Christians are brainwashed morons."
"White people are all racists."
"White people only like bland foods and music."
"Black men are well-hung."
"Black people are better at sports especially boxing and basketball."

Not all of these are necessarily "racist," but all are stereotypical bigoted statements about groups of people.
Another dimwit joins the fray.

How many elected republican African-American politicians are there?

Not many, niggers know where their table scraps come from, now bow down and lick the hand which feeds you and may your chains sit lightly upon you, ya fucking monkey.
Another dimwit joins the fray.

How many elected republican African-American politicians are there?

See ya' later dimwit.

Looks like you posting in the wrong thread.....or you just can't deny my posted facts.....which "trump" your posted lies.....
