Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

At least 20 dead as clashes shut airport in Libyan capital
The attack triggered the heaviest fighting in Tripoli for months, undercutting claims by the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) to have largely stabilised the city. The violence also undermines GNA efforts to persuade diplomatic missions to return there.

Automatic gunfire and artillery rounds could be heard from the city centre early in the day and authorities at Mitiga airport, which operates all civilian air traffic to and from the capital, said flights had been suspended until further notice.

*this is how the 2014 Libyan civil war started -battle of Tripoli airport* * after the shelling Parliament*

Battle of Tripoli Airport 2014
Looks like you posting in the wrong thread.....or you just can't deny my posted facts.....which "trump" your posted lies.....

View attachment 5582

Ever heard of Dixiecrats? No?

How many were still in the Republican Party at the signing of the CRA? Don't know?

Ever heard of Sen. Everett Dirksen? No?

Irrespective of your 'facts' of 60 years ago .. how many black elected republicans are there today .. 60 years later? Don't know?

that is correct, I do not view him as a racist.

Lets take the most recent example. He remarked about haiti being shitholes and wanting more people from norway.

Well you could look at that through the prism as "white people vs. black people" or you could look at it as a super advanced nation vs. a shithole nation. For example, norway had .5 murders per 100,000 of their population vs. 219 per 100k in haiti in 2004. One country has far more lowskilled workers, lower education, and the other has higher. It is an objective fact - more people from norway would be better for america than having more people from haiti. Just using raw statistics.

Furthermore, trump also remarked on bringing asians into this country. Why would a racist that hates other races want another race to come in? Why would a white supremecist want people of a different ethnicity? Your allegations do not line up.

Even when he made comments about "mexican judges" ... you could interpret that to mean "brown people" or you could interpret that as nationality, or culture, or whatever. Not everything is defined by race.

Now if you want to say he is bigoted, or prejudice, or perhaps xenophobic, you might have more of an argument. But words matter, and the more you dilute them the less effective they end up being.

You're not allowed to utter FACTS about anyone of color.....thats automatically racist....

This is only true for conservatives, whites and Republicans.....

Yeah....remember how they fought against the Civil Rights Amendment....no wait, that was the Democrats....

You're such a pathetic fool.....you pay for the rope the Dems hang your asses from....

Southern Democrats who are now Republican voters, clowntard.

Racist much? Yes. Thanks for revealing yourself.
Think of stereotypes then. Not necessary your own, but in general.

"Asians are inscrutable."
"Asians are super intelligent."
"Native Americans are drunks."
"Native Americans are/were noble and peaceful."
"Hispanics carry diseases."
"Hispanics don't mind doing hard work out in the hot sun; they're immune to it."
"Southerners are stupid and live in trailers."
"Northerners are cold emotionally and look down on everyone else."
"Liberals are elitists."
"Conservatives hate the poor."
"Christians are moral and trustworthy."
"Christians are brainwashed morons."
"White people are all racists."
"White people only like bland foods and music."
"Black men are well-hung."
"Black people are better at sports especially boxing and basketball."

Not all of these are necessarily "racist," but all are stereotypical bigoted statements about groups of people.
I remember exactly when it was when the fruit cakes here called me a racist for advocating a healthy diet. It was part of a solution to some problem a black guy had and the healthy diet part was a segment of practicing Taoism.
You're a liberal, right? Maybe you can 'splain to me how that's racist.:dunno:
I remember exactly when it was when the fruit cakes here called me a racist for advocating a healthy diet. It was part of a solution to some problem a black guy had and the healthy diet part was a segment of practicing Taoism.
You're a liberal, right? Maybe you can 'splain to me how that's racist.

I am a liberal, yes. I can't comment on the scenario though since I haven't read what was said. The Reader's Digest version isn't sufficient.

That being said, I'm with you on advocating for healthy diets for people of all ages, genders, and flavors.
Southern Democrats who are now Republican voters, clowntard.

Racist much? Yes. Thanks for revealing yourself.

Robert Byrd, member of the KKK, filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and voted AGAINST it.
Yet we have
the Robert C. Byrd Highway,
two Robert C. Byrd federal buildings,
the Robert C. Byrd Freeway,
the Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism,
the Robert C. Byrd Drive and
the Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center.
When you gonna change the names of these places.....

by the way, 81 percent of republicans voted FOR the Civil Rights Act....and those 'Southern States' changed to Republican during the '60's ....

and Republicans also passed the 15th Amendment which gave slaves the right to vote. Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for it. Furthermore, Republicans passed all of the Civil Rights laws of the 1860s — including the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 following the Civil War.
Didn't I read some clown suggesting that should ask Bernie about something?

Sanders: GOP must summon the courage to stand up to Trump's 'racist ramblings'

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called on Republican lawmakers to push back against the "racist ramblings" of President Trump the day after the president reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations as "shithole countries" in an Oval Office meeting.

"Republicans in Congress must now summon the courage to stand up to the racist ramblings of our 'stable genius' president," Sanders wrote on Twitter Friday, referencing a tweet in which Trump called himself a "very stable genius."
Robert Byrd, member of the KKK, filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and voted AGAINST it.
Yet we have
the Robert C. Byrd Highway,
two Robert C. Byrd federal buildings,
the Robert C. Byrd Freeway,
the Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism,
the Robert C. Byrd Drive and
the Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center.
When you gonna change the names of these places.....

by the way, 81 percent of republicans voted FOR the Civil Rights Act....and those 'Southern States' changed to Republican during the '60's ....

and Republicans also passed the 15th Amendment which gave slaves the right to vote. Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for it. Furthermore, Republicans passed all of the Civil Rights laws of the 1860s — including the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 following the Civil War.

It's 60 years later.



It's just about the free stuff, huh?
Sanders got clipped by the corrupt DNC -"owned by Hillary" ( Donna Brazil), but knew enough to call out
Hillary's warmongering.
Mot just Syria,not just Iraq, but Libya..he's a Democrat -so he swallowed his integrity and backed Clinton.
It's 60 years later.



It's just about the free stuff, huh?

If more African Americans ran as Republicans, more would be elected....but its

Politics, BAC.....plain old politics....
Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World’s Most Powerful Institution

Johnson, like other presidents, would often reveal his true motivations in asides that the press never picked up. During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years.”

“That was the reason he was pushing the bill,” said MacMillan, who was present during the conversation. “Not because he wanted equality for everyone. It was strictly a political ploy for the Democratic party. He was phony from the word go.”

And it obviously worked 100%......you were duped.

Not many, niggers know where their table scraps come from, now bow down and lick the hand which feeds you and may your chains sit lightly upon you, ya fucking monkey.

Noise, are you still pretending you do not see the relentless, unabated, and widespread racism of your buddies on Team Trumpian?
you stupid moron.
Did Trump have access to intelligence on Libya? Did Trump take the lead role in advocating for war and organized international coalitions?

Did Trump meet with the NTC ( even BAC will agree they were al-Qaeda) in France and promise to bomb Libya
in return for a democracy?

Or was Trump like a lot of people on the outside who were fed Admistration bullshit that Libyans were
"being slaughtered?"

And the backpedaling begins.

Your fat ass orange clown supported both Invading Iraq, and intervening in Libya.

So no one is buying your horseshit about Trump being the peacenik candidate.
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Or, you can look at it like this is a racist moron who doesn't know that African immigrants are among the highest educated income earners among all immigrants to this country. You could look at Trump's history of racism and determine that this asshole is a racist.

You are indeed free to look at Trump anyway you choose, call him whatever you choose .. but this isn't about what you or I think .. it's about what the nation and the world thinks about Trump .. and racist fits just fine.

What's even more astounding than Trump is his supporters who obviously think this is a winning strategy. :0) Good luck with that.

absolutely everything you say has become meaningless......