Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Because they are glaringly obviously racist.

Are you of the opinion that Trump is not a racist?

that is correct, I do not view him as a racist.

Lets take the most recent example. He remarked about haiti being shitholes and wanting more people from norway.

Well you could look at that through the prism as "white people vs. black people" or you could look at it as a super advanced nation vs. a shithole nation. For example, norway had .5 murders per 100,000 of their population vs. 219 per 100k in haiti in 2004. One country has far more lowskilled workers, lower education, and the other has higher. It is an objective fact - more people from norway would be better for america than having more people from haiti. Just using raw statistics.

Furthermore, trump also remarked on bringing asians into this country. Why would a racist that hates other races want another race to come in? Why would a white supremecist want people of a different ethnicity? Your allegations do not line up.

Even when he made comments about "mexican judges" ... you could interpret that to mean "brown people" or you could interpret that as nationality, or culture, or whatever. Not everything is defined by race.

Now if you want to say he is bigoted, or prejudice, or perhaps xenophobic, you might have more of an argument. But words matter, and the more you dilute them the less effective they end up being.
I would love to see those two in a discussion where there were actual people...here, they just hide behind the keyboard and a bunch of nonsense and vulgarities...
How do they not see that their comments are the most racist posts here?

And here's another one who completely ignores Kek's and CFM's posts.
ROFL.. "revealed" nonsense..you can't debate my points,you ask for an honest conversation-
when I criticize your blind partisanship to the point you supported Hillary the destroyer of nations
you deflect back to I'm a racist..never addressing anything.

Like I said. You are pathetic and now stoop to using the "racist" response when you have nothing else.

Congrats on becoming a full fledged Democrat-
check your critical thought at the door with the rest of the partisans.

Your Hillary delusion was nonsensical bullshit .. still is.

She, Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers were responsible for the Viagra Rape Story, not the war. That responsibility rests with the Commander-in-Chief .. a concept that an idiot like you just can't figure out.

Call yourself an analyst, you're just a yokel with a typewriter. Blind to the Trump chaos that is as obvious as the nose on your face. Blind to the racism that's all around you in TrumpyWorld.

Congrats motherfucker on you becoming a full-fledged racist asshole. You wear it well.

Sure .. and I'm just so hurt that a racist like you doesn't like me.

Kiss my ass motherfucker.
Your Hillary delusion was nonsensical bullshit .. still is.

She, Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers were responsible for the Viagra Rape Story, not the war. That responsibility rests with the Commander-in-Chief .. a concept that an idiot like you just can't figure out.

Call yourself an analyst, you're just a yokel with a typewriter. Blind to the Trump chaos that is as obvious as the nose on your face. Blind to the racism that's all around you in TrumpyWorld.

Congrats motherfucker on you becoming a full-fledged racist asshole. You wear it well.

Sure .. and I'm just so hurt that a racist like you doesn't like me.

Kiss my ass motherfucker.
What a cunt!!

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maybe they don't agree with your arbitrary definitions and refuse to let other people to define their character? Why would that be cowardly?

Genghis Khan was no coward, didn't give a shit about BAC's definitions and didn't accept character assessments either. Doesn't make him a good person.
You need a point at the end of the Socratic that doesn't have a hole big enough to drive a Mongolian horde through.
Your Hillary delusion was nonsensical bullshit .. still is.

She, Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers were responsible for the Viagra Rape Story, not the war. That responsibility rests with the Commander-in-Chief .. a concept that an idiot like you just can't figure out.

Call yourself an analyst, you're just a yokel with a typewriter. Blind to the Trump chaos that is as obvious as the nose on your face. Blind to the racism that's all around you in TrumpyWorld.

Congrats motherfucker on you becoming a full-fledged racist asshole. You wear it well.

Sure .. and I'm just so hurt that a racist like you doesn't like me.

Kiss my ass motherfucker.
you dumb ass warmonger..how many times do you want me to shove it down your throat?
You can't separate the same old hyping of Viagra to the prosecutorial war role that Clinton played.
You can't even refute her OWN STATE DEPT Open wide and swallow dead Libyans- courtesy of your gal Clinton:
Even Bernie went after Clinton on Libya.

Gates: "Hillary was the 51st % persuasive voice on the NSC that persuaded Obama to bomb Libya."

Her own State Dept:
In the email the Clinton team lists all the actions that Hillary took credit for as the architect of the US involvement in Libya.

The “internal brag sheet” compiled and sent by Jake Sullivan (printed out by Cheryl Mills) was circulated to Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Victoria Nuland with a special request for those ‘in the know’ to add on to the list of Hillary’s Libya “accomplishments.”
the “toria” typo refers to Under Secretary of State and chief neocon Victoria Nuland.

The New York Times:

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi
left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.
Last edited:
that is correct, I do not view him as a racist.

Lets take the most recent example. He remarked about haiti being shitholes and wanting more people from norway.

Well you could look at that through the prism as "white people vs. black people" or you could look at it as a super advanced nation vs. a shithole nation. For example, norway had .5 murders per 100,000 of their population vs. 219 per 100k in haiti in 2004. One country has far more lowskilled workers, lower education, and the other has higher. It is an objective fact - more people from norway would be better for america than having more people from haiti. Just using raw statistics.

Furthermore, trump also remarked on bringing asians into this country. Why would a racist that hates other races want another race to come in? Why would a white supremecist want people of a different ethnicity? Your allegations do not line up.

Even when he made comments about "mexican judges" ... you could interpret that to mean "brown people" or you could interpret that as nationality, or culture, or whatever. Not everything is defined by race.

Now if you want to say he is bigoted, or prejudice, or perhaps xenophobic, you might have more of an argument. But words matter, and the more you dilute them the less effective they end up being.

Or, you can look at it like this is a racist moron who doesn't know that African immigrants are among the highest educated income earners among all immigrants to this country. You could look at Trump's history of racism and determine that this asshole is a racist.

You are indeed free to look at Trump anyway you choose, call him whatever you choose .. but this isn't about what you or I think .. it's about what the nation and the world thinks about Trump .. and racist fits just fine.

What's even more astounding than Trump is his supporters who obviously think this is a winning strategy. :0) Good luck with that.
Following President Trump's Thursday comments,
it's worth noting that former President Obama called the African country of Libya a “shit show” just two years ago.
dats raycisst!
you dumb ass warmonger..how many times do you want me to shove it down your throat?
Open wide and swallow dead Libyans- courtesy of your gal Clinton:

OMFG. Now you're in denial as well as dumbing yourself down to accomodate supporting Hillary. You've succumbed to your own delusions. Even Bernie went after Clinton on Libya.

Gates: "Hillary was the 51st % persuasive voice on the NSC that persuaded Obama to bomb Libya."

Her own State Dept:
In the email the Clinton team lists all the actions that Hillary took credit for as the architect of the US involvement in Libya.

The “internal brag sheet” compiled and sent by Jake Sullivan (printed out by Cheryl Mills) was circulated to Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Victoria Nuland with a special request for those ‘in the know’ to add on to the list of Hillary’s Libya “accomplishments.”
the “toria” typo refers to Under Secretary of State and chief neocon Victoria Nuland.

The New York Times:

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi
left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.

You're a stupid assclown. What the fuck makes you think you can shove anything down my throat.

Obama was the president .. I know over your head.

Why not just run your racist ass along and go talk to CFM, TDAK, and your other racist teammates?

Use some mumbo-jumbo words that you don't know what the fuck they mean. I'm sure they'll be impressed.

.. run along ..
lol, I was thinking the same. I'm called a racist from time to time on these boards for the most inane shit, e.g., 'healthy diet is good' type stuff. No reason to run, so be it if that's what makes me racist.

If a person ties a behavior to another race and standing aloft acts as though they would not stand in those shoes that would be a racist comment. Did you ever do that?

I have. Wasps eat wonder bread and bologny or liverwurst and love their animal pets more than people. That was racist.
You're a stupid assclown. What the fuck makes you think you can shove anything down my throat.

Obama was the president .. I know over your head.

Why not just run your racist ass along and go talk to CFM, TDAK, and your other racist teammates?

Use some mumbo-jumbo words that you don't know what the fuck they mean. I'm sure they'll be impressed.

.. run along ..
Go assuage your guilt by talking to your friends about the Shit Show that Libya has become courtesy of Clinton.
She'd have us in Syria too now, with her "humanitarian corridor" crappola /while Trump gains a cease fire instead by talking to Putin

Sub-Saharans are drowning and sold as slaves. That's Hillary's contribution to Africa.
This is who you supported

You are a liar/warmonger/dumb ass all around motherfucker who lives in the denial that Clinton swayed Obama to go to war.

"The president was wary - but the Secretary was persuasive" ( NYTimes on Clinton's 'smart power)
that is correct, I do not view him as a racist.

Lets take the most recent example. He remarked about haiti being shitholes and wanting more people from norway.

Well you could look at that through the prism as "white people vs. black people" or you could look at it as a super advanced nation vs. a shithole nation. For example, norway had .5 murders per 100,000 of their population vs. 219 per 100k in haiti in 2004. One country has far more lowskilled workers, lower education, and the other has higher. It is an objective fact - more people from norway would be better for america than having more people from haiti. Just using raw statistics.

Furthermore, trump also remarked on bringing asians into this country. Why would a racist that hates other races want another race to come in? Why would a white supremecist want people of a different ethnicity? Your allegations do not line up.

Even when he made comments about "mexican judges" ... you could interpret that to mean "brown people" or you could interpret that as nationality, or culture, or whatever. Not everything is defined by race.

Now if you want to say he is bigoted, or prejudice, or perhaps xenophobic, you might have more of an argument. But words matter, and the more you dilute them the less effective they end up being.

Is there a huge thank and awesome post.... Well your post deserves it
Trump is a racist ‘asteroid of awfulness,’ says senior British MP
UK Labour politicians spoke out against US president on Sunday.

U.S. President Donald Trump is an “asteroid of awfulness,” as well as a “racist,” British Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC’s Andrew Marr on Sunday.

“He is an asteroid of awfulness that has fallen on this world,” Thornberry said. “I think that he is a danger and I think that he is a racist.”

Thornberry’s comments follow reports that Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and African nations as “shithole countries” and expressed an interest in welcoming immigrants from Norway instead.

The Labour MP also dismissed Marr’s suggestion that Britain needs to keep Trump happy in order to work out a trade deal with the U.S. The fact that Trump said he could orchestrate a deal in a matter of weeks means “he doesn’t show he has a real grasp of what a trade deal is. These things take years,” said Thornberry, adding that there are others in the U.S. government to talk to about getting a deal in place.

Meanwhile, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn told ITV’s Peston on Sunday he wasn’t disappointed — nor surprised — that Trump canceled his trip to the U.K. to open a new U.S. embassy in London. “The reaction against him would be huge,” Corbyn said.

Corbyn also downplayed the significance of the U.K.’s relationship with the U.S., saying: “I think there are many important relationships.”

In late November, British Prime Minister Theresa May doled out her own criticism of Trump after he retweeted videos from a far-right British organization depicting Muslims as dangerous, while the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and other politicians called for Trump’s official state visit to be canceled.

Add to that .. LIAR and COWARD.

Everyone with a brain knows he said 'shithole' .. but he's too fucking cowardly to own it.
Go assuage your guilt by talking to your friends about the Shit Show that Libya has become courtesy of Clinton.
She'd have us in Syria too now, with her "humanitarian corridor" crappola /while Trump gains a cease fire instead by talking to Putin

Sub-Saharans are drowning and sold as slaves. That's Hillary's contribution to Africa.
This is who you supported

You are a liar/warmonger/dumb ass all around motherfucker who lives in the denial that Clinton swayed Obama to go to war.


Go away clown boy .. I'm not reading your bullshit.
If a person ties a behavior to another race and standing aloft acts as though they would not stand in those shoes that would be a racist comment. Did you ever do that?

Hmm. Let me think about that. I can't think of a behavior that I've tied to another race so I can't get to the second part.
Maybe I have. Help me here.
Is there a huge thank and awesome post.... Well your post deserves it

Except that it rationalizes the fact that he told billions of humans who are black that they live in a shit hole and are therefore undesireable.

Other than that, wow, standing O :palm:
you dumb ass warmonger..how many times do you want me to shove it down your throat?
You can't separate the same old hyping of Viagra to the prosecutorial war role that Clinton played.
You can't even refute her OWN STATE DEPT Open wide and swallow dead Libyans- courtesy of your gal Clinton:
Even Bernie went after Clinton on Libya.

Gates: "Hillary was the 51st % persuasive voice on the NSC that persuaded Obama to bomb Libya."

Her own State Dept:
In the email the Clinton team lists all the actions that Hillary took credit for as the architect of the US involvement in Libya.

The “internal brag sheet” compiled and sent by Jake Sullivan (printed out by Cheryl Mills) was circulated to Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Victoria Nuland with a special request for those ‘in the know’ to add on to the list of Hillary’s Libya “accomplishments.”
the “toria” typo refers to Under Secretary of State and chief neocon Victoria Nuland.

The New York Times:

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi
left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.

Trump supported both the Invasion of Iraq, And the Intervention in Libya.

Fact Check: Clinton’s claim that Trump supported an intervention in Libya

THE FACT CHECKER | Clinton is right that Trump emphatically urged the United States to remove Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi from power.

When everything is racist, nothing is racist

BAC PANTHER forgets how outnumbered he is. If it weren’t for Christian white folk, he would still be enslaved

If it weren’t for white folk, he would still be at the back of the bus

Everything he has is because of the benevolence of white folk. You would think he would be more grateful

Exactly. And it was white folks who let the black folks enter the US.