Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

you repeat yourself, or are illiterate.

I've always 100% of the time said you clued me into Libya.
Oh and I said "independent research",meaning we did not collaborate, although we'd compare findings

The difference is you lost interest once Qadaffi was hacked into pieces and scattered in the desert
( after being viewed in the frozen food aisle of a Sirte grocery store -an abomination in Islam)

I kept it going and foresaw the actual 2014 Civil war,and the research increasingly singled out Hillary
as the really bad international apple.

Wikileaks laid her wide open, and also showed her corrupted/illegal relationship with Blumenthal's Emails
from Libya.
Good old Sid stroked her ego that Libya would be a feather in cap for her presidential run .
But you chose to ignore all this -becoming a brain dead partisan instead
You are a legend in your own mind.
Genghis Khan was no coward, didn't give a shit about BAC's definitions and didn't accept character assessments either. Doesn't make him a good person.
You need a point at the end of the Socratic that doesn't have a hole big enough to drive a Mongolian horde through.
Ironic thanks!

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You're a stupid assclown. What the fuck makes you think you can shove anything down my throat.

Obama was the president .. I know over your head.

Why not just run your racist ass along and go talk to CFM, TDAK, and your other racist teammates?

Use some mumbo-jumbo words that you don't know what the fuck they mean. I'm sure they'll be impressed.

.. run along ..
Arrogant fucker!

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Trump is a racist ‘asteroid of awfulness,’ says senior British MP
UK Labour politicians spoke out against US president on Sunday.

U.S. President Donald Trump is an “asteroid of awfulness,” as well as a “racist,” British Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC’s Andrew Marr on Sunday.

“He is an asteroid of awfulness that has fallen on this world,” Thornberry said. “I think that he is a danger and I think that he is a racist.”

Thornberry’s comments follow reports that Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and African nations as “shithole countries” and expressed an interest in welcoming immigrants from Norway instead.

The Labour MP also dismissed Marr’s suggestion that Britain needs to keep Trump happy in order to work out a trade deal with the U.S. The fact that Trump said he could orchestrate a deal in a matter of weeks means “he doesn’t show he has a real grasp of what a trade deal is. These things take years,” said Thornberry, adding that there are others in the U.S. government to talk to about getting a deal in place.

Meanwhile, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn told ITV’s Peston on Sunday he wasn’t disappointed — nor surprised — that Trump canceled his trip to the U.K. to open a new U.S. embassy in London. “The reaction against him would be huge,” Corbyn said.

Corbyn also downplayed the significance of the U.K.’s relationship with the U.S., saying: “I think there are many important relationships.”

In late November, British Prime Minister Theresa May doled out her own criticism of Trump after he retweeted videos from a far-right British organization depicting Muslims as dangerous, while the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and other politicians called for Trump’s official state visit to be canceled.

Add to that .. LIAR and COWARD.

Everyone with a brain knows he said 'shithole' .. but he's too fucking cowardly to own it.
Emily Thornberry, holy fuck that fat bitch needs to be put down!!

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Except that it rationalizes the fact that he told billions of humans who are black that they live in a shit hole and are therefore undesireable.

Other than that, wow, standing O :palm:
He told the people that live in shitholes that they are shitholes, that they happen to be mostly black is irrelevant. Much of Romania, Bulgaria and Albania are shit holes as well.

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Except that it rationalizes the fact that he told billions of humans who are black that they live in a shit hole and are therefore undesireable.

Other than that, wow, standing O :palm:
I just bet you're yet another massive hypocrite that lives in a whites only gated community.

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Here comes Bowel Woman to take her usual daily dump!

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Graham: ‘My memory hasn’t evolved’ on meeting where Trump referred to ‘shithole countries’

WASHINGTON — Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told a South Carolina newspaper on Monday that his "memory hasn’t evolved" about the White House meeting in which President Donald Trump reportedly referred to African nations as "shithole countries."

In an interview with The Post and Courier, Graham seemed to challenge the accounts of fellow Republican Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Georgia, who attended the bipartisan meeting last Thursday with Graham and have given shifting defenses of the president’s comments. After initially staying quiet, the two Trump-allied lawmakers issued a joint statement the day after the meeting saying they did not “recall” what the president had said. But in separate TV interviews Sunday, they outright denied that Trump had made the comments.

“I know what was said and I know what I said,” Graham said Monday

Racist, liar, and COWARD.
You, Daesh and that lunatic TTQ are the true racists.

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Think of stereotypes then. Not necessary your own, but in general.

"Asians are inscrutable."
"Asians are super intelligent."
"Native Americans are drunks."
"Native Americans are/were noble and peaceful."
"Hispanics carry diseases."
"Hispanics don't mind doing hard work out in the hot sun; they're immune to it."
"Southerners are stupid and live in trailers."
"Northerners are cold emotionally and look down on everyone else."
"Liberals are elitists."
"Conservatives hate the poor."
"Christians are moral and trustworthy."
"Christians are brainwashed morons."
"White people are all racists."
"White people only like bland foods and music."
"Black men are well-hung."
"Black people are better at sports especially boxing and basketball."

Not all of these are necessarily "racist," but all are stereotypical bigoted statements about groups of people.
Asians are inscrutable, I should know I'm married to one!

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Not many, niggers know where their table scraps come from, now bow down and lick the hand which feeds you and may your chains sit lightly upon you, ya fucking monkey.
Now here is a real racist, there are actually precious few on here but this guy, CFM and TDAK most certainly are.

However race hustlers like BAC just love using the race card to attempt to shut people up, classic tactic that never works for long.

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lol, I was thinking the same. I'm called a racist from time to time on these boards for the most inane shit, e.g., 'healthy diet is good' type stuff. No reason to run, so be it if that's what makes me racist.

If one isn’t being called a racist or some sort of -phobe, at least from time to time by the left, one has to wonder if they are truly conservative lol.

It’s pretty comical in that sense.

By shouting racism at every turn, the left has succeeded in trivializing the term: no one outside the Leftosphere pays any attention to them. The average person becomes numb to it.

The left cares most about racism for its political utility.
The best part of The Good Old Days, was when Racist where Overt about their Racism ... now they hide like cowards.

I have more respect for a Racist who speaks their mind to my face, than an Coward who doesn't have the stones to.
The best part of The Good Old Days, was when Racist where Overt about their Racism ... now they hide like cowards.

I have more respect for a Racist who speaks their mind to my face, than an Coward who doesn't have the stones to.
curious how racists obscure their racism..it looks overt to me.