Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

is indiscriminate use of "racism" being a racist?? ( gawd what a tedious PC subject)
That's the very worst kind of racism. Especially when they pepper those posts with their special kind of "language".
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

The problem with all race baiters such as yourself, Big Brother Al and his church of never ending bigotry, Brother Jesse...etc., the fact you confuse TRUTH with RACISM. A shithole country is a shithole country.....a 3rd world country that don't have the ability to take care of itself in spite of the fact of being blessed with some of the best natural resources on earth, (Mexico comes to mind 1st and foremost, another is the nation that could be a paradise on earth if it were properly managed....Haiti, Cuba would be another place...not to mention several south and central American nations) places that are run by evil thugs, idiots and drug cartels that could give a rats ass about human rights, yet want to dictate humanitarianism to the rest of the world while taking billions and billions of dollars that never get to the people that it was intended to reach.

Truth is truth....politics and race baiting are politics and race baiting. Deal with the reality that surrounds you....you keep supporting the very evil that enslaves you to poverty and crime. You have no one to blame but SELF. If you can't make it in the United States of America you can't make it anywhere on earth. Race Baiting is simply another way of blaming everyone but the actual culprit....SELF. Big Brother Al and folk like Jesse have made an industry of taking advantage of the ignorant and do less gullible of this nation.

If you really cared....you would have come out in force and voted, but no....the majority were to damn lazy or believed the left wing propaganda that Hillary would win in a landslide. The reason that Trump is president is because of folks like you who were just to damn lazy or apathetic to vote and stayed at home. Deal with it.

The truth is the only thing that will make you free...not bitching, whining, or rioting after the fact that once your black brother left office you could give a rats ass about voting any longer. Trump is in power because of YOUR BIGOTRY and RACISM...not the other people who actually voted for Obama Twice and Trump once. It was not a BLACK LASH...it was a BLACK STAY AT HOME LASH.
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I just bet you're yet another massive hypocrite that lives in a whites only gated community.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

I don't think a whites only gated community is legal. Certainly a transfer of a house with that condition is illegal. My contiguous neighbors at my primary residence are a German WW2 bride widow, a white former helicopter pilot turbo fundie
Christian who works at Teledyne and has 5 kids, a black stockbroker with a Benz and Jag, a white Architect, another overt Christian, another white lawyer and a white guy who does hardwood floors who inherited abig house.

So I guess I'm guilty of stochastic tokenism. No gates, no HOA, no CCRs, or restrictive covenants.

You lose your bet, havana poon.
The best part of The Good Old Days, was when Racist where Overt about their Racism ... now they hide like cowards.

I have more respect for a Racist who speaks their mind to my face, than an Coward who doesn't have the stones to.

They hide like cowards .. and the future does not bode well for them.

Greater diversity is coming .... and that scares the shit out of a racist .. and there is nothing they can do about it.
They hide like cowards .. and the future does not bode well for them.

Greater diversity is coming .... and that scares the shit out of a racist .. and there is nothing they can do about it.

My Wife is Porto Rican, sister in-law is Italian, and I have a brother in-law who's Greek.

DIversity through injection ... and there's nothing they can do about it.

How can we go back to where we came from when this is where we come from. :rofl2:
You are a legend in your own mind.

Check out his use of 'partisan.' Ignore the fact that there isn't a single poster on this board more partisan and Trump nut-hugging than he is.

I'm on the Left .. so how is it 'partisan' for me to expose and stand against actions taken by the Left? Wouldn't a partisan do the opposite and cover up, lie for, and ignore the bad actions of their same side or political party .. like he does?

I'm also black .. I blame Obama, and spoke against the truth of that horror. Does that make me partisan, or did I judge Obama differently then I judged Bush or any other needless war because he's black? Partisan?

Me thinks this is yet another case of Mr. Analyst using words he doesn't understand .. in this care 'partisan.'
My Wife is Porto Rican, sister in-law is Italian, and I have a brother in-law who's Greek.

DIversity through injection ... and there's nothing they can do about it.

How can we go back to where we came from when this is where we come from. :rofl2:

:0) Diversity through injection .. lots of that going around brother. My family included.

And you're right .. there's nothing they can do about that either.
Check out his use of 'partisan.' Ignore the fact that there isn't a single poster on this board more partisan and Trump nut-hugging than he is.

I'm on the Left .. so how is it 'partisan' for me to expose and stand against actions taken by the Left? Wouldn't a partisan do the opposite and cover up, lie for, and ignore the bad actions of their same side or political party .. like he does?

I'm also black .. I blame Obama, and spoke against the truth of that horror. Does that make me partisan, or only judge Obama differently then I judged Bush or any other needless war. Partisan.

Me thinks this is yet another case of Mr. Analyst using words he doesn't understand .. in this care 'partisan.'
you're a moron..how's that? you don't know a damn thing about Libya since it wasn'tsexy
after qadaffi lost.

You are clueles on the Crimea, and the Euromaiden meddling. Where once you had a grasp of foreign policy
now all you do is wallow in "punish Putin" - dumb as a rock Americans R Rubes understanding
of NATO expansion, and US lies other wise.

I sincerely doubt you understand the Asian Pivot, and why Trump accomplished it, when Obama could not.

Worse..the absolute WORSE..is you dismiss Hilary's role in bombing Libya because it's an inconvenient truth you backed a warmonger. She came up with 'smart power"and you've said you agree with that because "no Americans were killed"

Atone time you were hopping mad about NATO bombing Misrata..why do you think we got into that position?

1. you've been shown the NYTimes "the president is wary, but the Sec was persuasive" article
2. You've been shown her State Dept's "tic toc on Libya" which clearly said she was the most influencial figure on ALL of Libya,not just the bombing, but the assassination itself.

and when you see it you act like it doesn't exist or blame Obama.who had NSC meeting to decide the course.
3.Gates said of those meetings "Hillary was the 51% voice that swayed Obama."

so spare us your critique of my "partisanship" You are the self described Democrat,
and you see nothing that would challenge that view..

Yes I support MAGA but i do have enough intellectual honesty to critique Trump's tweets.

If you had a shred of the same you'd criticize "smart power" but you don't.
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My Wife is Porto Rican, sister in-law is Italian, and I have a brother in-law who's Greek.

DIversity through injection ... and there's nothing they can do about it.

How can we go back to where we came from when this is where we come from. :rofl2:
So what? My wife is Thai and my daughter-in-law is Vietnamese!!

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
So what? My wife is Thai and my daughter-in-law is Vietnamese!!

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
diversity is fine, but it's not a goal in itself.
for ex. bi-partianship ( diversity of thought to forge a consensus) is much more important that the skin colors around the table
diversity is fine, but it's not a goal in itself.
for ex. bi-partianship ( diversity of thought to forge a consensus) is much more important that the skin colors around the table
I only answered because he was boasting about his "diversity", so I trumped him!!

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
you're a moron..how's that? you don't know a damn thing about Libya since it wasn'tsexy
after qadaffi lost.

You are clueles on the Crimea, and the Euromaiden meddling. Where once you had a grasp of foreign policy
now all you do is wallow in "punish Putin" - dumb as a rock Americans R Rubes understanding
of NATO expansion, and US lies other wise.

I sincerely doubt you understand the Asian Pivot, and why Trump accomplished it, when Obama could not.

Worse..the absolute WORSE..is you dismiss Hilary's role in bombing Libya because it's an inconvenient truth you backed a warmonger. She came up with 'smart power"and you've said you agree with that because "no Americans were killed"

Atone time you were hopping mad about NATO bombing Misrata..why do you think we got into that position?

1. you've been shown the NYTimes "the president is wary, but the Sec was persuasive" article
2. You've been shown her State Dept's "tic toc on Libya" which clearly said she was the most influencial figure on ALL of Libya,not just the bombing, but the assassination itself.

and when you see it you act like it doesn't exist or blame Obama.who had NSC meeting to decide the course.
3.Gates said of those meetings "Hillary was the 51% voice that swayed Obama."

so spare us your critique of my "partisanship" You are the self described Democrat,
and you see nothing that would challenge that view..

Yes I support MAGA but i do have enough intellectual honesty to critique Trump's tweets.

If you had a shred of the same you'd criticize "smart power" but you don't.

Dude .. I didn't read that bullshit. I don't care about your whining. All that typing for nothing.

Go sing that bullshit to your racist pals. Bet they'd love to hear it.
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

You're the most blatant racist on this forum.