Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

You are a racist. That's why you ran like your ass was on fire and put me on ignore when I proved you were one, BOY.
Dude .. I didn't read that bullshit. I don't care about your whining. All that typing for nothing.

Go sing that bullshit to your racist pals. Bet they'd love to hear it.
racist racist racist....rofl rofl rofl..who the fuck cares? you are a perfect example of nothing to say but racist.

and now you can pretend Hillary wasn't responsible for Libya :seenoevil:
Check out his use of 'partisan.' Ignore the fact that there isn't a single poster on this board more partisan and Trump nut-hugging than he is.

I'm on the Left .. so how is it 'partisan' for me to expose and stand against actions taken by the Left? Wouldn't a partisan do the opposite and cover up, lie for, and ignore the bad actions of their same side or political party .. like he does?

I'm also black .. I blame Obama, and spoke against the truth of that horror. Does that make me partisan, or did I judge Obama differently then I judged Bush or any other needless war because he's black? Partisan?

Me thinks this is yet another case of Mr. Analyst using words he doesn't understand .. in this care 'partisan.'
anatta is the most dishonest poster ever.
Worse is his arrogance followed quickly by his ignorance.

Honestly he is utterly disgusting.

He actually claims Trump isn't a liar...PiMP is more honest than anatta, Yurt more self aware, Bravo more intelligent.

His denial about his personal racism rings especially hollow when he thanks the most rancid racists here.

Terminally disgusting.
anatta is the most dishonest poster ever.
Worse is his arrogance followed quickly by his ignorance.

Honestly he is utterly disgusting.

He actually claims Trump isn't a liar...PiMP is more honest than anatta, Yurt more self aware, Bravo more intelligent.

His denial about his personal racism rings especially hollow when he thanks the most rancid racists here.

Terminally disgusting.

Yeh bullshit, is this your parrot?

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The irony is underwhelming
you really need a new line. you type this compost at least 1x a day.

I don't call myself a Republican ( unlike BAC does himself a Democrat) and I have no use for them.
In fact i'd prefer they ALL got thrown out of Congress.. every.. last..critter.. and put in some fresh faces.
If they aren't corrupt when they get in, the Swamp quickly corrupts them

I'm a populist. the problem is there is no such MS party, and only Trump was talking about
nationalism (economic) getting out of the TPP, and resetting Russian relations -so i went with him.

Normally it would have been 3rd party..Hillary is an unacceptable warmongering serial/corrupt liar
you really need a new line. you type this compost at least 1x a day.

I don't call myself a Republican ( unlike BAC does himself a Democrat) and I have no use for them.
In fact i'd prefer they ALL got thrown out of Congress.. every.. last..critter.. and put in some fresh faces.
If they aren't corrupt when they get in, the Swamp quickly corrupts them

I'm a populist. the problem is there is no such MS party, and only Trump was talking about
nationalism (economic) getting out of the TPP, and resetting Russian relations -so i went with him.

Normally it would have been 3rd party..Hillary is an unacceptable warmongering serial/corrupt liar
You don't have to justify yourself to him.

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