Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

he kept forgetting how many nails you needed to fit a horseshoe on a horse.....

He funked out of freshman year, like 50% or so who enroll...

The first two years of engineering school, four semesters, twenty classes, was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. Truth be told, it took me a lot longer than two years. Rune simply lacks the personal discipline and fortitude that it requires to get through it. That explains why so few engineers are Democrats...
racist racist racist....rofl rofl rofl..who the fuck cares? you are a perfect example of nothing to say but racist.

and now you can pretend Hillary wasn't responsible for Libya :seenoevil:

;0) I am going to look for you in particular when Trump's racist house of cards all comes falling down. YOU have been the least educated on these events than just about anyone here.

YOU, the supposed analyst who can't see the nose in front of your own face .. can't see that most Americans hate your god-king or that his reign of terror essentially ends this November.

Too fucking dumb to see that Trump could not have devised a plan to destroy the Republican Party better than the plan he's already executing.

You can't see any of that because you're no analyst, not even a serious thinker.

So you keep ranting about Libya .. that you got from me .. and keep telling me how 'partisan' I am .. I keep shoving truth in your face that demonstrate how dumb you are .. and I'll be the one having the last laugh.
He funked out of freshman year, like 50% or so who enroll...

The first two years of engineering school, four semesters, twenty classes, was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. Truth be told, it took me a lot longer than two years. Rune simply lacks the personal discipline and fortitude that it requires to get through it. That explains why so few engineers are Democrats...

link to your claim idiot

prove their is a dearth of Democratic party engineers

leaving an education program may be a decision that that is not what you want to do in life idiot
anatta is the most dishonest poster ever.
Worse is his arrogance followed quickly by his ignorance.

Honestly he is utterly disgusting.

He actually claims Trump isn't a liar...PiMP is more honest than anatta, Yurt more self aware, Bravo more intelligent.

His denial about his personal racism rings especially hollow when he thanks the most rancid racists here.

Terminally disgusting.

I agree.

The master of multi-syllable words he doesn't understand. I guess I never realized just how dumb he is.

.. but then again, they're all dumb.

How is it that they can't see how failed and rejected Trump is? How is it that they can't see the tsunami of outraged voters coming to sweep them out of office?

Answer: they do not have the intellectual capacity to see that. They probably thing they're winning.