Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Must be that they claim I 'run' because of all the knuckleheads I have on ignore .. but everyone of them is a racist. Why would I need to talk to a racist? About ANYTHING?

More importantly, why would they want to talk to me, about ANYTHING?

If they had a brain, they wouldn't be a racist.

I'm perfectly happy having this conversation with people who actually know how to have a sane conversation.

Racists can go post their own thread demonizing democrats for having good relationships with non-white people. They can even call democrats .. and me .. racists if they choose.

I NEVER put anyone on ignore

any sane person reading these threads knows I kick racist ass with relish

and he claimed I run from them

hes playi g a mind fuck game and everyone sees it

he is a fucking phoney

one that pretends he likes the social programs of the left now


he likes the republicans eco omic ideas ?

they are a complete fuck of the people stack of ideas

They have always FAILED when implimented

why would he cling to their major stupid lie bag of a mind fuck economic ideas ?

because hes fucking playing his cards

he knows the right has completely reamed its self

they will be in kkkland for quite a time


they are trying to cling to something to take to the new right wing party they will have to create.

its always ends in the "Oh Im just more of a realist about economic ideas"

PRETENDING they are new ideas that were NEVER REALLY TRIED

even though history shows they have been tried and caused major economic DEPRESSIONS

the wealthy KNOWS they will do that

Its what they want

a boom and bust economy is what they want

they win in a boom and bust society

they collect up all the lose assets whe the people are laid low yet once more

Its why they also STRIP education whenever they can

the people might figure out their game

too fucking bad you leaches on society

the game is up

the internets fucks you

just try and take that away from the people (even by trying to control what get said)

the game is over

You fucks lost

be happy with just being rich fucks

you will have to give up on making us slaves

we will kill you

and you will not win
I NEVER put anyone on ignore

any sane person reading these threads knows I kick racist ass with relish

and he claimed I run from them

hes playi g a mind fuck game and everyone sees it

he is a fucking phoney

one that pretends he likes the social programs of the left now


he likes the republicans eco omic ideas ?

they are a complete fuck of the people stack of ideas

They have always FAILED when implimented

why would he cling to their major stupid lie bag of a mind fuck economic ideas ?

because hes fucking playing his cards

he knows the right has completely reamed its self

they will be in kkkland for quite a time


they are trying to cling to something to take to the new right wing party they will have to create.

its always ends in the "Oh Im just more of a realist about economic ideas"

PRETENDING they are new ideas that were NEVER REALLY TRIED

even though history shows they have been tried and caused major economic DEPRESSIONS

the wealthy KNOWS they will do that

Its what they want

a boom and bust economy is what they want

they win in a boom and bust society

they collect up all the lose assets whe the people are laid low yet once more

Its why they also STRIP education whenever they can

the people might figure out their game

too fucking bad you leaches on society

the game is up

the internets fucks you

just try and take that away from the people (even by trying to control what get said)

the game is over

You fucks lost

be happy with just being rich fucks

you will have to give up on making us slaves

we will kill you

and you will not win

Since racist BAC does to those with whom he disagrees, it appears as if the OP is about him. Why do you think he started a thread about how he as a racist does things?
Notice that I haven't banned a single racist motherfucker from voicing it's nasty opinion from this thread. Not one.

Say whatever you want to say ;0) Who the fuck cares what you say?

Use the N word as much as you want. ;0) See if that changes anything.
they are the only ones defending themselves

The whole world see them as racists

oh but they dont see the racism

gee and they wonder why we dont let racists define racism

it would be like letting rapists define rape
That's why he puts people on ignore. Makes claims, refuses to back them up, and makes it where he can't see them refute what he said.

I don't believe he has anyone on ignore. He just enjoys spewing "you're a racist" then falsely claiming they are on ignore to avoid exactly as you say.
Must be that they claim I 'run' because of all the knuckleheads I have on ignore .. but everyone of them is a racist. Why would I need to talk to a racist? About ANYTHING?

More importantly, why would they want to talk to me, about ANYTHING?

If they had a brain, they wouldn't be a racist. If they wanted to talk to me, they wouldn't have spoken like a fucking racist.

I'm perfectly happy having this conversation with people who actually know how to have a sane conversation.

Racists can go post their own thread demonizing democrats for having good relationships with non-white people. They can even call democrats .. and me .. racists if they choose.

I get it. Why would a well-adjusted, adult man such as yourself feel an obligation to respond to childish taunts, to racist horseshit, to obvious lies and libel, perpetrated by internet losers?

Being one of the old timers here, you have the respect of the normal, sane, and reasonable people here. You would be surprised at how much resentment and distress arises in the rightwing for not being one of the cool kids!

You, and some of the other old timers still make it worth it to come here. I only regret that you, TT64, and other decent human beings actually have to wade through some vile and degenerate rubbish that, unsurprisingly, mostly comes from the rightwing.
Notice that I haven't banned a single racist motherfucker from voicing it's nasty opinion from this thread. Not one.

Say whatever you want to say ;0) Who the fuck cares what you say?

Use the N word as much as you want. ;0) See if that changes anything.

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to slap it in the face right in public

that is the ONLY way it ends

Publically shming people for being evil lying sociopathic leaches on society

that is why I dont put them on ignore

if you dont see their stupid

you cant beat it to a pulp every time it raises it ugly face if you ignore it
Shut up, racist.

I fucking picked you to the bone huh bot

I pegged you to the core huh

see I know exactly what you are

just like legion troll

I got here and pegged him in no time huh

Annata got pegged right away huh.

you cant win

it is not possible

you are out numbered

mankind will not be your slaves
I fucking picked you to the bone huh bot

I pegged you to the core huh

see I know exactly what you are

just like legion troll

I got here and pegged him in no time huh

Annata got pegged right away huh.

you cant win

it is not possible

you are out numbered

mankind will not be your slaves

Still can't find a single racist comment or anything I've said.

Stupid crack whore racist

bold face racism asshole

thanks for proving our point about you
Over 50% of homicides are committed by blacks, the vast majority being black males aged 15-34 and comprising just 7% of the US population. Daesh asked me to prove this, so I did and the lunatic just ran away.

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I NEVER put anyone on ignore

I have neither the time nor desire to spend all day on this board talking to racist dumb people. That's not why I post here.

I like political discussion and argument, and there are plenty of good people here, on both sides of the aisle, who can hold civil, some times spirited conversations.

I do not believe that all conversations are worth having .. and that is particularly true when that conversation is with a racist. From my perspective, if they are racist .. who the fuck cares? Who the fuck needs them? I most certainly don't need them to talk to .. I don't need a racist for goddamn thing. This is not 1920 .. they have no power, no authority, and it is THEY who are on the run.

War requires warriors good sister. I applaud your passion to fight .. always have.
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I don't believe he has anyone on ignore. He just enjoys spewing "you're a racist" then falsely claiming they are on ignore to avoid exactly as you say.

Because the result is, as you agree, what I say, whether or not others are on ignore is kinda irrelevant.
Over 50% of homicides are committed by blacks, the vast majority being black males aged 15-34 and comprising just 7% of the US population. Daesh asked me to prove this, so I did and the lunatic just ran away.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

link idiot

and that is pretty racist shit