Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

I have neither the time nor desire to spend all day on this board talking to racist dumb people. That's not why I post here.

I like political discussion and argument, and there are plenty of good people here, on both sides of the aisle, who can hold civil conversations, even if spirited conversations.

I do not believe that all conversations are worth having .. and that is particularly true when that conversation is with a racist. From my perspective, if they are racist .. who the fuck cares? Who the fuck needs them? I most certainly don't need them to talk to .. I don't need a racist for goddamn thing. This is not 1920 .. they have no power, no authority, and it is THEY who are on they who are on the run.

War requires warriors good sister. I applaud your passion to fight .. always have.

But you have all the time to whine about how you don't have time for people you make time to whine about.....

I have neither the time nor desire to spend all day on this board talking to racist dumb people. That's not why I post here.

I like political discussion and argument, and there are plenty of good people here, on both sides of the aisle, who can hold civil conversations, even if spirited conversations.

I do not believe that all conversations are worth having .. and that is particularly true when that conversation is with a racist. From my perspective, if they are racist .. who the fuck cares? Who the fuck needs them? I most certainly don't need them to talk to .. I don't need a racist for goddamn thing. This is not 1920 .. they have no power, no authority, and it is THEY who are on they who are on the run.

War requires warriors good sister. I applaud your passion to fight .. always have.

I understand good brother

Its us whites who need to be the ones to do most of the face slapping

Its the best way to get the salvagable woke

I do it in love of mankind

one of these days we are going to be a bueatiful mix of all of mankinds greatness

then the racists will only have the choice to hate themselves
He funked out of freshman year, like 50% or so who enroll...

The first two years of engineering school, four semesters, twenty classes, was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. Truth be told, it took me a lot longer than two years. Rune simply lacks the personal discipline and fortitude that it requires to get through it. That explains why so few engineers are Democrats...

post 357
I get it. Why would a well-adjusted, adult man such as yourself feel an obligation to respond to childish taunts, to racist horseshit, to obvious lies and libel, perpetrated by internet losers?

Being one of the old timers here, you have the respect of the normal, sane, and reasonable people here. You would be surprised at how much resentment and distress arises in the rightwing for not being one of the cool kids!

You, and some of the other old timers still make it worth it to come here. I only regret that you, TT64, and other decent human beings actually have to wade through some vile and degenerate rubbish that, unsurprisingly, mostly comes from the rightwing.

You know, at one time I stopped posting here because they allowed the use of vile racist terms and slurs. I picked up my marbles and went to play somewhere else. :0) But I've come to appreciate allowing racists to expose themselves .. as long as the Ignore function works.:0)

Here's what I've discovered after years of posting on message boards. I've never come across a racist who could intelligently discuss race. Not one.

I'm glad Trump showed his racism about Africans. It was the perfect vehicle to let Americans know that it is Africans who are among the highest educated immigrants in this country. Racists left speechless.

I post here because of you and the old timers, welcoming aboard new posters from either side of the aisle who have brains and can argue politics sanely.

I appreciate the concern, but these are exciting times and a gaggle of morons cannot spoil the wonder of these times.

Thanks as always. ;0)
You know, at one time I stopped posting here because they allowed the use of vile racist terms and slurs. I picked up my marbles and went to play somewhere else. :0) But I've come to appreciate allowing racists to expose themselves .. as long as the Ignore function works.:0)

Here's what I've discovered after years of posting on message boards. I've never come across a racist who could intelligently discuss race. Not one.

I'm glad Trump showed his racism about Africans. It was the perfect vehicle to let Americans know that it is Africans who are among the highest educated immigrants in this country. Racists left speechless.

I post here because of you and the old timers, welcoming aboard new posters from either side of the aisle who have brains and can argue politics sanely.

I appreciate the concern, but these are exciting times and a gaggle of morons cannot spoil the wonder of these times.

Thanks as always. ;0)

Why are you a racist?