Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Ever heard of Dixiecrats? No?

How many were still in the Republican Party at the signing of the CRA? Don't know?

Ever heard of Sen. Everett Dirksen? No?

Irrespective of your 'facts' of 60 years ago .. how many black elected republicans are there today .. 60 years later? Don't know?


you are living in the past.......the black voters of Detroit discovered that they didn't have anything to lose.......next, watch John James defeat Debby Stabinaw and become the first black Republican Senator from Michigan........
Didn't I read some clown suggesting that should ask Bernie about something?

Sanders: GOP must summon the courage to stand up to Trump's 'racist ramblings'

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called on Republican lawmakers to push back against the "racist ramblings" of President Trump the day after the president reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations as "shithole countries" in an Oval Office meeting.

"Republicans in Congress must now summon the courage to stand up to the racist ramblings of our 'stable genius' president," Sanders wrote on Twitter Friday, referencing a tweet in which Trump called himself a "very stable genius."

the Demmycrats fucked over Bernie and his supporters....they will be the next to realize they have nothing to lose........
If more African Americans ran as Republicans, more would be elected....but its

Politics, BAC.....plain old politics....
Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World’s Most Powerful Institution

Johnson, like other presidents, would often reveal his true motivations in asides that the press never picked up. During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years.”

“That was the reason he was pushing the bill,” said MacMillan, who was present during the conversation. “Not because he wanted equality for everyone. It was strictly a political ploy for the Democratic party. He was phony from the word go.”

And it obviously worked 100%......you were duped.

.. and you have no idea why African-Americans don't vote for, nor run as republicans. No clue?

Here we are almost 60 years after the CRA and republicans have even less participation from African-Americans then when the bill was signed .. and your defense is a book. :0)

Let me share something with you ..


There were more black Members of Congress in 1971 then the Republican Party has had COLLECTIVELY until this day, FIFTY YEARS LATER.

Maybe the 'democrats have lots of black politicians .. including a black president and 90% of their votes' vs 'I have a book' argument works among the right-wing. But outside that shrinking cabal, it's just stupid.

History demonstrates that you don't really have an argument .. just a book. Republicans are not the party of freedom nor any attempt at equality.

You know that .. I know that .. the entire world knows that.
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If more African Americans ran as Republicans, more would be elected....

I think you're missing the point. Would you advise a conservative guy you know who wants to get into political office to run as a Democrat, giving up his beliefs and principles? No, of course you wouldn't. So why on earth would you expect that a black person would want to run as a member of a party he's likely to despise based on their (lack of) principles, their history of antipathy towards the poor/people of color/non-Christians?
And the backpedaling begins.

Your fat ass orange clown supported both Invading Iraq, and intervening in Libya.

So no one is buying your horseshit about Trump being the peacenik candidate.

... AND has brought the world closer to nuclear war then anytime since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Yet he calls others 'warmongers.'

Refresh my memory .. but what war did Hillary Clinton start? What critical allies did she run away?
Genghis Khan was no coward, didn't give a shit about BAC's definitions and didn't accept character assessments either. Doesn't make him a good person.
You need a point at the end of the Socratic that doesn't have a hole big enough to drive a Mongolian horde through.

you are correct. but that would be an entirely different argument. When someone presents an argument I respond to the specific merits. The OP wasn't about whether or not "trump is a good person"
Or, you can look at it like this is a racist moron who doesn't know that African immigrants are among the highest educated income earners among all immigrants to this country. You could look at Trump's history of racism and determine that this asshole is a racist.

You are indeed free to look at Trump anyway you choose, call him whatever you choose .. but this isn't about what you or I think .. it's about what the nation and the world thinks about Trump .. and racist fits just fine.

What's even more astounding than Trump is his supporters who obviously think this is a winning strategy. :0) Good luck with that.

republican support is the highest in 20 years for a president in office in terms of the direction the country is moving. THey are very satisfied. Rasmussen now has likely voters supporting him by 46%. Now you can dismiss rasmuessen as conservative leaning but keep in mind rasmussen was the most accurate pollster for the 2016 election. Just a couple more points and trump is winning in 20/20. Lets see what happens when people get 1k-2k tax rebates.
... AND has brought the world closer to nuclear war then anytime since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Yet he calls others 'warmongers.'

Refresh my memory .. but what war did Hillary Clinton start? What critical allies did she run away?

Given that Trump supported both Invading Iraq and the Libya Intervention, it does not pass the laugh test that Noise voted from Trump because Hillary was the "war monger" candidate. I have never thought that passed the laugh test, and obviously Noise is lying about that being a reason he voted for Trump.

I am not actually sure why he won't tell us the real reason he voted for Trump, but it sure as heck isn't because Trump was the flower child, peacenik candidate.

The fact that Noise refuse to acknowledge, let alone even express the slightest discomfort, that many of his Trump buddies on this forum are unrepentant degenerate racists is pretty telling to me. And actually, the fact the Noise goes to great lengths to deny racism plays any role in the support for Trump seems actually freakishly weird.
And the backpedaling begins.

Your fat ass orange clown supported both Invading Iraq, and intervening in Libya.

So no one is buying your horseshit about Trump being the peacenik candidate.
As BAC said- even about myself; I wasn't first aware of the lies driving Libya 2011 war policy.
Once I got clued in, BAC and me did (independent) research - and we came up with "creating a terrorist state" long before common parlance.

I say this because whatever you think of me or my politics, I have a working knowledge of Libya that
I understand the legal problems,terrorism, and geographical schism driven by rival governments.
But before I started my dedicated studies really all I knew about Qadaffi was he supposedly ordered the Lockerbie bombing ( more western press lies)

The point:
Me or Trump back in 2011 ( your quote date) were making our opinions based on the media reports.
Only after I started to look at things from a Libyan point of view, did I realize the NTC were Islamists
(Libyan Islamic Fighter Groups) based in Bengazi (east) and their so caller revolution wasn't a popular revolution at all.

Add in the BS about Libya pilots were gonna bomb citizens in Bengaza, and it's OBVIOUS Hilary was selling a bill of goods.
She used that same war fervor to sell Obama on taking out Qadaffi , leaving a "failed terrorist state" to this day.

This took me a couple weeks to get that far - what do you think Trump was making his opinions on at the same time?
It was garbage from CNN cell phone coverage . same thing I was getting before I dug in.

Now with Hillary as Sec of State she surely had at least as much info as me, but chose war and terrorism
As BAC said- even about myself; I wasn't first aware of the lies driving Libya 2011 war policy.
Once I got clued in, BAC and me did (independent) research - and we came up with "creating a terrorist state" long before common parlance.

I say this because whatever you think of me or my politics, I have a working knowledge of Libya that
I understand the legal problems,terrorism, and geographical schism driven by rival governments.
But before I started my dedicated studies really all I knew about Qadaffi was he supposedly ordered the Lockerbie bombing ( more western press lies)

The point:
Me or Trump back in 2011 ( your quote date) were making our opinions based on the media reports.
Only after I started to look at things from a Libyan point of view, did I realize the NTC were Islamists
(Libyan Islamic Fighter Groups) based in Bengazi (east) and their so caller revolution wasn't a popular revolution at all.

Add in the BS about Libya pilots were gonna bomb citizens in Bengaza, and it's OBVIOUS Hilary was selling a bill of goods.
She used that same war fervor to sell Obama on taking out Qadaffi , leaving a "failed terrorist state" to this day.

This took me a couple weeks to get that far - what do you think Trump was making his opinions on at the same time?
It was garbage from CNN cell phone coverage . same thing I was getting before I dug in.

Now with Hillary as Sec of State she surely had at least as much info as me, but chose war and terrorism

Nope, all the spin and word salad in the world won't let you bullshit your way out of this.

The Orange Fat Ass supported Iraq and Libya. And he actually lied about his Iraq invasion support years later.

You are not allowed to claim Trump was "tricked" into supporting the Libya intervention. The fact that Trump lied about his support for invading Iraq tells me all I need to know about what is going on.
Given that Trump supported both Invading Iraq and the Libya Intervention, it does not pass the laugh test that Noise voted from Trump because Hillary was the "war monger" candidate. I have never thought that passed the laugh test, and obviously Noise is lying about that being a reason he voted for Trump.

I am not actually sure why he won't tell us the real reason he voted for Trump, but it sure as heck isn't because Trump was the flower child, peacenik candidate.

The fact that Noise refuse to acknowledge, let alone even express the slightest discomfort, that many of his Trump buddies on this forum are unrepentant degenerate racists is pretty telling to me. And actually, the fact the Noise goes to great lengths to deny racism plays any role in the support for Trump seems actually freakishly weird.
I'm not a flower child. I stopped that in 1971. The war was too ugly for flower power anymore.

I've answered you on other bizzare racists that hang on here.
It's not my business or desire or "karma" to engage haters and tell them to stop hating.
Truley it sullies one's mind to engage with evil. It's not a productive battle either. forget that noise

1. I remind you of Hillary's vote in Iraq, where she had classified access
2. her repetition of meddling in Syria with attempts to organize regional opposition ( Friends of Syria)
which strengthened the Islamists there
3. And her grand daddy war hawking of all time - Libya.

My question to you: is how can anyone whom isn't a war monger vote for that???
You voted for a Shiva ( destroyer of worlds)
Nope, all the spin and word salad in the world won't let you bullshit your way out of this.

The Orange Fat Ass supported Iraq and Libya. And he actually lied about his Iraq invasion support years later.

You are not allowed to claim Trump was "tricked" into supporting the Libya intervention. The fact that Trump lied about his support for invading Iraq tells me all I need to know about what is going on.
where do you see the word "tricked" you quote me with?
Do me a favor. Don't engage me in discussion unless you engage your mind at the same time.

You hang onto some timeline of Trump and Hillary making similar observations
when I've shown you Hillary was up close and personal on getting a war going
while Trump was an interested citizen.
again, which can make an informed decision, and which perspective is relegated to watching CNN?

It's not word salad. It's not trickery.
It's laying out the case your comparison of Trump and Hillary is naive & foolish
Nope, all the spin and word salad in the world won't let you bullshit your way out of this.

The Orange Fat Ass supported Iraq and Libya. And he actually lied about his Iraq invasion support years later.

You are not allowed to claim Trump was "tricked" into supporting the Libya intervention. The fact that Trump lied about his support for invading Iraq tells me all I need to know about what is going on.

He was "clued in" about Libya by me. He and I did NO research together .. arrived at NO conclusions together. None.

I did not need his help to determine anything about what was happening in Libya .. and once his partisan stripes started showing and his Hillary dementia became evident, I stopped talking to him about Libya.

Notice that Obama, President, Commander-in-Chief is nowhere to be found in his rambling.

Maybe he believes that Hillary was really the president and Obama was just there serving coffee.
It's true BAC was the first to recognize Libya.
it's also true he's in complete denial that Hillary was chief advocate and international architect for destroying Libya.
My sources make that crystal clear beyond any doubts.
Yes, your sources have definitely convinced you.
He was "clued in" about Libya by me. He and I did NO research together .. arrived at NO conclusions together. None.

I did not need his help to determine anything about what was happening in Libya .. and once his partisan stripes started showing and his Hillary dementia became evident, I stopped talking to him about Libya.

Notice that Obama, President, Commander-in-Chief is nowhere to be found in his rambling.

Maybe he believes that Hillary was really the president and Obama was just there serving coffee.
you repeat yourself, or are illiterate.

I've always 100% of the time said you clued me into Libya.
Oh and I said "independent research",meaning we did not collaborate, although we'd compare findings

The difference is you lost interest once Qadaffi was hacked into pieces and scattered in the desert
( after being viewed in the frozen food aisle of a Sirte grocery store -an abomination in Islam)

I kept it going and foresaw the actual 2014 Civil war,and the research increasingly singled out Hillary
as the really bad international apple.

Wikileaks laid her wide open, and also showed her corrupted/illegal relationship with Blumenthal's Emails
from Libya.
Good old Sid stroked her ego that Libya would be a feather in cap for her presidential run .
But you chose to ignore all this -becoming a brain dead partisan instead
no one has explained yet how discriminating against Asians in college and in the workplace is not racist :( Democrats cant face the truth.

Judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin.