Why do you hate the pope?

Lick this ass, SocTeaser:


And no, my dog did not give me permission to post her photo.
Lick this ass, SocTeaser:


And no, my dog did not give me permission to post her photo.
And your dog is not a poster on this board, though if she was her posts would easily be a step up from yours. And I have pictures on my personal page on this site and you don't have permission to use them. So try me.
I saw "Gangs of New York" again last night and it reminded me of the persecution of Catholics in the US during the time of mass immigration. It looks like things haven't changed all that much.

In a PBS interview for the History News Network, George Washington University professor Tyler Anbinder discussed the historical aspects of the film....[Anbinder] praised the depiction of the persecution and discrimination against immigrants at the time, particularly the Irish.

I saw "Gangs of New York" again last night and it reminded me of the persecution of Catholics in the US during the time of mass immigration. It looks like things haven't changed all that much.

WTF?? Are you really that loony??

The persecution shown in Gangs of New York was persecution simply because they were catholic.

If you think that is the same as the outrage over the coverup and protection of these child molesters, you have lost your mind.
Yes, everyone hates the pope because he is catholic and it has nothing to do with the massive 4 decade long cover up of sexual assaults against children that the catholic church has used tons of parishioners money to pay the victims.
Yet y'all love the public school system and make excuses for queers.

We do not make excuses for pedophiles.

We do not shelter or protect pedophiles.

We want all pedophiles to be prosecuted.

You, however, seek to shelter the pedophiles within the catholic church by diverting the conversation towards public schools everytime you address the issue.

So, while we despise pedophiles and want them prosecuted, you shelter and support pedophiles within the catholic clergy.

You want to take shots by calling people "gay-enablers", while you are, in fact, a pedophile-enabler.
In her report for the U.S. Department of Education, Shakeshaft says that about one in every ten American children has been sexually abused in some way at school.

Compare that with Catholic priests. A study by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sai that 10,667 allegations of sexual abuse of children had been made between 1950 and 2002. Multiply that by four to account - generously - for unreported cases and it comes to 821 children abused by priests per year. Priests: 820 abused children per year; educators: 32,000 abused children per year. For those of you who went to public schools, 32,000 is greater than 820.
Ann Coulter, Godless
Ann Coulter, Godless

That is all well and good.

But we (those you accused of loving the public school system and making excuses for queers) are vocal about wanting all pedophiles prosecuted.

You, on the other hand, try and divert the attention away from your beloved catholic clergy.

And you actually voluntarily provide monetary support for the organization that has spent decades enabling, sheltering, and protecting pedophiles.
Yet y'all love the public school system and make excuses for queers.
Let me see...

If there were say a Poobah-Principal of the United States of America of the Public School Systems (Long title, we'll call him Poobah) who was appointed to a lifetime appointment by all the State Arch-Principals and it was said he spoke for all Knowledge...

And this person was one who had shifted teachers from school to school after they had been caught raping little boys and girls...

I'd probably speak out against them too. As it stands I speak out against any system that systematically tortures children.
Ann Coulter, Godless

So because the number of potentially molested children is higher for public schools, you think everyone needs to give the Catholic Church a pass, eh?

Is that what you're saying?

And why oh why do you voluntarily give MONEY to a church that lets it's Priests molest little children?
So because the number of potentially molested children is higher for public schools, you think everyone needs to give the Catholic Church a pass, eh?

Is that what you're saying?

And why oh why do you voluntarily give MONEY to a church that lets it's Priests molest little children?

Not at all. The Church need to be extra vigilant and remove gay priests before they go on to molest boys. I bring up the subject of public schools to put the issue in perspective.
Not at all. The Church need to be extra vigilant and remove gay priests before they go on to molest boys. I bring up the subject of public schools to put the issue in perspective.

I don't believe its a matter of perspective as much as it is diversion.

But it really doesn't matter.

Look at what Damo posted. The most disgusting part is beyond the molestations. Itis the decades long, systematic protection of the molesters by the main organization and authority.