why does a guy who has a rich wife need SS?

yeah... ur innocent ... gotcha...

You're so rude.

Here tin is taking my advice and slowly stepping away from this thread where he got faced by practically everybody (including yourself) and you go bumping it for no reason.

So unkewl. soooo unkewl.
You are FORCED to by car insurance and it only pays out if you need it, ie car accident. I know, not a perfect analogy, but we have to start somewhere. Forbes and Trump and McCain and Obama and Bush don't need it and never will. Somethings gotta give. It was created in the 30's because there were thousands of people too old to work and no means to support themselves. It is supposed to keep us from having to eat dog food, or worse yet, potted meat.
Let's go on with your auto insurance analogy. So, say someone DOES have a car accident. (ie: retire) Does the insurance company have the right to deny them the benefits they BOUGHT AND PAID FOR, because the individual is wealthy enough to pay for the damages themselves? I mean, they don't NEED it, do they? They can go out and buy a new car.

Sorry, insurance does not work on a "if you need it" basis when circumstances warrant the benefit.

If McCain were to buy a life insurance policy (which would probably cost him more than its face value) should the insurance refuse to pay his wife when he dies because she doesn't need it? Nope, if he pays the premiums, then they pay when he dies, regardless of "need".

SS is in trouble because we keep SPENDING the surplus by loaning it to the federal general fund through an idiot law requiring the funds be "invested" in US treasury bills. Stop spending it and pay it back. Then invest it in the manner any private pension fund is required to be invested, and let the surplus grow. Even in troubled time like we currently face most pension funds continue to grow, or at least hold their own, due to diverse investment requirements. We don't need to privatize the fund, but if we followed the successful methods of private pension funds, that would end the SS crisis.

But when people are forced to pay into the fund through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, then they get the insurance benefits when they retire, which are the stipulation of the insurance - retirement income insurance.
while I totally agree, theres zero chance that something that smart and practicle will happen. Both parties have totally discarded any even attempt to be fiscally responsible. It's win on the amount of promises you can make, debt be dam.
People vote there wallets I've always said that. Oboma is promising a lot more to the midlle and lower classes.