Why does grind close threads then get annoyed when someone starts a new thread?


This is a discussion group grind. Why would we not want to talk about the latest banning? (in genral, no one specific).
This is a discussion group grind. Why would we not want to talk about the latest banning? (in genral, no one specific).

What is there to talk about. HowAIDS broke a very simple rule. Nothing to talk about. He should look at this as an opportunity to get his fledgling forum off the ground and get more than 10 members
too bad they don't ban racists.

oh wait

that would kill this site and it would be a left leaning bastion
Because they always devolve into flame wars. Always. It has never not happened. It will never not happen.
Why is Cawacko banned from this thread. That was pretty random. Of course, now that IHA has chosen to post here, he likely doesn't care...
Because they always devolve into flame wars. Always. It has never not happened. It will never not happen.

This coming from the "impartial" mod who likes to flame people's posts with his infantile "u has butt hurt" nonsense.

Flame wars are okay if it involves the mods...otherwise...not so much.
grind is better than most right wing mods.

To a one they were dishonest and power abusing to me
This is a discussion group grind. Why would we not want to talk about the latest banning? (in genral, no one specific).

because announcements are for announcements. I didn't say not to discuss it at all.

Therefore, your thread topic is kinda wrong. I don't get annoyed when people start a new thread on a particular topic, I just want it in the right area.
I understand and do apologize.

Right...Grind says he doesn't like flame wars, yet allows the biggest troll on the boards, ILA and his non-stop "n*gger n*gger n*gger", to flame post after post and thread after thread.

these are not inconsistent views. Yes, we allow things we personally do not like. People have the choice of many options at their disposal to silence those that do not like, you all have that freedom, and it's up to you. Choose your own adventure on JPP.