Why Does Legion Hate Christianity?

This is what happens when one does not rerad a post as written, but ignorantly cuts it up into pieces:
I split it up to address each claim one by one...

Never mentioned countries.
Then you need to better define what you mean when you say "right wing Christian shithole"... What precisely are you referring to, then?

However, to say that there are no places heavily influenced by Christians would be plain stupidity.
Never said nor denied that. I do agree that there were (and still are) places heavily influenced by Christianity.

Then you know nothing of Biblical Christianity.
I know plenty about it.

Perhaps you think that Blacks were not "second class" citizens until the Civil Rights Act.
Completely unrelated to our discussion.

Again, I never mentioned countries. They are "right wing" though.
Then answer my question above...

No, it is a Constitutional Democratic Republic. [deleted 'holy link']
Welcome to Paradox City, Home of Irrationality!!

(1) The USA is a Democracy.
(2) The USA is a Constitutional Democratic Republic.

Which is it?

Constitutional Democratic Republic is quite redundant, as a Republic IS a constitutional form of government. Also, democratically electing representatives is NOT the same thing as a Democracy. That can happen under both a Democracy AND a Republic. It's simply a method of choosing representatives; it is not a type of government.

Read what I said fool. See if you can grasp its meaning.
I did, and I did.
I split it up to address each claim one by one...

Then you need to better define what you mean when you say "right wing Christian shithole"... What precisely are you referring to, then?

Never said nor denied that. I do agree that there were (and still are) places heavily influenced by Christianity.

I know plenty about it.

Completely unrelated to our discussion.

Then answer my question above...

Welcome to Paradox City, Home of Irrationality!!

(1) The USA is a Democracy.
(2) The USA is a Constitutional Democratic Republic.

Which is it?

Constitutional Democratic Republic is quite redundant, as a Republic IS a constitutional form of government. Also, democratically electing representatives is NOT the same thing as a Democracy. That can happen under both a Democracy AND a Republic. It's simply a method of choosing representatives; it is not a type of government.

I did, and I did.

Sorry guillie, I am not going to get into another childish "debate" with you. Not worth it.
I have never avoided addressing your ignorance, or your lies, as you have done with this post.

I don't avoid addressing homosexuality, abortion, or any topic I find of interest. I do avoid hate threads that you, and others like you, that use their low IQ's to denigrate others. I find those threads to be lacking in any form of intellect, or common sense.

I'll understand if you lack the ability to understand, naturally.

Legion's just a lame troll in every sense of the term. It's best you just avoid him like a he's contagious. He'll mess around to get responses, and then report them. Just be mindful of 12b if you engage Legion.
Bush praised them'

Homosexuality is prohibited by Christianity/Judaism, and is punished by death in many Right Wing Christian shitholes
Women are second-class citizens under Christianity, and are oppressed in many Christian shitholes
Democracy, tolerance and freedom of speech are not practiced by many Christians

Christianity, as taught by Jesus, is not practiced by many Christians.

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Good for Bush.

Yup, it is sinful behavior.

The most likely reason for that is the need of a primitive warlike society for a continuous supply of sacrificial warm bodies. Homosexual relationships don't produce those warm bodies, thus are "sinful".

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Wave that white flag with pride, dude...

No "white flag" dudette, just not inclined to get into another childish "debate" with you where you think you are being intelligent by piecemealing everything I post. All it does is distort wwhat I say, and ends up in an endless, mindless, conversation. You are not that intelligent, and obviously have a need for limited thought.
The most likely reason for that is the need of a primitive warlike society for a continuous supply of sacrificial warm bodies. Homosexual relationships don't produce those warm bodies, thus are "sinful".

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Remember the Spartans - the only people who got marked graves were men who died in battle and women who died in childbirth.
No "white flag" dudette, just not inclined to get into another childish "debate" with you where you think you are being intelligent by piecemealing everything I post.
I am responding to each individual claim individually.

All it does is distort wwhat I say, and ends up in an endless, mindless, conversation.
Nothing is being distorted.

You are not that intelligent, and obviously have a need for limited thought.
This is a good example of a typical liberal being a typical liberal... This is accomplished by them projecting their own flaws onto others... Inversion Fallacy.