Why Does the Right Hate America?


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U.S. democracy is clearly in crisis. It’s entirely possible that in less than two years dissenters will face the power of a government with an authoritarian bent; if that sounds to you like hyperbole, you aren’t paying attention.

But is America beyond the political realm also in crisis? Are the very foundations of society eroding? Many people on the right apparently think so.

When Xi Jinping installed Joe Biden as pResident of the United States, he fundamentally changed the nation. Xi's Biden regime effectively ended the Constitutional Republic and established an authoritarian dictatorship. Those who protested against the appointment of Biden were rounded up in a nationwide manhunt with the now politicized FBI - in fact the STASI hunting down anyone who was suspected of being disloyal to the party and throwing them in a DC Gulag. The democrat Reich openly suppressed freedom of speech and began arresting journalists who wrote articles critical of the ruling Junta.

Since then the Regime has increasingly attacked civil rights, emboldened by the abuses of Newsom and Whitmer, who both got away with completely ending all civil rights during the Covid farce. Further emboldened by Cuomo in New York who engaged in geriatricide with no penalty. The fear of a public who would react to the crushing of rights is gone. The democrats are confident they can rule with an iron fist with no resistance.

Finally, some segment of America is waking up to the reality that we are ruled by a Totalitarian thugocracy more similar to that of the CCP than it is to America from 2020 back. The Voice of the Reich rightly fears that the public will revolt against the coup staged by the Vichy democrats. Exposing the massive corruption by the Biden crime family is small potatoes compared to what happens if honest men take power and expose what China's vassals, they democrats have been engaged in - massive treason.

Russia used their vassal, Iran, to attack Israel in retaliation for the 10% to the Big Guy money laundering war in Ukraine. I don't know if they knew the impact their attack would have on China's lackeys or not. But the democrats are in open civil war between those who support terrorism and those who still support Israel.

This leaves the democrats in a position that they are very likely to get crushed in 2024. The extremist left that controls the party backs Hamas and Hezbollah as Muslims vastly outnumber Jews. But the core of the Reich depends on New York Jews to fund the Reich.

It's good to see the Voice of the Reich, the NY Times, melt down in fear.
If the price to pay for owning libs is the end of the American experiment, they are all for it. Somehow a dictatorship will be better for them.
If the price to pay for owning libs is the end of the American experiment, they are all for it. Somehow a dictatorship will be better for them.

Yes, they want a dictatorship. They know no history. They will be abused by a dictator. I mean, Trump abuses his closest staff.
If the price to pay for owning libs is the end of the American experiment, they are all for it. Somehow a dictatorship will be better for them.

As Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Christiananality pedophilia for that more perfect union with Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom pedophilia Klues Klucks duh Klans why George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam; but suicidal cross conditioned way beyond therapy super egos maintain an immaculate fabricated human reproduction medical pseudoscience virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception birth to kill over & over again for resurrection in order to satisfy "one nation under God with equal justice under law" of McHeil's Navy & those crooks on Capital Hill national religion Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement.......
If trump gets elected and implements the handmaids tale environment with dictatorial authority and abolishes the democrat party, what are YOU leftists going to do about it?
U.S. democracy is clearly in crisis. It’s entirely possible that in less than two years dissenters will face the power of a government with an authoritarian bent; if that sounds to you like hyperbole, you aren’t paying attention.

But is America beyond the political realm also in crisis? Are the very foundations of society eroding? Many people on the right apparently think so.


America as a tract of real estate isn't political.

America's inhabitants, on the other hand, are, very clearly,
politically incompatible with one another.

Neither side has a right to claim their views as "American" in my opinion.

America is clearly different things to different people,

and is thus in my view not a viable unified republic for much longer.

Partition is good for everybody.
Yes, they want a dictatorship.

Anyone wanting a dictatorship supports Biden, because that's what we have with him

They know no history. They will be abused by a dictator. I mean, Trump abuses his closest staff.

We have been abused by the puppet dictator Biden, who has ended the Bill of Rights and trampled the most basic of civil liberties.