Why Does the Right Hate America?

These brain dead fucks don't hate this country, what they hate is the color its becoming. And they have a guy, promising not only to deport Brown, but he's also given them the okay, that unless your 1000% behind his madness, he'll go after them too. White people thrive on fear, that's why cops shoot first and ask questions later, that's why the gun industry booms, that's Jan 6 was so successful, at least in their minds.....you keep a white man in fear of losing his prominence, his first class access ticket in life and you'll find, just as Adolf Hitler taught the lessons of the future....YOU CAN CONTROL THEM

Oh look, it's guno...
There are some people who I believe hate America. Stereotyping the entire Right or Left as haters of America is misguided. Both the Left and Right believe that "their" ideas are needed to make America better, but 99.9% of both sides love America.

The biggest legitimate risk to the country are the fools from J6 who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.
There are some people who I believe hate America. Stereotyping the entire Right or Left as haters of America is misguided. Both the Left and Right believe that "their" ideas are needed to make America better, but 99.9% of both sides love America.

The biggest legitimate risk to the country are the fools from J6 who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.

Biggest risk is Trump and the Republican Party. Trump organized that violent attack on the Capitol.
There are some people who I believe hate America. Stereotyping the entire Right or Left as haters of America is misguided. Both the Left and Right believe that "their" ideas are needed to make America better, but 99.9% of both sides love America.

The biggest legitimate risk to the country are the fools from J6 who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.


You started out well, then sunk into the Stalinist totalitarian rut.

You were just fine with those who tried to interfere with the peaceful transfer of judicial power.

I guess some "insurrections" are good.
The Constitution of the United States of America defines what the nation is.

Is that too tough for you to grasp?

No. I understand that perfectly.

But your idiotic statement was "American = United States Constitution."
You can look that up.

That made no sense whatsoever,
which of course is typical of your posts.
My thread, you buffoon. My god, I hope you're always drunk and not just fucking stupid.


Your inflated sense of self-importance is amusing to witness.

You are a witless troll who rarely understands what is going on around you and why everyone is laughing at you.
No. I understand that perfectly.

But your idiotic statement was "American = United States Constitution."
You can look that up.

That made no sense whatsoever,
which of course is typical of your posts.

You claimed that no one has the right to claim to be American.

The response is simple, American = United States Constitution.

What is it that defines "American?" The Constitution. It makes perfect sense to anyone with an IQ greater than BidenPresident, which includes my dog, and you.

You started out well, then sunk into the Stalinist totalitarian rut.

You were just fine with those who tried to interfere with the peaceful transfer of judicial power.

I guess some "insurrections" are good.

I said nothing about any other situation.
You claimed that no one has the right to claim to be American.

The response is simple, American = United States Constitution.

What is it that defines "American?" The Constitution. It makes perfect sense to anyone with an IQ greater than BidenPresident, which includes my dog, and you.

Try to be more precise.

I claimed that nobody can define what values are American values because there is NO CONSENSUS among Americans.
We're split pretty equally between progressives like myself and reactionaries like yourself.

Other than in the preamble, which addresses nothing specific, the Constitution doesn't define values.
The Constitution defined how the new government would be constituted.

The system at which they arrived was the least efficient on the face of the earth...and remains so.

Not a problem to reactionaries living in their 9th grade civics class version of reality.
A problem to enlightened progressives sick of the gridlock.
I said nothing about any other situation.

You had to go to BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE.

Pimping the idiotic bullshit that it was anything more than a protest with some ancillary rioting to paint opponents of the democrat Reich as "the biggest threat to the country."

Not the open border where Hamas can waltz right in. Not BLM and ANTIFA raging for 2 years, killing 39 cops, looting over a billion dollars worth of goods, destroying over a trillion dollars of businesses. Not Quid Pro getting into a war with Russia in order to promote his money laundering scheme in Ukraine.

No, the biggest threat according to you is that people would dare speak up about a rigged election.
Try to be more precise.

I claimed that nobody can define what values are American values because there is NO CONSENSUS among Americans.
We're split pretty equally between progressives like myself and reactionaries like yourself.

Other than in the preamble, which addresses nothing specific, the Constitution doesn't define values.
The Constitution defined how the new government would be constituted.

The system at which they arrived was the least efficient on the face of the earth...and remains so.

Not a problem to reactionaries living in their 9th grade civics class version of reality.
A problem to enlightened progressives sick of the gridlock.

Simply not true.

The Constitution provides the CONSTRAINTS of the federal government, establishing three coequal branches locked into an elegant system of checks and balances to keep any one branch from amassing too much power. A form of government designed to limit government to maximize the liberty of the populace at large.

For Stalinist Totalitarians' like you, this presents a problem. The Constitution constrains you from the absolute dictatorship you desire. Totalitarianism is "efficient." Efficient at what? Efficient at grinding the population under the heel of the ruling elite, of course.

One side of the divide in this nation supports the Constitution and the representative republic it established. You on the Marxist side are fighting an ever more open war to end the Constitution and build a fascist totalitarian state where the enslaved populace are nothing but raw materials to be expended as the ruling caste sees fit. In the 3rd grade Marxist fantasy you live in, the rulers know best how to divide wealth - which you are told is some big pot and they will give you your fair share.

The United States Of America is the most successful nation in history. That success is due to the brilliant form of government and the economic underpinning of liberty - which is capitalism. Free men who trade value for value produce all that is good in this world. Collectivist Totalitarians bring only misery and death. Every place you Marxists have seized power is a horror of oppression and despair.

If you were to overthrow the USA, you would plunder the wealth, true enough. But you would stop the engine that produces wealth and prosperity. In you greed and lust for power, you would drive us into another dark age.
You on the Marxist side are fighting an ever more open war to end the Constitution and build a fascist totalitarian state where the enslaved populace are nothing but raw materials to be expended as the ruling caste sees fit.

As in Sweden? Denmark? The Netherlands?

You're one of those many dysfunctional idiots who think that fascism and socialism are the same thing.
No wonder Hitler and Stalin were such good buddies.
As in Sweden? Denmark? The Netherlands?

What do Capitalist Republics have to do with the Marxist hell you promote? The Social welfare experiments of the Nordic nations ended 40 years ago - complete failures. Denmark is LESS socialist than the USA at this point.

You're one of those many dysfunctional idiots who think that fascism and socialism are the same thing.
No wonder Hitler and Stalin were such good buddies.

That is because unlike you, I'm educated. I've read both Mussolini and Marx. I know Mussolini was a dedicated Socialist who crafted fascism to fix the flaws of Marxism. Marxism denies human nature and is doomed to failure. Stalin addressed this through mass corruption. The Soviet economy depended on a criminal black market to survive. Oh, and Hitler and Stalin WERE allies - you really need some basic education.