Why Does the Right Hate America?

What do Capitalist Republics have to do with the Marxist hell you promote? The Social welfare experiments of the Nordic nations ended 40 years ago - complete failures. Denmark is LESS socialist than the USA at this point.

That is because unlike you, I'm educated. I've read both Mussolini and Marx. I know Mussolini was a dedicated Socialist who crafted fascism to fix the flaws of Marxism. Marxism denies human nature and is doomed to failure. Stalin addressed this through mass corruption. The Soviet economy depended on a criminal black market to survive. Oh, and Hitler and Stalin WERE allies - you really need some basic education.

I'm finding you tiresome, Unc.
I'm finding you tiresome, Unc.

Because I expose your profound ignorance.

Your worldview is based on a fantasy built on abject ignorance. As I present facts, it shakes your conviction that a socialist dictatorship would give you everything you want for free.
No. I understand that perfectly.

But your idiotic statement was "American = United States Constitution."
You can look that up.

That made no sense whatsoever,
which of course is typical of your posts.

As some 50 years later in this Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" not so master plan of Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" Fourth Reich July Bicentennial celebration of killing a fabricated medical pseudoscience human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception hallowed with a day of the dead weening on giving thanks with sweets as reinforcement followed with thanksgiving in expectation for killing for another immaculate conception reinforcement immaculate virgin birth reinforcement with presents to further a resurrection to kill again cycle of survival of the fittest fascists suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming demogoguery of HA MAS ! "Never Again" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists two faced schizoid patriot act not so master race Islamidiotocracy.....
As some 50 years later in this Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" not so master plan of Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" Fourth Reich July Bicentennial celebration of killing a fabricated medical pseudoscience human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception hallowed with a day of the dead weening on giving thanks with sweets as reinforcement followed with thanksgiving in expectation for killing for another immaculate conception reinforcement immaculate virgin birth reinforcement with presents to further a resurrection to kill again cycle of survival of the fittest fascists suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming demogoguery of HA MAS ! "Never Again" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists two faced schizoid patriot act not so master race Islamidiotocracy.....

That's definitely one way to look at it, Salty. Thanks.
You had to go to BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE.

Pimping the idiotic bullshit that it was anything more than a protest with some ancillary rioting to paint opponents of the democrat Reich as "the biggest threat to the country."

Not the open border where Hamas can waltz right in. Not BLM and ANTIFA raging for 2 years, killing 39 cops, looting over a billion dollars worth of goods, destroying over a trillion dollars of businesses. Not Quid Pro getting into a war with Russia in order to promote his money laundering scheme in Ukraine.

No, the biggest threat according to you is that people would dare speak up about a rigged election.

Yes, The biggest threat are people who attempt to overturn an election and force their person into office through violence and threats of violence. The sub-threat are people who believe the lies of a stolen election spread by the President and his people.
Why Does the Right Hate America?
U.S. democracy is clearly in crisis. It’s entirely possible that in less than two years dissenters will face the power of a government with an authoritarian bent; if that sounds to you like hyperbole, you aren’t paying attention.

But is America beyond the political realm also in crisis? Are the very foundations of society eroding? Many people on the right apparently think so.

The Right doesn't hate America. They just hate that the colored people and women have the same rights as Euro-American males. They want to return America to the days of Jefferson and Madison when only British males had rights and everyone else knew their place.

Pretty simple, really. Simple-minded, of course, but simple to understand just the same.
Yes, The biggest threat are people who attempt to overturn an election and force their person into office through violence and threats of violence. The sub-threat are people who believe the lies of a stolen election spread by the President and his people.

That would be the White Supremacist Euro-American males and their supporters.
There are some people who I believe hate America. Stereotyping the entire Right or Left as haters of America is misguided. Both the Left and Right believe that "their" ideas are needed to make America better, but 99.9% of both sides love America.

The biggest legitimate risk to the country are the fools from J6 who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.

Except republicans say we are not a democracy

That means they hate what the founders designed
The Right doesn't hate America. They just hate that the colored people and women have the same rights as Euro-American males. They want to return America to the days of Jefferson and Madison when only British males had rights and everyone else knew their place.

Pretty simple, really. Simple-minded, of course, but simple to understand just the same.

Which means they hate American democracy and its results
Which means they hate American democracy and its results

That is a more accurate statement and agreed. :)

They're disagreeing with the results of American voters so they plan to change the results through force.
They dont honor the choice of the people

They deny we are even based on what the people want

They say we are a republic we’re they get to pick who represents the people

They want to own a banana republic
Except republicans say we are not a democracy
That means they hate what the founders designed

The above shows an ignorance of how the Founders set things up. The country wasn't to be a "democracy" but a representative republic.

At the federal level the Founders went to great lengths to divide up power to keep from concentrating it to any one group.

The House of Representatives was the "People's House." Representatives were directly elected within their district by The People.

The Senate represented the states, not the people. State legislatures and governors appointed Senators for a six-year term without any popular vote by the public. The 17th Amendment idiotically changed this system to a direct vote by The People, turning the Senate into a second House and fucking everything up.

The President was indirectly elected using the electoral college. The purpose of this system was to even out power between big populous states and smaller low population states. Now, Leftist retards, like YOU, want to try and turn it into another popular referendum making the whole of the federal government concentrate power into a single election system ensuring that it grows into an authoritarian, one-party, government that will ass rape the public at large.

You are just too stupid and stoned to recognize how evil and retarded what you claim to want is.
The above shows an ignorance of how the Founders set things up. The country wasn't to be a "democracy" but a representative republic.

At the federal level the Founders went to great lengths to divide up power to keep from concentrating it to any one group.

The House of Representatives was the "People's House." Representatives were directly elected within their district by The People.

The Senate represented the states, not the people. State legislatures and governors appointed Senators for a six-year term without any popular vote by the public. The 17th Amendment idiotically changed this system to a direct vote by The People, turning the Senate into a second House and fucking everything up.

The President was indirectly elected using the electoral college. The purpose of this system was to even out power between big populous states and smaller low population states. Now, Leftist retards, like YOU, want to try and turn it into another popular referendum making the whole of the federal government concentrate power into a single election system ensuring that it grows into an authoritarian, one-party, government that will ass rape the public at large.

You are just too stupid and stoned to recognize how evil and retarded what you claim to want is.

Fuck you

You also hate history and want it filtered to keep it from having facts you don’t like taught
U.S. democracy is clearly in crisis.
The United States was never a democracy.
It’s entirely possible that in less than two years dissenters will face the power of a government with an authoritarian bent; if that sounds to you like hyperbole, you aren’t paying attention.
Government IS authority.
But is America beyond the political realm also in crisis? Are the very foundations of society eroding? Many people on the right apparently think so.
Yes. The cause is DEMOCRATS (or DEMOCRATICS, depending who you ask!).